Heiban looked up at Maraha and murmured.

"I've heard he's back, but it feels strange to see him in person.”

In the past, it was Hiban who knocked down Maraha, who appeared with a monster. They had forced Maraha, who boasts an immutable body, out by force.

However, Maraha did not even look at Hiban, and was only willing to kill Asher.

Asher, looking at Maraha, murmured.

"You brought your arm.”

The white part of the arm he had cut was shaped like an arm in contrast to the color of Maraha. Hiban strode forward.

"Leave him to me. It's hard. It's not a problem."


This type is intelligent. Would such beings have come back without thinking?

Not in his mind.


Highban's body flew in the air with a shout. When he wielded the sword, Aurer raced toward Maraha, reconciling himself with a huge spear.

In the past, Mahara was banished from the world after being stuck to the ends of the earth for this. Orer reached the point of Maraha, and Maraha's body was shaking like a smile.

Maraha's white arms moved. His arms began to cover up the anger with smoke.


The pupils of the high class dilated. The auror began to weigh down like a substance. He tried to deal with Aure quickly, but he didn't move like the hand of a child caught by an adult.

"Well... other."

Hiban, who landed on the ground, stared blankly down at my sword. Still his auror was caught in a white arm.

I can't believe I can't control him. It was something I had never experienced before.

Maraha's white arms moved, and soon the cramped aur was shelled and shot at his master. As soon as Hiban tried to avoid it with clenched teeth, Asher came up.


Hiban's auror, which hit Asher's sword, disappeared without leaving a trace.

"You open the way."

Maraha was after him. There was only one thing that could be killed if it didn't work.

"In the meantime, I've got this guy."

"Oh, Asher."

"That's the size of course. It will take a long time to open the way."

The size that covers the sky. It would not be empty inside, so even two heroes seemed to take time. Highban faltered, but he had no choice but to nod his head.

"Okay, Le Penia."

"Uh. Uh-huh. Be careful. Asher."

"I'll try."

Lephenia and Hivan rushed toward the sea monster. The monster's body moved and a tidal wave hit him. Maraha punched at the wall of high waves.


The tidal wave broke under the pressure of the authorities. Asher grabbed the sword.


We met on our way to the north, and we lost. I succeeded in cutting off an arm, but if it wasn't for a god I didn't know his name, he would have died.

But now he is different from then. The body could withstand his strength and also use it.

Maraha wrapped his wings around me. The air began to tremble and its presence began to expand.

"Come again. Monster."

Maraha sprinted at him.


The rushing Maraha was accelerated and there was a lingering image. In the blink of an eye, Maraha, who reached his nose, clenched his fist.


The forest was swept away by a thrown fist. Asher, who turned away, grabbed the sword with both hands and struck it down. He drew a line.


There was no Maraha in the place where the sword was swung. Maraha flew high into the sky and looked down at him.

"You're being careless.”

He seemed to grasp him one by one. It's understandable that the arm was cut off, but it was so different from the previous Maraha that the laughter came out.

Maraha landed on the ground as if the grasp was over. He raised his hands and clenched his fist.


The earth shook and Maraha rushed at him. a different and restrained movement Asher put the sword through the spattered fists.


Turn the inserted sword and punch it out. When the sword was struck down with a pure white auror, Maraha twisted aside instead of pulling himself out. He punched at Asher's temple in an undisturbed posture.


Asher stuck his arm in, blocked it, and stabbed the sword. This time again, Maraha went out of orbit and dug into his chest, instead of falling into a big hole like before.

"This is again."

With a laugh, Asher stepped forward. He pushed the burrowing Maraha over his shoulder, pulled his arm and struck him on the chest. Maraha rolled the ground roughly.

"That's human rights.”

I don't know where I learned it, but I moved like an experienced fighter.

'You're trying this and that.’

Previously, all of Maraha's movements were detected when fighting Asher. He was caught by force, speed, and last-minute variables, but until then he was not able to use his hands properly.

However, there was no big difference between him and Maraha now. He must have thought that he could not win the sea as he did in the past, but he brought about human rights.

"It's great... but it doesn't mean anything."

There was something the monster didn't know. Maraha came running again. The proper human law of bending the shoulders, protecting the body with one arm, and attacking with the other.

Asher knew too well about that law.


Lightly avoid swinging fists and slap their fists on Maraha's face. His own speed and Asher's power combine to sink deep into the ground. Asher raised his foot.


Maraha was trampled and cracked the ground. He scrambled to his feet and punched again, but the trajectory was avoided by a predictable, light head. He struck me down.


Maraha flew into the sky in a hurry, but the ankle was cut small as if he could not avoid it completely. It wasn't a fatal wound, but it was a clear wound.

"The relocation was more complicated."

Asher also learned that law, so she knew how to respond and how to deal with it. As in the past, it was rather tricky to run wild like animals without a certain standard.

As if she realized it, Maraha did not take any posture. I just fluttered my wings and lowered my hands long.

'Now it's real.’

The monster who realizes his power will not simply be defeated. Maha wrapped his wings around him and opened them up. A gale swept toward Asher.

As soon as he held the ground with strength in both legs, Maraha punched like an animal.

A movement for pure instinct with no specifications, no patterns, nothing. Therefore, it was more difficult. Asher held the sword, avoiding a swirling fist.

The sword stained with auror cuts the diagonal roughly. Maraha flaps his wings over Asher's head to avoid and raise his feet.

a quadduck

The ground dents when the foot is lowered. Maraha, who avoided the swinging sword by force of opposition, waved his white hand.


The hands dispersed like smoke and clung to Asher's whole body. There was a strong repression like thousands of shackles.

Asher shook his body with a burst of anger. The pressure spread like a fog, twisting the angle of the earth at the wavelength.

"What the heck!"

Chariot, who was dealing with monsters like Merced, screamed. The ground cracked and her body began to sink underground. I managed to get out just before, but if I did something wrong, I would have been stuck underground.

"What a mess."

She kicked her tongue out and began to push the monsters away again, and Asher and Maraha once again rushed at each other.

In the midst of the world's end-of-life landscape, Asher caught the sword as a traitor. He avoided Maraha's finger trying to peel the flesh and grabbed the black wings.


Maraha's scream broke out. One of his wings was cut off and caught in Asher's hand.

"One for now."


The earth shook with a roar. Maraha rushed to Asher with his only wings. Asher bent her knees and dodged the ground. He swung the sword down at Maraha.



Maraha, whose remaining wing was cut off, rolled the ground. An indescribable scream began to echo through the world.

"I'm scared."

I felt a lot of weight when I lifted the fallen wings. At least it wasn't as mass as it seemed.

Maraha sat down and glared at him without saying anything. He stood up falteringly, and Asher picked up the sword once again.

But instead of running at him, Maraha turned and ran to the other side. Asher frowned.

"Running away?"

It occurred to me for a moment, but I erased it right away. You came to kill him and ran away. It was not an act to fit in with the monster. Asher looked where Maraha was going.

In the direction of Maraha, a monster of the sea was lying down.

Asher's face has hardened.



Asher ran over the sea, kicking his tongue. His speed is no match for Maraha, but the response was too late. When he arrived at the sea monster, Maraha had already entered the monster.

'If there was an Ensir.’

I felt more and more sad. If it were N'Sir, I could have told him in advance to prepare, but things happened where I didn't even think about it.

No. Maybe it won't work if I said it. If Maraha tried to avoid a fight, it was hard to catch him.

Asher went deep inside the monster.

After Le Penia and Hivan had already gone wild, the insides had been shattered. Asher might have gone about 30 minutes on the open road enough for the corps to enter, Hiban and Le Penia were embarrassed.


"Maraja. It must have passed this way."

"Oh, yeah. I tried to stop it, but the white arm overpowered him....”

"That's not good."

Asher brushed them in. Ivan and Le Penia rushed to follow him.

"How long have we cleared the road?"

"I'm almost done. Strangely, he didn't resist at all. There was no movement of the big body."

As they moved forward, there were signs of destruction, not their destruction. Heiban uttered in a voice of dismay.

"He's attacking him...?”

"Asher. What the hell is going on? Why is Maraha attacking his own people?”

"The sorcerer made a sword that devoured its power."

Asher swept the pen.

"The foundation of the power was the type, and it absorbed the power of the black type and made it mine."

It couldn't have been impossible just because of this brother. Their faces hardened after they understood what they meant.

"No way..."

They finally reached the center of the monster. In the midst of countless destruction, Maraha was holding a small jewel.

"You're late."

I could feel the power of this type on a small jewel. Maraha's face split as he was looking at the jewel.


A mouth sprang from his bare face and swallowed the jewels. Le Penia swallowed and Hiban groaned.


"This is how it works. I didn't know."

Maraha's body twisted. His feet were rooted into the monster body of the sea, and he began to expand like tentacles.

It was a fusion, not an absorption of power. The two beings, the monster, became one.


The first words Maraha uttered were hateful words.

[I'll kill you.]


The sea trembled.

The monster began to move.

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