Reincarnation of the Sword Master

158. Facing persons (4)

Oh, dear.

The face of the Ma tribe was instantly stained with despair at the stupid answer. It was obvious that he was caught by humans to enter this place. The Ma people were so terrified that even he could not recognize them.


Hmm. From here?

What are you talking about?

No, I'm talking to myself.

The two looked the same. The shape of the horn, its color, and its body size were no different.

asked the locked mahjong, frowning.

Why are you here?

I don't know. He grabbed me and brought me here.

…I see.

The trapped mahjong hit his head between his knees in a melancholy manner. The mahjong who came in tilted his head.

What do you know?

it's done

The trapped mahjong exclaimed nervously. It was obvious even without looking. Having two maids in the same place means that you're going to make a difference. Or torture them and frighten them.

I guess so.

Whatever it was, it wasn't a good thing. The mahjong, who came to him who was depressed, said in a lively voice.

Anyway, I'm glad I'm alive!

You're playing. We're gonna die.

Think well! Wizards never know what's going to happen! Like I've come out of a lot of crises!

a stupid fellow

The mahjong, who was trapped in a horse that could not be said unless the flower garden was spread out in his head, looked with pitiful eyes.

He was a fool, too.

It was a common occurrence. The strength of the low horse race was low and low, and sometimes there were those who did not have proper intelligence.

The one who just came in seemed to be like that.

Don't talk to me.

The mah people hit their heads again. The mahjong, who was treated as an idiot, tilted his head.



'It'll work out.'

He became a slave to the bottom master, but the foundation is a low horse race. He was of the same race to the mah people.

Human beings do not speak to them, but they will be different to their own people.

Of course, it couldn't be done overnight, so I had to wait for the time first. And during that time, there was someone to visit him.

Asher opened her mouth to the coming footsteps.

"You're here."


Behind Asher, Rebekh was looking at him with a stiff face. Asher turned away calmly.

"Where is Mr. Venesia?"

"She is not showing her face in a secluded house. I visited him again today, but he didn't open the door."

"Is that so?"

Asher nodded silently.

"You have something to say."


asked Rebek in a hoarse voice.

"How did you feel when you first saw me?"

"I wasn't impressed."

Asher said without emotion.

"Oh, that kid was just so big. That's what I thought.”


Rebelow gave a long sigh. The honorifics, not informal language, popped out of his mouth.

"Yes, captain of the guard."

"Why are you suddenly respecting me?"

“당신이 애셔가 아닌, 진정 경비대장이라면 제 존대를 받아 마땅하니까요. 이 자리에서 반말을 할 사람은 당신입니다.”

“지금의 전 애셔입니다.”

그는 애셔다. 베네시아가 기른 양자이며, 레베로크를 아버지로 섬겼었다. 그가 전생에 경비대장이었던 것과는 상관없이 반말을 쓸 순 없었다.

“존대가 편합니다. 당신은 애셔가 아니니까요.”

“편하신 대로 하시죠.”

선을 긋는 레베로크에 애셔 또한 담담히 말했다. 레베로크가 눈가를 쓸었다.

"…I don't blame you."

Reveloc also cared about Asher as a child. Even if Luke and Leica were born, they would not abandon their affection for Asher.

But as Asher grew up, she became more and more crooked. With Asher's thoughtlessness and ignorance of her own subject, Rebek began to become less and less attached. And later on, I didn't have any feelings.

That's why he decided he didn't care who Asher was right before him. But Rebek had no choice but to ask.

"You said you met Asher. How was he?"

"He's different."

At least Asher, whom he met, was a completely different person from their memories.

"I regretted my choices and actions, and I abandoned my useless hatred. At least I wasn't a troublemaker like I heard."

Reveloc's pupils shook. Biting his lips without a word, he turned around. Asher said to his flickering back.

"And I asked him to tell you that he was sorry."


Rebecca's foot stopped. He burst out laughing with complicated emotions.

"If you're going to change, you're going to change."


Apart from the ground, the atmosphere underground was not so dark. The trapped Ma clan, who was told not to talk to each other, began to talk to each other, whether they felt relieved to be with their own people.

You're not a man of mission like me.


The mahjong, who entered the horse that had been trapped, nodded.

It just cracked open and went in there. If you're Ma, you know that, right? What do you think about the low horse race? So I come down to earth, meet my master. You did a great job.

The Ma people who came in murmured with their eyes reminiscent of the past. The trapped mahjong tilted his head.


Yes! I believe in my master!

…you mean the Devil?

No! He's amazing and amazing! He knows me better than anyone else!

The Ma people who came in raised their arms with their eyes full of heat.

He gives me a lot! He gives me maggots for survival, even saves my friend! My great master! I believe in you, aah!

It was a praise that showed madness, but the Ma-jong, who had been trapped, heard it. Low-class mah people were often dependent on someone because it was virtually impossible to survive alone.

You met a good owner.

Most owners treat low-class horse-riding as objects and use it as an experiment material. He was a really good master if he gave magi and saved his friend.

Then why are you stuck here?

To fulfill his master's orders. Oh. I don't want to. I don't want to...

Poor thing.

I felt sorry for the Ma people who were trapped. He was locked up here to carry out the king's orders, but he was prepared for it himself.

However, the mahjong in front of him was just an unlucky one. It was a pity that he knew the life of a low-class horse.

…they're going to tell me about the devil's plan. But I'm gonna shut up. The devil is everything to me.

The Majok, who had been locked up, said to himself as if he were determined I was determined to risk my life, but the horse that came in didn't respond much.

Yeah? But isn't it dangerous for the others to get you caught? Humans know how to do it now.

But it won't be easy to find. It's dangerous, but they can carry out the orders they've been given.


The incoming mahjong crept up.

Can I help you?


The trapped mahjong looked up.

How can I help you when you're locked up?

Haha! My master cares about me!

The Ma-jong, who came in, opened his arms proudly. There was a shock in the eyes of the mahjong, who had been watching. The body of the Ma tribe that entered slowly erases into the shadow, and soon it is covered.


What do you think? That's enough to get away!

It was not just a shadow, but the magi itself disappeared. I couldn't even feel the existence of an ordinary person.

I'm sorry, but it's hard to take you because it's for one person.

Ah. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

The face of the madman, who was excited, was instantly filled with despair. However, he soon opened his mouth with determination.

It's okay. I was prepared. Can you help me instead?

Of course. Tell me.

The mahjong, who was hidden by the darkness, grinned.

Where are the others?


Asher swung up and down. The edge of the sword moved sharply and cut the air.

"Come out."

…I'm doomed. You're quick-witted.

Asher's shadow rolled and the mahjong appeared. He looked around me with a weary look.

I'm sure the owner said he couldn't see anyone, but how did he know?

"Because I have good eyes. That means you're done.”


The mah people nodded.

Not everything, but I've heard all the characteristics of the guys around here. What is it? Bellatria? Belarria? There are two in there are there?

"Tell me."

The Ma people continued. The types, characteristics, and weaknesses of the horse's existence in each territory popped out one by one. Asher racked up the information of the Ma tribe.

"I think you're right.”

It was information about a total of 20 villages. If this information was transmitted to other villages through Reveloc, confusion would certainly be greatly reduced.

"I'm going to have to work hard after this. Do the same elsewhere."

Ugh... I can't refuse it because it's the owner's name. Okay. It's going to take a long time to get together with Pedro. Should I get you a present?

Asher opened her mouth to the calm murmur of the Ma people.

"You're not impressed.”

What do you mean?

The Maas looked at Asher as if they didn't know English.

"Your roots are the Ma tribe. It's the property of the bottom owner, but it hasn't changed."

Are you serious?

The Ma people laughed at Asher's words.

I'm a low horse. You guys are no better than slaves.

In the world of mana, the low horse race was a kind of livestock for the same mana tribe.

I don't have any attachment to the horse world.

A low-class mana from birth, he hated the world.

Other low-class maids admire the devil, but not me. That's why I came down to earth, and I'm satisfied with my present master. He treats me as a personality.

The mah people said cynically.

Wagon? Tell them to do whatever they want. I don't care if it's destroyed or not as long as it's me, Pedro, and my master.

Until now, there has been no mahjong who betrayed Ma. Although the strength of the force was insignificant, the Ma clan in front of it was also one of the unusual beings, such as the Tacan.

'Well, we're not the only ones who'll get twisted.’

The ground changes over time. The manometer would not be much different, either.

But... I don't want him killed. It's uncomfortable for a fellow to die.

"I won't kill you."

I'm just locking him up. I didn't mean to kill him. I don't mean to let you go.

It was impossible to know what would be good except for the mahjong himself.


A week has passed since then. As information about the Ma tribe spread to other territories, chaos within the empire began to diminish.

During that time, Asher did not move anywhere else within the territory. Luke came to me from time to time to ask me about the attitude of just waiting for something.

"He. Shouldn't we go somewhere else?" It's slowly stabilizing, but there are still a lot of places that are being pushed back, right?”

With the arrival of the Elves and Orcs, the troubled sea monster has been solved and humans are driving out the horse, but they have not yet won.

Asher swung the sword silently.

"There are people waiting. It's almost time to come.”


A commotion was detected in Asher's mood. Asher left the training room with a sword in her lap.

When I arrived at the gate, I first saw the guards who looked embarrassed.

"I heard you were here."

A calm voice came from beyond the guns of the guards.

"I don't mean to hurt you. I want you to open the way."

"Ha, but….”

"Please move away."

Asher walked past the guards and left the gate. Outside, there was a verchia dressed in pure white.

" were there."

"I've been waiting."

The sun god. The story with the gods.

I thought it was time to come, and she actually arrived here.

Berchia opened her mouth with a gloomy face.

"Are you all right?"

"That's all right."


The door of the carriage that the saint rode opened and the black hair shook. The woman who appeared smiled and waved.

You still look the same. And I think I found yours, too.

"…God who doesn't know his name?"

Asher frowned. The woman with black hair grinned.

Long time no see, precious child.

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