At present, with the ability of the SCP Foundation, it is not possible to destroy SCP-682 Immortal Lizard for the time being, and its regenerative ability is too powerful.

Even if the immortal lizard is quantized, it will gradually reorganize and restore the prototype, which is an extremely threatening anomaly, an existence that must be eliminated and cannot be eliminated.

In desperation, in order to prevent the Immortal Lizard from causing greater damage to human society, the SCP Foundation could only contain it at a huge cost.

The method of containment involves trapping the Immortal Lizard in a 5m x 5m x 5m containment container, lining the container with a reinforced acid-fast steel plate 25cm thick, and finally filling the container with hydrochloric acid until SCP-682 is completely sunk and unable to resist.

And even if it is so, it may not be able to contain successfully, it is easy to cause abnormal resistance of the immortal lizard, which will often cause greater losses at that time, so only the SCP Foundation can contain it, and only have the resources and courage to contain it.

Therefore, when the lizard cannot be contained, there is a high probability that there will be no accident.


After the whole assembly, all the members of the reincarnation task force boarded the fighter, of course, and of course brought the little thing of the itchy monster.

Now the position of the Immortal Lizard is a wasteland, hundreds of kilometers away from the reincarnation task force base, so in order to quickly arrive, you need to take a fighter plane.

Dozens of minutes later, approaching the area, the helicopter had the sign of the reincarnation task force and would not be blocked and intercepted.

The helicopter received a communication request from the base below.

"Boss, there is a communication request for the codename to block the base." The driver, who was driving the helicopter, asked.

"Turn on." It should be the communication of the Nine-Tailed Snake Task Force, and now they are in charge of the work of containing the immortal lizards.

Lu Yi sat in the co-pilot's position of the helicopter to rest, and soon the communication connection was completed, and there was a sound in the audio.

"Is it the reincarnation task force? We are Task Force Ninetails codenamed 1325.

"I am Louie, the leader of the reincarnation task force, and the reincarnation task force code name 0037."

"Received, Chief Louis, please also land at the marked place."


As the other party sent a marker, the communication was disconnected, Lu Yi did not speak again, the tank is an expert in these aspects, and there is no need to remind him additionally.

Soon the helicopter landed safely at the marked point, and Lu Yi looked at the helicopter construction of the reincarnation task force during the flight, which was scientific and technological, but not too high.

With Lu Yi's mechanical manufacturing level for a period of time, it is not difficult to imitate the finished product, but it will take a long time and has no value.

Contractors need to constantly shuttle at other times, storage space is very limited, and there are few large machines developed, so in the early and middle stages, there will be contractors who develop small gundams because of their feelings, and there are also mechanical departments in the middle and late stages, but they often develop life machines.

This is the benefit of knowing the development of Samsara Paradise in advance, so it is inevitable that Lu Yi chooses to go to the technique type. Even said that if it weren't for Su Xiao's path of destroying the law, he would have the idea of following the other party's path.

This is the thinking of a normal person, knowing the road and taking other unknown roads, this is not a warrior, this is a fool.

Of course, it is not that the technique type is the only correct choice, other roads are just as awesome as the extreme, and Lu Yi is just following his opportunity to plan the road.

Walking down from the helicopter, Lu Yi stretched his body, the helicopter of the reincarnation task force is already much larger than the real world, but unfortunately he still sits a little suffocated.

Greeted by several researchers and members of the Nine-Tailed Serpent Task Force, after a few polite words, they began to get down to business.

According to the treatment of the immortal lizard, the surrounding 50 kilometers were all cleared, and there were traces of other buildings on the ground, it was obvious that this was not a wasteland, but after the bully of the immortal lizard arrived, it was forced to transform into a wasteland.

In this 50-kilometer range, countless drones fly to detect it every day, in order to monitor the unexterminated lizard and prevent it from escaping this range.

Immortal lizards also need to eat, and the area has become a wasteland with a direct connection to it.

Lay it under siege here now, but this is not a long-term solution, the Immortal Lizard is a highly intelligent creature, although until now no one has been able to understand its language.

Now relying on active feeding and physical control, the immortal lizard does not mean to run away, but no one can guarantee that it will always stay in this range.

Once you escape from this range, the situation will be very dangerous, and if you enter the city, it will be a devastating disaster. The source of the Immortal Lizard is unknown, but it hates all living things, so the SCP Foundation's response method is to eliminate it.

It's a pity that more than ten extermination plans have failed, and I have no choice but to carry out normal containment.

"Tolkien, when you find out the identity of the Immortal Lizard, take action immediately, and prepare the container and hydrochloric acid, right?" Lu Yi looked at the thermal imaging map, which was updating every minute for accuracy.

"Chief Louis, everything is ready, everything is going according to the plan you laid out."

Tolkien, the captain of the Nine-Tailed Serpent Task Force, a supernatural who masters the gold element, was originally a member of the Global Supernatural Alliance, and joined the SCP Foundation because of disagreements, and his strength is not bad and very capable.

The Global Supernatural Alliance is named the world, you can imagine the strength of the other party, their existence is to monitor the supernatural world, and consider themselves the police of the supernatural world.

Their concept of anomalies is different from that of the SCP Foundation, which will deal with them accordingly according to the degree of danger of the abnormality, but the Global Paranormal Alliance advocates the destruction of supernatural individuals. However, the Global Supernatural Alliance respects the strength of the SCP Foundation.

There are still many forces in this world, but none of them can shake the absolute supremacy of the foundation.

"Chief Louis, SCP-682 has been locked. Take a look! Tolkien connected the large screen, and as he kept moving the terminal in his hand, a thermal image of a reptile appeared on the big screen.

With a body length of about seven or eight meters, there are very few animals and plants in this area, and they are probably devoured by immortal lizards.

"Then go according to the original plan." Lu Yi took the terminal handed by Tolkien, looked at the thermal imaging of the immortal lizard, and clicked the thermal imaging area a few times.

After speaking, Tolkien began to act, countless missiles set off from the base, heck!

Precision strike!

The first few missiles all hit the immortal lizard, and it suddenly woke up in its sleep, initially confused, looking at the vandal forelimbs, and gradually changed from ignorance to anger!

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