After drinking coffee, Lu Yi took the communicator given by the old gentleman and left the café, while Dark Raven liked the taste of coffee and took the initiative to stay in the café.

The dark crow and the old gentleman have a common hobby, as well as elegant affection, that is called a late meeting, invited to taste other treasured coffee.

Lu Yi's safety has never been worried about Lu Yi's safety, the ability to split and resurrect and reincarnate is very strong, and it is not easy to really kill him.

Moreover, after the evolution of the Dark Raven, the physical attributes have been greatly improved, and it is no longer the original auxiliary follower, but has become a non-weak main force.

It is also good to leave him with the old gentleman, so that both sides can rest assured, the Nature Association does not worry about Lu Yi paddling, and Lu Yi does not have to worry about the other party not paying.

The remuneration is the most secondary aspect for him, and what interests him more is the follow-up cooperation with the Nature Association.

According to the information detected by the Dark Raven Split Body, the Shattered God Sect and the Chaos Splinter have united.

And not only the two local forces, but also the violator who had provoked him also agreed to cooperate with them.

It seems that they are going to do something in the world of containments, and the location they chose to do is Sheffield City, which is a mechanical city by the sea.

But it's not necessarily a bad thing that the enemy is united.

Originally, only Lu Yi dealt with the dangerous violator himself, and perhaps the foundation would give some assistance. But private work is private work after all, and the members of the foundation will not take helping him seriously.

At most, members of the reincarnation contingent and grassroots personnel of the Foundation will be available to him.

But now that those forces are united, the SCP Foundation has enough reason to get rid of these enemies.

In this way, dealing with violators has changed from Lu Yi's private work to a common goal and a common enemy, and it has become a matter of course.

Not only that, but the Nature Association and the Broken God Sect also have a deep hatred, and in the face of this situation, it is an inevitable trend to unite.

In order to show the sincerity of cooperation, Lu Yi gave part of the body tissue of the immortal lizard to the old gentleman, which was very valuable for research on the surface, but actually worthless.

The immortal ability of the immortal lizard is beyond the understanding of this world, and it is impossible to study the reason with the scientific research level of the containment world.

But even if it was such a gift, it was still good, and the old gentleman was very generous and gave him another soul crystal (middle).

Lu Yi was surprised that the Nature Association was rich, and while thinking about how to take more benefits from them.

The anomaly invited to be contained is in the Foundation's project number SCP-106, and his name is Old Man Terror.

is also an S-class humanoid anomaly, the same S-class abnormality, the strength of the terrifying old man may be similar to the epidemic doctor, but the degree of weirdness is better than the epidemic doctor who will stiffen when touched.

The basic image of the terrifying old man is that of a rotten old man with a corrosive liquid on his body, capable of corroding everything he touches.

In addition to this ability to corrode, the terrifying old man also has the ability to freely cross solids, but according to the records of the foundation's previous containment projects, it should be able to shuttle between solids with less density, and when the density of solids increases, this ability to shuttle will be limited.

Therefore, the containers used by the Foundation to house the terrifying elderly are often made of lead-lined steel, and because of his presence of corrosive liquids, multiple containers are needed to contain him.

The terrifying old man also has the ability to manipulate space, perception, memory, and attack, often using a sneak attack to break the calf of the prey, and then drag the prey into the empty bag space.

Strangely, according to the archives, the pocket space of the terrifying old man seems to be another dimensional space, and he is the only one in it.

The terrifying old man can freely shuttle between two latitudes, which undoubtedly increases the difficulty of containment, but fortunately, the other party still has a weakness of slow movement.

Slow movement means walking almost the same as normal people.

Walking back to the Fengdu branch of the foundation, he saw several contractors who took the task sporadically on the way, and he did not have the idea of asking the contractor to assist.

At the low level, the moisture of the contractors is still very large, and there are few contractors who can carry the banner, and for ordinary contractors, being able to deal with several B-level anomalies in the containment world, and even C-level abnormalities are already considered strong.

To deal with A-level abnormalities, it would take at least dozens or hundreds of contractors to besiege the feat that was possible.

And like in the face of epidemic doctors, immortal lizards, and terrifying old people, these S-level abnormalities, it is not easy to survive, how dare you have the idea of containment.

Not all Covenanters have a strong combat talent, and it is the strong who go through world killings and then stand out and advance.

But all the contractors who leave their names in "Reincarnation Paradise", even if they are just supporting characters who were crushed to death by the white night, no matter how they say, they are all characters with heads and faces.

Although many of those contractors can still only be regarded as cannon fodder, they are already gold scooped out of the big waves.

Reincarnation Paradise is fair, and you can reap as much as you give. Reincarnation Paradise is very unfair, because the strong are always strong.

Robert is still frantically studying the tissue cells of the immortal lizard, and if nothing else, it will be difficult for the other party to get out of the laboratory in the near future.

Lu Yi wrote an application letter to the headquarters at the Fengdu branch of the foundation, and he wanted to borrow a few abnormalities to deal with the terrifying old man, and he had to use it with approval.

Approval will definitely be approved, and helping the Nature Association to shelter the horrible elderly is the meaning of the foundation headquarters.

Through this cooperation, the foundation has obtained a lot of benefits from the Nature Association, in addition to some top-notch knowledge, it has also recovered many banned anomalies.

In the afternoon, Lu Yi received the required anomalies, one of which could increase the density of the surrounding environment, and the other that could seal the surrounding space.

All are abnormalities in the ability of the terrifying elderly, but the abilities of the two abnormalities cannot last too long, and there is still a great risk of containment failure.

He is generally reluctant to use his brain, and it is not very pleasant to have the ability to directly kill all enemies. But that doesn't mean he can't use his brains.

In fact, Lu Yi was thinking about the feasibility of another plan, if enough mechanical bombs were used to detonate from the pocket space of the terrifying old man.

Will it blow up that pocket space, will it blow up the terrifying old man.

It is even said that there is no need to blow up the terrifying old man at all, as long as his pocket space is damaged, he cannot travel between two latitudes for the time being, and he can be smoothly contained.

The seemingly bold and simple plan is indeed enforceable, and in the past, when I sheltered the terrifying elderly, I never thought of this method, firstly, it was almost a near-death state when it was taken into the pocket space, and secondly, there was no way to carry so many bombs.

There is a storage space in the reincarnation park, and there is no problem at all in carrying a certain amount of mechanical bombs, and now the only question is how strong the opponent's pocket space can withstand the explosive power.

To be on the safe side, try the first plan first, and if the first plan fails, try the second plan at that time.

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