Although the terrifying old man survived because of the pocket space, he also became dying and passed out on the ground because of the destruction of the pocket space.

Looking at his state, there is no time for him to recover.

The old madman ordered the members of the Nature Association to send in the lead-lined steel container, and Lu Yi personally threw the terrifying old man inside, and the containment was completed!

The old maniac instructed the members of the Nature Association to return the terror old man to the Fengdu branch of the foundation, and it took a lot of lead-lined steel to contain the terror old man, as well as enough caretakers. This thankless work was still given directly to the foundation.

The blood red in the eyes of the old veterinarian converged, and when he fought against the terrifying old man, he only used half of his ability, and when the color in his eyes changed from blood red to scarlet, he would enter his final form.

At that time, his combat power will enter the world's first echelon, and it is said that in that state, he can fight with the Immortal Lizard, of course, they have not touched.

Lu Yi sat on the steps next to the platform, took out a cigarette, and checked the tips of Samsara Paradise while smoking.

[The hunter shelters the S-class abnormal epidemic doctor, SCP item 106, and receives a reward of 7% of the source of the world. 【

The hunter has already contained five A-level and above abnormalities, and the containment master (second ring) has been completed, and the reward soul crystals (medium) *5 and attribute points *7 have been obtained.] 【The

third ring of the main quest has been opened.】 】【

Main Mission: Containment Grandmaster (Third Ring)】Difficulty

Level: LV.26~LV.30

Mission Introduction: Successfully contain or eliminate abnormal existence, you need to contain a total of 5 abnormalities, and you need to contain abnormalities above S level.

Mission time: 12 calendar days.

Mission Rewards: Immediate return to privilege, soul crystallization (medium) *8, related titles.

Failure penalty: No penalty.

For the contractor who completes the task little by little according to the steps, this third ring task is difficult to get into the sky, and the time of 12 natural days, not to mention containing five S-class anomalies, is difficult to even see.

However, Lu Yi has already begun to contain S-class anomalies in advance, and has already contained 4 S-class anomalies so far. These include Occupancy Masks, Epidemic Doctors, Immortal Lizards, and Terrifying Old People.

The rewards of the mission are quite rich, but it is also reasonable, because of the particularity of the containment of this world, many abnormalities often cannot be killed.

If you can't kill it means that you won't burst the treasure chest, if according to the previous world, Lu Yi should have obtained at least four dark purple treasure chests by now, but now the actual highest has only obtained one blue treasure chest (fearless lion).

According to the law of risk and return, the reward judgment standard of Reincarnation Park will adjust the tasks and settlement rewards according to the world source of this world and the difficulty of obtaining treasure chests.

In addition to the third link of the main quest, Lu Yi also received another hidden mission.

As long as the specific conditions are met, the hidden mission will be triggered, which belongs to the kind that can not be sought, there is no specific way to obtain it, you can only rely on luck, or super strength?

If you kill a spin-off world, you will probably receive hidden missions.

[Hidden Mission: God of Machinery]

Difficulty: LV.29~LV.32 (this is the highest difficulty after intervention)

Mission Introduction: Flesh and blood, mechanical ascension. The mechanical god came to this world, he is not the real god, but the crazy faith of this world, let him become a god.

Mission time: 12 calendar days.

Mission rewards: Mechanical-related rewards (including mechanical knowledge, mechanical tools. Failure

Penalty: No penalty.

Seeing the concise hidden mission information, Lu Yi couldn't help but want to complain in his heart, after staying in the reincarnation paradise for a long time, the general puzzle solving and reasoning ability will not be too bad.

For other contractors, if they receive such a hidden task, they may be confused, because there is nothing in the introduction. It does not explain where the mechanical god is, nor what the mechanical god is.

However, Lu Yi has roughly understood the composition of the containment world these days, and also knows many secrets of this world.

Combined with recent encounters, it's not hard to deduce how hidden missions are triggered.

Recently, Lu Yi is at odds with the Shattered God Sect and the Chaos Splinter, and the god that the Shattered God Sect believes in is the God of Machinery.

Sheffield is a city of machinery, the heart of the Shattered God Cult. I thought that the violator would do something, but I didn't expect that he actually wanted to summon the mechanical god.

There is something interesting about this violator.

Suddenly, Lu Yi thought of something, walked out of the Fengdu No. 13 high-speed railway station, took out the communication tool, and called the person in charge of the foundation.

There are several containments at the Foundation prefixed with machinery, and those containments are said to be part of the body of the mechanical god.

If his inference was correct, those enemies would have gone to great lengths to seize the mechanical prefix containment stored by the Foundation.

A sweet voice came over the phone: "Hey, can you hear it?" Do you have any orders? "

This is not the head of the foundation, just an insider of the foundation who is responsible for transferring calls.

"I can hear that I'm Chris Louie, Head of the Reincarnation Task Force, number xxx, Transfer Foundation."

"Okay, Sir Chris Louis, please wait."

The busy line was busy for a while, and finally it was transferred.

The foundation's current apparent director, Martin Luther, is a wise old man.

An old man's voice came: "Chris Louis, is there something going on?" How do you have time to contact me this old guy? "

Mr. Martin, I have received exact news that the Shattered God Sect and the Chaos Splinter intend to resurrect the Mechanical God in Sheffield. I think they should have seized the containment of the mechanical prefix.

Lu Yi patted the communicator, since he just finished speaking, he didn't hear a response from the other end of the phone, is the communicator broken?

With his mechanical skills, he can see that there is nothing wrong with this communicator, but there are some doubts.

Could it be that Martin Luther had an accident? Try asking, "Hello? Are you dead, old fellow? "

After another while.

Only then did the voice come from the other end of the phone: "Not yet, Louis boy, to tell you the bad news, just now, several Foundation branches were attacked, and those mechanical prefix containments were stolen."

"Oh..." "

The containment level of those mechanical prefixes we have is not high, and it is normal to be ignored, and it also underestimates the determination of the Shattered God Sect, and they have died a lot of people in order to seize the containment."

"Well, got it."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Yi quickly used the communicator given by the Nature Association to call the old gentleman.

"Hey, old gentleman, protecting those mechanical prefix containments is very important for the old maniac to keep them, well, I'll be there soon."

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