In the courtyard of a side hall of the royal palace, it is very free, which is very suitable for Lu Yi to test equipment.

As for why Cole and Ace are also here, Lu Yi does not know, the matter of people's good friends, Lu Yi is not convenient to inquire.

Although there is the blessing of the soul of the amusing otaku man, Lu Yi is still very cold, usually ruthless dominant, and occasionally teases.

Will this also be considered schizophrenic, thinking about his behavior in recent days, Lu Yi is a little suspicious, such as why he thought of such a question.

Forget it, if you are crazy, you will be crazy, there are so many crazy people in the paradise of reincarnation, there is no problem with one more of yourself.

First of all, the "mechanical exoskeleton suit" was taken out for testing, and the whole was the appearance of a combat suit, unlike the real suit, which was just a piece of equipment.

Wearing it first has a thick feeling, referred to as a bit heavy, which should bring a certain sense of security to the equipment owner.

Since Lu Yi was not afraid, he was a little unaware of this so-called sense of security, so he did not dare to give an affirmative answer.

It comes with 800 armor points, which is similar to a shield and is equivalent to 800 health points without defense.

When the armor value is consumed, it needs to spend Paradise Coins to recharge, and if it is severely hit, it will be scrapped directly.

The combat function of the robotic arm is to extend two long robotic arms to attack, the attack power is very general, and there is a certain attack delay.

To sum up, the food is tasteless, take it and sell it for money.

The next test is the sniper rifle of "arbitration award", and Lu Yi is looking forward to this gun.

The bullet used in this bolt-action sniper rifle is a 9mm bullet, which is not rare, and Lu Yi took a lot of this bullet from the logistics supply department.

Climbing on the roof, Lu Yi set up a sniper rifle and aimed at a big tree, pulled the trigger, and the spiral bullet shot out, directly piercing the main trunk of the tree, and blasted a large hole in the wall without reducing his power.

This power is much better than the sniper rifle Lu Yi used before, and the sniper rifle used last time was only a green low-rated weapon, and even the small boss who turned on the power could not be killed.

In contrast, the sniper rifle in his hand was much better, and Lu Yi patted the body of the gun to express his satisfaction.

Several shots were tested in succession, and the more I used it, the more comfortable it was, the more satisfied I was, and this gun should be able to be used for a long time.

At the same time of great power, the gunfire of this sniper rifle was also very loud, and when Lu Yi was testing, several waves of people came one after another.

Some think that something has happened, some simply have a bad temper and want to find fault, and some are simply making fun.

But after learning that it was Lu Yi who shot, they were all persuaded by Cole and Ace to disperse.

Retracting the ruling, Lu Yi jumped down from the house, in a good mood, "You two, do you have any doubts in knife skills?" I'm just idle right now, and I can help you with a question or two.

Ace and Cole looked at each other, and Ace stepped forward, "How can I easily cut off the same hard, even harder, object with a knife?" For

Ace's question, Lu Yi felt that he asked very well, and it seemed that his sword skills had improved a lot.

Looking at this guy who lacked talent but was diligent enough, Lu Yi was about to open his mouth to explain the realm of sword art to the two of them.

Suddenly, a member of the revolutionary army hurriedly broke in, interrupting Lu Yi, and Cole and Ace looked at the member with a little annoyance.

"If something happens, don't panic, say it slowly." Could it be that the army of the Bobang Dynasty came over, Lu Yi asked.

"That's right, the army of the Boban dynasty is already approaching the city, and Lord Chief, I asked you to discuss countermeasures." The messenger took a deep breath and calmed his mood.

Lu Yi no longer delayed, looking for himself in such a hurry, it seems that this time the coming of the Bobang Dynasty is more serious than expected.

"Ace, you practice the knife technique directly, and I will explain it to you later when I have the opportunity, stick to it, and you will gain something." Looking at Ace, who was a little disappointed, Lu Yi mentioned.

"Cole, you should go to the meeting with you." Thinking about it, Lu Yi called Cole, and in the future, he would rely on Cole to carry the banner, and simply let him participate in the meeting in advance.

Except for Cole, who was qualified to be the emperor of the new dynasty in the future, no one else was qualified; As for Ace, he was too honest to call him at the meeting.

He followed the messenger to the palace conference room, which was not a little more luxurious than the conference room of this revolutionary army stronghold.

Seeing Cole and Lu Yi appear at the same time, Edward's expression did not fluctuate, and it seemed that he also had the intention of cultivating Cole.

The meeting lasted for dozens of minutes, most of which was spent discussing some strategies for dealing with enemy forces, and Howard had little experience in fighting and did not participate in speaking.

Howard whispered to his good grandson, knowing that Cole was still charged, which really broke Howard's heart.

In order to test Cole, Edward also asked him to give his opinion and ask him if he had any good advice.

As a young man, even if Cole is a little clever, he is still a little immature, and just makes some unconstructive suggestions, that is, nonsense.

After the meeting, Lu Yi began to lead a group of revolutionary troops out of the palace and rushed to the walls of the city to defend the enemy.

Why did the meeting start so quickly, because there really is no good countermeasure, there are two forces in this world, and there is almost no communication except for war.

In the face of such a situation, you can only him, him, and him or his mother, and there is no good plan for you to let Zhuge Liang come over without anything.

Now on the walls of the city is Geer, the man who supported Lu Yi to join the revolutionary army.

The strength is still okay, it is estimated that he is in the second tier of this world, when he launched a revolutionary war, it was he who charged at the front, but the presence of Lu Yi and others covered his edge.

As Edward's protégé, Geer had just finished fighting the Revolutionary War, and before he could enjoy himself, he was sent to the side wall of the city to do protection work.

"Lu Yi offering, you are finally here, the boss let you listen to everything, although you ordered, let you kill chickens, and you will definitely not chop dogs." Geer patted his thick chest and assured Lu Yi.

"Okay, how is the situation now, how far is the mechanical troops of the Boban dynasty from here?" Taking out a cigarette and smoking it, Lu Yi spat out the smoke and asked.

"Didn't Lu Yi ask you? Not quick to say yet. "It's okay for a rough man like Geer to charge the battle, and it's better to spare him from this kind of professional information."

The thin man who was patted by Geer was a little weak and unwindy, and his body shook a few times.

"Lu Yi worships, the mechanical troops are still about tens of kilometers away from here, and it is estimated that they will arrive near the city in thirty minutes." He glared at Geer and began to report the situation to Lu Yi.

This weak man is Geer's friend, a special wisdom tank given by Edward to Gehr, but I don't know how the two of them became friends.

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