Reincarnation Paradise

Vol 8 Chapter 58: : Suffocating

The armored vehicle galloped on a prairie and pressed two ruts.

Su Xiao was sitting on the main driver, his hands were on the steering wheel, his fingertips were holding cigarettes, and the first officer was Bubowang.

At this time, the window on Bobuwang's side was open. Bobuwang leaned his head out of the car. The lips on both sides of his mouth were blown by the strong wind. Bobuwang was 'fighting' with the strong wind. He accidentally bit his tongue and whimpered and retracted his head.

Su Xiao has been driving in the ordinary area for three hours. Compared with the laterite area, this is paradise.

Breathing the fresh air, Su Xiao was suddenly speechless. If the trial difficulty of others is Lv.10, then his is above Lv.15.

"How far is it?"

Su Xiao tilted her head and patted the back of the seat.


"How far is it."

Old Barr buttoned his eyes and pulled out a small **** vine from his arms, closing his eyes.

"At the current rate, you can meet for two more days."

Old Barr patted the window of the armored car and said, "This thing is good, but it sounds too loud to run."

Su Xiao nodded, he was hesitating whether to drive an armored vehicle into the Black Forest.

Although the target of the armored vehicle is large, it is also a good layer of protection, at least you don't have to worry about snake ants and rat ants.

These are to be considered at the edge of the Black Forest, and the primary goal now is to find the two contractors.

The two indentured men were from the Sun Girl Camp, and the original plan of the Sun Girl was to let the two men go to the Black Forest to die.

Su Xiao speculated that the two contractors could not go into the Black Forest willingly, but they had to find two. There is something very important about them.

As the armored vehicle was driving on the grassland, Su Xiao suddenly heard a roar of engines coming from the air.

Buzz ~.

An airplane flew over the sky, Su Xiao's head poked out the window and looked up.

The more he looked at the plane in the sky, the more familiar he was. Is this the plane that sent him in, and what is this plane going to do? Pick up?

"Uncle Mouse is here again today, the little cubs are reveling, there is a surprise today."

There was a huge shout from the plane. The shout used a loudspeaker and could be heard from a long distance.

The covenant in the nearby area looked at the plane in the sky, with greed in his eyes.

The back door of the plane opened, and a purple iron box in the forward direction was thrown.

The contractors' eyes widened when they saw the color of the box.

"Purple airdrop box, should you bet your luck?"

"You forgot the blue box yesterday? How many people died."

"Fart, yesterday there were three soul crystals in the blue empty box, three! And food, fresh water, and restorations."

Speaking of which, the contractor could not bear it.

The purple airdrop box was dropped, and after falling vertically for a distance, the parachute opened, the drop speed of the airdrop box slowed down, and the signal flicker below the box flashed.

With a purple airdrop box as a circle, dozens of contractors around it each approached the airdrop box quickly.

The armored car was galloping on the grassland, dirt and grass, and Su Xiao looked at the purple iron box that was slowly falling in the distance. He was very interested in that thing.

After a few days of exploration, most of the contractor knew something about the airdrop box.

Restored items, food, and fresh water. This is a must-have. If you are lucky, there will be rare crystals such as soul crystals, skill scrolls, and attribute potions in the drop box.

The airdrop box is one every day, and a large number of contractors **** each time.


Not long after, many contractors gathered around the purple airdrop box.

However, these contractors are still a little far from the airdrop box, but they all have one goal, which is to grab.

The airdrop treasure chest falls slowly, depending on the distance, about ten meters will land.

Click it.

The parachute on the purple airdrop box broke, and the airdrop box accelerated to fall down. Around a dozen contractors around looked around. Now everyone is an enemy. They dare not approach the airdrop box too quickly. That will become a target.

Om ~.

The roar of the engine sounded, and an armored car with bullet marks on the side was driving.

A contractor was right in front of the armored vehicle. He was too attentive because he was staring at the airdrop and waited until the armored vehicle was discovered.

Su Xiao did not intend to remove the brakes, but stepped on the accelerator.


The contractor screamed that he had been hit by flying far away, rolled over a dozen times on the ground before climbing up, and standing with one hand on his lower back.

Su Xiao drove the armored vehicle under the airdrop box, and he deliberately reversed his aiming position.

When 啷.

The shock absorption of the armored car subsided a little, and the purple airdrop box just landed on the roof.

Zi ~.

The boundary line popped up. Su Xiao used the boundary line to wind the airdrop box on the roof of the vehicle, then kicked the accelerator, and the armored vehicle lifted it away from the airdrop box, leaving those who were as dumb as a contractor. All this happened within two seconds.

"Lao Tzu's Purple Airdrop!"

A brawny man was stunned and took off the shotgun behind him, just a few shots at the armored car.

Not only strong men, but other contractors also used long-range capabilities to bombard armored vehicles.

Su Xiao ignored these contractors. He did not want to participate in this kind of chaos because the number of restorations was zero.

A few seconds later, the armored vehicle drove away, and the corners of a female contractor's mouth twitched.

"It's a suffocating operation."

The nearby contractor stopped the attack in his hand, but the strong man with a shotgun was still reloading. From this move, we can see how desperate he was.

"Let's go."

"What a disappointment, if you fight for strength, the airdrop box must be Laozi's ~ ~ luck is also part of the strength, but if he dares to stop, I must destroy him."

The nearby contractors gradually dispersed. Some of them had cold eyes. They nodded to each other and found a small group of contractors to follow.

The armored vehicle carrying the airdrop box moved forward quickly, dragging a red smoke behind its bottom.

The airdrop box used all the means to attract the contractor, but who had thought that Su Xiao was packed away before he landed.

Generally, the items in the airdrop box are divided by several contractors. It is not likely that a person can approach the airdrop box and someone needs cover.

Su Xiao enjoyed the airdrop box exclusively, which is equivalent to monopolizing the material of several people. More importantly, this airdrop box is purple that has never appeared before.

Adult Mouse on the plane saw this through sensors on the drop box.

"Haha, this guy is interesting. The airdrop tomorrow will be aggravated and the parachute will be lifted. I see how you pick it up."

The rat drank a few mouthfuls of wine into his mouth, and the water dripped down the beard in the corner of his mouth.

"You ... you **** mouse."

A weak voice came from the back of the plane.

"Shut up and try to escape the devouring island. The only result is death."

The rat presses the button next to his hand, the door of the back of the plane opens, and a strong suction appears.

"No, no, give me another chance, I won't run away, I'm wrong ..."

A terrified shout came from the back of the plane.

"Good-bye, unknown contractor."

A contractor with an iron block on his body was dropped from the plane with a flashing flare attached to his head.

The contractor below noticed the flare.

"Are there airdrops again? Chase!"

A group of covenants swarmed, this is the bad taste of the adult rat.

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