
“You look for death!!!”

Sun Ying directly waved her hands in the air and launched an attack against Lynn.

“What!! Flying Probe!! Undefeated in the East ?? ”

Lynn instilled spiritual power into his eyes and saw countless flying needles flying towards him, and instantly remembered Jin Yong’s Eastern Undefeated.

“Smiling Rivers and Lakes” is also Lin’s favorite book in the real world.

“But this is the fairy world! I’ll go! “

Lynn was having a headache at this time, because he didn’t have anything to resist such a small cut and intensive attack.

“Kill the doppelganger!”

Lynn used his talent in a hurry, but it was useless, and Lynn’s body was instantly pierced by hundreds of needles.

“Forgot! I can’t use my talent today! What to do about this? ”

Lynn suddenly realized, a little self-blame in her heart, how could she forget this kind of thing.

“Hmph! Sure enough, it’s a lie, and even my most ordinary martial arts can’t dodge! Use your death to make up for your disrespect for me! ”

Sun Ying said and walked over with Lynn in.

“Look at your face under the black veil, if it is moving, I might leave you as my toy!”

“My lord! You run! Why don’t you move! I usually see you are very powerful, why is it like this today! ”

Gao Wanli’s eyes are also full of disbelief, he now completely believes in Lynn, but why is Lynn like this now, is it really fake?

Gao Wanli is very hesitant in his heart now, if he goes up now to help Sun Ying control Lynn, he may be able to spare Sun Ying, but all this is based on the fact that Lynn is deceptive, if Lynn really did not deceive, wouldn’t he have suffered.

“What to do! What to do? ……

“What to do! What to do? Who the hell should I help? How could this kind of thing get to my head! “

Gao Wanli sat in his seat, and although the dispute between Lynn and Sun Ying was less than a few steps away from him, Gao Wanli did not dare to move anything.

“! Lao Tzu pretended to be dead! “

Gao Wanli didn’t know how such an idea arose from the bottom of his heart, and even he felt that this method was really good, not only could he not participate in the personal dispute between the two, but he could also put his relationship aside.

“Two adults! Don’t do it! You guys really make me a little difficult! You guys…… You guys…… Don’t…”

As Gao was talking, he suddenly began to convulse all over his body, and then leaned back on his seat and passed out.

This may have deceived Sun Ying, but this could not deceive Lynn’s eyes, Lynn knew that this high gradual departure must also be pretending, but now this long scene high gradual departure also has to do this.

“Hmph! Good you deceitful guy, if there are any three lengths and two weaknesses in this high and gradual departure today, you can even be regarded as having a feud with our Heavenly Jealous Sect! ”

Sun Ying waved the flying needle while stimulating Lynn here in his mouth, now Lynn looks very embarrassed, although he has a body of spiritual power, but he now puts it bluntly, only a “broken sky”, the rest of Lynn did not learn, this moment is considered a dumb loss.

Lynn dodged while thinking of a way out in his mind, and he even found that Gao Wanli quietly opened his eyes to look at him from time to time, but Gao Wanli closed his eyes again after seeing Lynn staring at him,

Lynn did not poke through this Gao Wanli, and Gao Wanli and this Sun Ying have not known each other for a day or two, but now he chooses not to help each other first, which still shows that Lynn has certain abilities.

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