Tianzheng ten years in July, Antu castle

I jumped out of the room and chased the mess fast.I've only ever seen a love drama chase a woman running away in tears.

It was only at the beginning that I was dancing my chest to some dramatic development, and soon my breath rose and stood up.

Sadly. This flesh is three years old, and we can't possibly catch up with a trampled step.If you look for the dark clouds, you won't be able to find the chaos.

So I stopped for a moment to think.

One, don't chase.

Worse than it sounds. A little lonely chaos may pop out, but you won't want to improve the relationship.

Afterwards... the river scolds me like I see dirt.

Two, use White Lily.

This is the easiest. However, if they find out about using the White Lily team, there is a possibility that the tea will persist.

"... the Three Wizards weren't looking for me...", the situation is clearly reflected in my mind in a more sophisticated atmosphere.

... I guess I'll have to find it myself...

Chaotic memories rush through your head.Where she's likely to go, where she likes it, where no one will find her.

As you scrutinize one by one, a sight is reflected in your brain.The place where it started...

A year ago... the first place I met a mess.Days when the sun rises on the edge.A chaotic side-face laughing like a bell rolling.All of them were precious memories and irreplaceable days.



"... the Three Wizards"

I know you're here.

Chaos sat down at the edge.When I held my knees and shouted at the chaos that was staring at me from afar, I slowly turned my gaze towards me.

For a moment, you can see a pleasant color, but you immediately pull back and face down.In that figure, negative emotions such as shame and guilt seemed to swirl in my heart.



You just keep quiet and don't react, even if you call your neighbor.Still, I waited quietly for you to talk to me.

After a while, the chaos slowly raised his face.

"... I forgot about earlier.My concubine has a role to play as a family member of the Oda family.Therefore, there is no need for love. It's my concubine's mission to marry a great family for the Oda family. "

"Nonsense, that's not what I meant...."

"Don't worry. I know that.Properly, put a bullet in your thoughts.I'll try switching it tomorrow. Then.... "

--Don 't be gentle anymore...

The cold grief silently conveys the teary cheeks laughing.The shizukushi had all the length of tea in it.

We know that political marriage is the norm in this era.It would be common sense for a fourteen-year-old tea to be married to another family.

I do not say that political marriage is bad.I am politically married to Princess Fujime and Princess Kai, and sometimes I live happily ever after.

But it's different to push and kill your true feelings and marry someone else! Then the chaos won't make you happy.

I... I'm gonna make this mess happy!

I found my shoulders trembling slightly when I lay my hands on the left hand of the tea.

"Chaos... the thought of falling in love with people is above all honorable.Neither difference in age nor difference in status is a reason to disconnect that thought.If they're in love with each other, it's too much... "

Laughing at that, the tea was as stunned as if it were in love.However, if you shake your head to the side immediately, you will squat.

"Well... but my concubine and the Three Wizards are too old.By the time the three wizards first served, their concubines had grown by more than twenty years. Well then..... "

"It doesn't matter. If the chaos is waiting for me, I'll be happy to greet my wife.I won't let anyone complain. "

"... uhh! Uhhh... uhh..."

When I hugged the tea, she hugged me back into the swallowing.Strengthen your strength even more so that you don't miss the warmth.

"Six months ago, I got a dagger from my mistress.The thick knife with the cherry blossom decoration on the sheath...Was that the cherry blossom at that time? "


"A year ago, the day I was taken to see the cherry blossoms.I still remember the promise I made.The reunion was like that... but I was still happy.I was happy to see you again. "

"... you remembered."

"Of course, isn't it?"

Answer the chatter with a bitter smile.There is no way to forget. Under that cherry tree, I promised you a reunion.Forget your side smiling happily...

"Remember the day we first met?"

Looking at the chaos and asking, he looks evil and turns his face aside.

"You mean the day my concubine took the Three Wizards around? I think I did something worse now.Was it a nuisance? "

"No way... the rest was saved by chaos."


My murmuring startled me.

"I can't tell you the details, but I couldn't afford that time.In order to fulfill my mission, I felt nervous and my chest was about to be torn apart without being exposed to a different appearance. "

"That's when I ran into a mess.The way you laugh at your age has healed the rest of your heart.I behaved like a normal child only when I spent time in chaos.How much I wanted to be saved by that smile. "

Thoughts are filled with words.The difference in age is irrelevant.The interests of the Oda family are irrelevant.I just want to convey this feeling to you.

"Chaos... I love you"

As soon as I conveyed my thoughts, tears overflowed my tears.When I support my collapsing body, my chaotic hands wrap my body like a reliance.

"Should I be a concubine..."

"I hate it if it's not a mess.It's good because it's chaotic.The days spent in chaos are lovely and the smile is unbearable. "

"... my concubine gets older first.Is that all right? "

"I like tea even when I'm tired.I love chaos all my life. I keep it.... let's be married. "

".................. yes!"

The tears of tears appeared brighter than any smile I had ever seen.

I'll never forget this smile.

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