Ten Years of Ten Ten Ten Ten Years of Ten Years of Ten Years of Ten Years of Ten Years of Ten Years of Ten Years of Tennis

The next morning, it was reported that the Oda army had fought for Shirakuchi Castle, and we hurried to prepare.

The difference in combat power with the Oda army is obvious, and there is no point in fighting a cage castle without reinforcements.Short-term finals utilizing the terrain.That's the only way to win anymore.

When I was ready, I put my spear in the air in front of 3,000 gestures.

"The enemy is a large army, and there is no chance of winning when it hits from the front.The impetus of the Oda army for world hegemony would be the strongest in Japan! "


The chances of winning are slim. The general himself admits the fact, but the ministers are not afraid to miss a word from me.

Unexpectedly, there was no laughter in that reliable figure.

"But we have a profit! I have many interesting friends running through the battlefield! Mengzi said, "The time of heaven is not like the profit of the earth, and the profit of the earth is not like the harmony of men"... Whether heaven is in the Oda family or not, the earth and the people are ours! There's our chance of winning! Never miss it!!! "

Thank you!!!

"Let's go!!!"


Running through the mountain at once, shaking the air.According to visual reports, the Oda army will pass through this mountain road in about an hour.

It is nearly impossible to march on the mountain path with a large army deployed.Make sure to split up for each unit.

... that's the victory we've been given.If you get attacked while your faction is falling apart, your first move will be delayed.No matter how good a warlord is, the majority of the army is peasants, so we can't deal with it aggressively.Definitely into chaos. If it's a big army, it's too much.

I thrust through the gap for a moment.The general stared at his neck and even pushed forward.

... a bad bet. It's just a hopeful observation.Success will kill most of the gestures.Overwhelmingly likely to end without reaching the general's neck.

But we have to.We have to win. To grasp a bright future!

Running along a dark mountain path, light comes in unexpectedly from the front.It's an exit. Our observation of the mountain trail revealed no significant footprints, and the Oda army is still not passing through.

In other words, we're ahead. I also feel signs of people.As expected, it is obvious that the Oda army will be in the middle of breaking down its faction.

Unexpectedly, the samurai trembled at the sight passing through his head.My ministers are also nervous, and they are anxious for my signal now or now.

Hold a sweaty hand while suppressing tremors.

... victory and defeat come to an end in an instant.I win or I die. Either way.

If I die... the dream of Tokei-sama will not come true.My beloved families and ministers will all be killed.

Ah... absolutely. I really have too much to protect.

--That's why I can't lose.

"Let's go!!!"


Running to our warrior while raising a horrible roar.As the landscape changes in a dazzling fashion, unexpectedly dazzling light illuminates us.

Even though my legs were stopped for a moment, I was forced to move my body forward.I can't stop. I'll die if I stop. Because that's what I know.

Eyes get used to gradually.The white landscape comes with color and becomes brighter.

"Where are the enemies... the general's head..."

With such a murmur in his eyes, the enemy's appearance finally came into view.

--The enemy who stood up for the guns...

"............ eh"

"Let meeeeeeeeee!!"


Dry gunshots, shocks from the side, rolling the ground.Blood splash filling your vision.The raw warm stuff on my face brings me back to reality.



"Come on, don't die! Open your eyes! Open your eyes, Yajimori! You will have someone waiting for you to return!? This... this place... uuu... "

"... and..."


Yajiebei pushes me down so that I can do everything I can.A blood splash falls on my face, and I realize that Yajimori can no longer be saved.

"Why... why, why, why, why!!? Ambush...!? Stupid...What the hell were you doing?!! "

While holding Yajimori, whose eyes were already illuminated, he screamed as he swallowed.

I couldn't help feeling sad about losing a young man of the future, a young bud that I had to protect.After all, I was desperate about my helplessness as if I was just spitting out falsehoods.

Is that why? Finally, I fell into the feeling that my surroundings were moving slowly.I know the creepy movements of my allies and enemies.

Grab my shoulders and retreat in desperate shapes.Young people who are known to die, but who serve as shields for their loyalty to the Nagasobu family.A people trapped in chaos and attacked by hostiles.

It's all engraved in my memory.

"Nh... let's run!!! Run!! Please... please, run away!! "

I can't grasp anything in my right-hand hand, stretching out in a state of selflessness.All I can do is just cut the sky and watch my friends die in front of me.

Then, in order to chase them down, the flag of Nishiki, which was flying by the Oda army, became the decisive factor in the collapse of the Nagasobu army.

As soon as I saw Jin's flag, I ran upset at Nagabe's army.And the men of the house were blindly and slowly moving, and the people who had lost their war were cruelly slaughtered by sight.

The battle that was challenged with the readiness to die was won or lost in just an inch.

― ― When I arrived at Okatomi Castle.The gestures were fewer than a hundred.

This day, I learned something.

In front of the absolute heaven, the earth and man are only to be eliminated.

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