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I will now proceed to your trial.


And all those who were present shall prostrate themselves in the midst of a brief oath.

"Good. Face it up."


Raise your head slightly to avoid aligning your eyes even if you make a mistake.Then, a surname rushed to Mori-sama Omi.

Excuse me, sir, this way.

"Yes, thank you."


Sukemasa Omi took a sentence and spread it behind her as she left early as she could.

"Mother Nagasobu, you are suspected of causing confusion to Hikaru Akechi and to Nippon.Akechi Mitsuhide committed many sins.You rebelled against your master and attacked Honnoji Temple.Murdered former Kansai Kujo and Takashi-sama.He abducted former Taiwanese Minister Kintetsu Maehiro and imprisoned him at Kameyama Castle.The city of Kyoto was set on fire, and many people died in the process.... a man who has done so much evil.If you had given it to me, you wouldn't have forgiven it. "

- Well, if you have an excuse, let me know.

The cold wind strokes your cheeks.

Until now, the divinity turns around, and your body trembles unexpectedly with a ruthless voice that you can't think of as a toddler.

My thoughts stopped and my mouth closed, but I managed to stop.It's bad luck to keep your mouth shut here.If you don't clear your suspicions, you'll kill the entire clan.

Exhale strongly once and breathe properly.... okay, I'm ready. Let's do what we can.

"Someone has nothing to do with Akechi Mitsuhide's rebellion.Outside to disturb the world. This suspicion is due to an unfortunate mistake. "

He dismissed the suspicion that had been put on him with dignity and looked up at Mori-sama Omi.When you look at me like that, Mori Omi relaxes her cheeks in an interesting way.

Your trial began with my denial.

As soon as I deny the charges, a great sense of oppression comes from the front.

Don't be ridiculous.

A whining like throwing up freezes the field.The volume was small, but the horribly cold sound came from Shibata-sama.

"It has been investigated that you had a close relationship with Akechi Mitsuhide.Your main room is your sister-in-law, Yoshitaka Ishitani.Nobunaga's wife is the daughter of Yoshitaka Ishitani.Ryotsu Ishitani is Akechi Mitsuhide's brother, Rizo Saito.I don't think it would make sense to talk nonsense about being so involved and not being intimate. "

After Shibata-sama's words, a gaze like pursuing them penetrates me.I've been doing a lot of research.The Oda family seems to be watching this trial more heavily than I imagined.

Thinking about how to cut back, Shibata-sama talks about his opinions so that he can chase them.

"In addition, just before Akechi Mitsuhide started a rebellion at Honnoji Temple, Ishitani Yoshitaka is visiting you? What did you tell him? ... didn't he tell you he was going to commit a rebellion? Immediately after Akechi Mitsuhide's rebellion, you started the Iyo offensive.Isn't that a military operation carried out with the conviction that the Oda family will be in chaos? I have a statement in support of it with me!!! "


Shibata-sama's eyes shake unexpectedly as she writes a sentence like hitting him.Indeed, it is true that Ishitani Temple came to Okatomi Castle.But how do you know that?Such a meeting in less than half an hour....

I wonder if such a surprise appeared on his face.Shibata-sama smiles deeply when she looks at me and doesn't just say, "Have you seen it?"

"Three Wizards, Nagasobu has done a lot of suspicious things to his parents.In other words, it can be said that the great sinner, Akechi Mitsuhide, gave it as evidence of the disturbance of the world.With immediate effect, I beheaded Nagasobu's father and thought it would be reasonable to kill all the clan members as a shame. "

"Is it...?"

As Shibata-sama suggested, Omi nodded small.

--Is it going to be decided like this...?

As the worst imagination passed my head, Mori-sama Omi stared straight at us.

"Kwon Six has prepared various kinds of evidence.I think all of them deserve to change your suspicions into convictions.... do you have anything to say? "

"Ha! It is true that Ishitani Temple came to Okatomi Castle! But it's not a conspiracy! It was sent by Akechi Hitachi to obey the Oda family. "

"...... ho"

You've decided that my words are worth listening to, Mori-sama Omi will encourage you to go ahead.This is your last chance. Put everything here!

"I am dissatisfied with the decision of the former right-hand prefecture, and one of them has destroyed his alliance with the Oda family.This is because I was told by the prefecture to give up Shikoku reunification, which is the longing of the Nagasobu family. "

"Hmm. I know that."

I nodded to Mori Omi and spoke with thoughts.

"Wise persuaded someone who destroyed the alliance to change his mind several times.... until just before the rebellion. "

When I close my eyes, the face of Tokubei-sama comes to mind.

--That's right... there's only one thing I want... from us.

"'If you want to fulfill your dream, never step out of the way of people'" is the last word that Akechi-sama left to someone.The invasion of Iyo also had a cause to build a world of peace in Shikoku! There is no ambition in the act and there is nothing to be ashamed of!!! "

Correct your posture and speak up.When I stared straight at Mori-sama Omi, she looked a little surprised.

At the edge of his vision, Shibata-sama, with her angry expression, reached out to the sword.

"How disrespectful to you!!! Master Sanju! I won't forgive you for that obscenity!! Guys! Let's get him!!! "

Thank you!!!

You can see your hands stretching from all directions slowly.I was just closing my eyes and accepting death in a few moments.

--Ahh... I told you. If it is true, I have to plead guilty and ask for the life of the Nagasobu family in exchange for my life, but I have prioritized my pride.

It was an important promise never to be filthy.

--So... there is no regret.

Understand your own death, and do not resist.On my shoulder, on the verge of touching the swordsman's hand, a thunderbolt echoed.



Bird skin runs like a boiling body.The sound of trembling air belonged to Mori-sama Omi.

When Mori-sama Omi confirmed that they had stopped moving together, they came towards me.Slowly and slowly, the old man's voice of restraint was also shaken away, just coming straight ahead.

And finally, he stood in front of me.

"... why don't you ask for help? As it stands, your execution will be decided."

All lies and lies are forgiven, and a cold gaze runs through me.My neck will fly as soon as I answer.I know that. But I wonder why...Naturally, there was no smile.

Stupid question.


"Someone has invaded with sacrifice.We were caught up in a struggle between the Otomo, Maori, and Oda families, where pirates roughed up our fields, lost our loved ones, and invaded to save the people of Iyo, who still struggled to survive.... four-month-long battles in which many lives were lost, both on the enemy's side.A lot of... lives. "

Tighten your lips and spin your words with desperate tears.No lies, my heart.

"How can you admit that you invaded with ambition and interest!! It's... it's an insult to that fight! What a waste of their death!!! Therefore, let me call you again and again.There is no involvement in Akechi-sama's rebellion, and the invasion of Iyo is in the hope of peace in Shikoku! I fought to save the people in front of me!!! "

"... is it...?"

Mori-sama Omi nodded and closed her eyes with a mysterious expression when she heard me scream.Everyone had a soft smile when he opened his eyes for a while as he turned his gaze to Mori-sama Omi.

"... people express their nature when they stand in the abyss of death.Your voice, your words have no false colour, but your desire for peace has been read.I'm also prepared to carry the thoughts of the dead...Then thou shalt not be a disturber in heaven. "

"... ah! Now, Master Sanju... who is this?"

When Shibata-sama asked Omi-sama fearfully, Omi-sama nodded slowly.

"Mother Nagasobu, I will withdraw your suspicions here and now. I'm sorry."

"......! No, there's no disillusionment!"

With my eyes aligned and my head down deeply, I also panicked and lay down.

I couldn't believe someone in a position like Mori-sama Omi lowered his head to me, but for some reason I felt something warm in my chest.

After a while, Mori-sama Omi finally raised her head and spinned her words with a serious look.

"The rest wants to build a world without battle.I think it is my duty to calm down this world of war and build a world of Taipei. "


"But this ideal cannot be fulfilled alone.It's very... very difficult. "

--Can 't you lend me your help?


In front of him, Mori-sama Omi, who smiled like the sun, overlapped with Tomei-sama that day.In the merciful and noble way that I truly admire.

"I can grieve the people... if you want to protect someone you care about, I'm sure you can walk with me.Why don't you walk with me? To build the world of Taipei. "

"... ah! Thank you... for your words!"

I could only squeeze the little hand I was offered.

Tsubei-sama... is gone.

But that intention was certainly inherited.

I just felt like I was saved.

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