December 2010 Yuki Miyamoto, Anjo Castle

- What a nice guy.

There was no such word in the back of the hall that shed tears while trembling his small body.

I'm sure if kindness solidifies into one, I'll end up like this.

Your Highness is a human being by birth.Originally, it seems that it was less than the house of Oharu Ichiguni, but in the name of my grandfather, I became a great celebrity in all of Japan.

Normally, people like you don't have to worry about bad things like us.A kind man who always cares about us.

Rather than standing in front of us, a gentle person who leans against us and looks at us with kindness, "Let's go together".

We loved such a temple.

Therefore, I could not see such a painful appearance in silence. I immediately circled to the front of the temple and wrapped up my little hand.

"Well, it is true that sacrifices were made for Taipei under heaven.However, the number of casualties for the achievements has been kept to an infinite level.I'm sure many more people would have died without your orders.Your Majesty is working hard enough.You don't have to be so sick..... "

The words that followed... didn't come out.

I had no choice but to look as if I was going to disappear.

"Number... yes, number.Others have seen the people they love in numbers.And it came to pass, when he heard that he had taken up nearly three thousand hostiles with the rest of the scavengers, that Yu could not see the three thousand people.It just seemed like 3,000.When I started seeing people in numbers, I told them that it was over, and I warned myself, but in the end I had such a perspective.... "

You bite your lips tightly and sweat cold, knowing that you're losing your way into a fierce self-aversion.

I did it... I have to change the subject somehow.

"So... but aren't we talking about the public house? They are worthy of punishment, great sinners.Son of a bitch who drags others into darkness without contaminating his hands.It's no mistake to feel bad about them, and the monks who are harmed by their loved ones have a legitimate right to revenge! You're not wrong! Ask a hundred people that they should have been punished.If you had been so merciful to your family waiting for them to return, you wouldn't have been so noble.Tighten your chest! You're not wrong!!! "

Gradually, the words get warm, putting their hands on the shoulders of the temple and spinning their thoughts.

Stop crying... don't look so sad.

However, my wish was in vain, and there was no light on your face.

"No... no... the rest... was wrong...I shouldn't have thought of revenge against the public from the beginning if I wanted to build the ideal place that I wanted to paint.I had to hit him first so he wouldn't leap.Besides, it's terrible for the public.In the end, mercy is nothing more than an outer path tied to the future of the public.I've got children who don't know anything about it and children who haven't seen the future yet...I didn't want to do this... but I wonder where I made the mistake... "

"My lord...."

Holding the crying temple, you can desperately swallow it.I can't imagine how much weight this little body has carried.... that's why I hurt you by saying so much.

No... no. I really didn't want to say this.Ah... if I had learned more, could I have healed your heart? Have you been able to solve your problem?

I just can't help but hug myself. It's pathetic.More and more, I have something to tell you... to the Three Wizards.

"Since the Three Wizards began ruling the country, there have been no children who have died of human grabbing or starvation."


Slowly stroke the back of the Three Wizards.

"Hundreds of lives have been saved thanks to pine trees patrolling the countryside and protecting children from violence and persecution by their parents."


What comes to mind is their hideout.It was a life that could never be said to be wealthy, but everyone smiled from the heart.

Children who have been persecuted like me and have closed their hearts now show a smile that is worthy of their age.

How wonderful that was.

"The other day, a young couple who run a dumpling shop in Kyoto opened a shop in Yasuchi Castle Town.About a year ago, the Three Wizards saved my life.I remember the pines well. "


The three wizards who shook their shoulders for a moment raised their faces.She gently applied her right hand to her wet tearful cheeks and gazed at her.

"The Three Wizards helped me where I was being attacked by someone who owed me money.I was talking about that day with tears.I said, "I will never forget this gratitude for my life." Now I was blessed with good luck and had a baby in my stomach.I was smiling happily. "

"That was my daughter...."

Gently whispers to the ears of the three wizards who tremble.

― ― It is the life connected by the Three Wizards.


Gently stroke the head of the Three Wizards who opened their eyes.

"Without the Three Wizards, there is certainly a life that has never been born.Without the Three Wizards, there would have been those who were still breathing.... I wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for the help of the Three Wizards. "

Yes... an abomination like me can walk under heavenly heaven with a big wave.I want you to know how amazing that is.

I want you to know how noble it is that there is no discrimination or persecution among many people in this town of Anji-jo Castle.

"Don't say you made a mistake...Please, look not only at the lives you couldn't save, but also at the lives you saved! Please do not know how much the wishes of the Three Wizards have created a smile! Everyone dreams of a bright future of hope for the Three Wizards!!! "


When I was holding the Three Wizards in my arms, I finally couldn't bear to cry.

I wonder why you didn't notice.With such a small body, people were carrying the burden twice as hard, how could we not realize it?

I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I should've thanked you more.I should've hugged you even more.

I've always been sweet to the Three Wizards... and let each one carry everything.

I wonder why all such gentle people as the Three Wizards always have to sacrifice themselves while the heartache of losing their family continues to heal.

That's funny. That's funny.

We are. I want the Three Wizards to be happy too.I want you to laugh at your age.I want Sanji-sama to reward you for all your hard work.

I want you not to give up that noble wish.Don't give up. I'm sure that wish can only be fulfilled by the Three Wizards.

We can be trusted because we are the three wizards who can be affectionate to the resentful enemies who robbed our family.

The Three Wizards denied it, but that appearance is the nature of the Three Wizards.No matter what kind of person you are, you have nature in the last place, but Sanji-sama didn't want to take your life.Even though I hated the slightest outburst of malice, I never turned a blind eye and did not run away and did not lie.

It's easy to put it into words, but few people can do it.The Three Wizards are special people.It's a light of hope, gentler than anyone else.

"If you are anxious about the future, we can support you.The Three Wizards will always be there to keep you from getting off the road.So... so don't give up your dreams! Don't tell me you were wrong! Damn us! We'll take care of it! The Three Wizards saved us, so we can support you! That's why.... "

Spinning thoughts in tears.I don't care if it's a divisive word.I can only convey my thoughts to you anymore...

How long has it been?

The three wizards who had been lying down until now slowly raised their faces.Seeing the expression, my cheeks relaxed with tears.Because there were three wizards there with a smile that I loved so much.

I want to protect this smile.

The thoughts are those of the Oda family.

That's why we can do anything.

I won't let you soil the hands of the Three Wizards anymore.

So... please.

Mr. Hanachi.

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