January of the Eleventh Year of the Heavenly Church

--Uesugi Crusade.

Listening to what I cut out, a groan begins to occur in the hall.Especially, the air flowing from the warlords sitting in the front row was so intense that the skin of the birds suddenly stood up.

I thought it was still early, but the battle stretched out by last year's disturbances finally resumed.If they refrained from a final battle, they would have unconsciously learned the warrior tremor.

The military god, Kenshin Uesugi, is already dead, but his name is still roaring all over Japan.In the battle against the Uesugi army, where he grew up, the brave and confident would have no choice but to be noisy in their bodies.

Particularly notable is the human rights six of the four elders of the Oda family.From the other day, my eyes were running bloody and trembling little by little.That way, "I'll make you General!!! "I can hear you screaming.

Well... that can't be helped either.Indeed, Kwon Liu had a tragic defeat about five years ago by Kenshin Uesugi.This time the opponent is not humble, but Kagekatsu Uesugi named a successor to humility, so I don't suppose there is any particular problem from Kunroku.

Smiling so as to reassure Kwon Liu, I proudly declared to the Oda family.

"With the snow melting in spring, we invade Echigoku Kasuga Mountain Castle.The sin of vandalizing the fields and torturing the people in a useless battle called a house disturbance is difficult.This battle is a battle to rescue the people from Kamikaze Uesugi.Anyone who has an objection, come forward here now. "

Haha! Objection, I won't sit down!!!

The one who answers my queries immediately.On this occasion, the Oda family and the Oshu family, which are not under the umbrella of the Oda family, and the Kanto family, which are representative of the Utsunomiya family and the Sabaku family, kept their mouths shut tightly.

It's not what happened when the Oda family's eyes were directed at them with their mouths out loud.There are a lot of things that I think about, but I just told you to wait and see.

After seeing the state of the Oshu and Kanto forces, a sigh of relief unfamiliar.The real aim of this Uesugi crusade is to subjugate them to the Oda family.

No matter how the Uesugi family falls from the era of humility, the name of Uesugi Kenshin is still firmly rooted in them, both good and bad.

When we defeat the Uesugi family with overwhelming strength, it will break their hearts.If any of them surrender, thinking that "no one can beat the Oda family anymore", they will surrender as if they followed.Because you can't even form a coalition.

... if possible, I don't want to spill blood on the Black Yacod.With that in mind, I joined Kuni and Kuni to simmer the details of Uesugi's conquest.

"Kwon Six! What is going on in Vietnam today?"

When asked, Kwon Six nodded forcefully, saying that he would gain my consent.

"Ha! Currently, Yuzu Castle in Vietnam is being attacked by the left and Matsukura Castle by the built-in aide.According to the samurai, the morale of the enemy soldiers defending the castle is low and falling is a matter of time! Taken together, it is possible to fully integrate Vietnam into the Oda family's faction map.Kasugayama Castle, a castle belonging to the Uesugi family, is also in front of your eyes and nose!!! "

"Is it...?"

Speaking confidently, I raise my voice of admiration.After all, Kwon Liu must be like this.You can see that nature and a sense of peace of mind permeate your mind just by being grand.

Such a kind of charisma would come from the accumulation of experience that Kwon Lu has cultivated on the battlefield for many years.

Everyone who is a samurai yearns for his courageous attack on the front lines to intimidate his enemies and inspire his allies.I think I can put my life in this person's hands.

- Don't let me do that.

"The general of Uesugi's conquest is entrusted to Kwon Liu.We will march from Vietnam to Kasuga Mountain Castle.With that courage, we will pave the way to Taipei under heaven.... I'm counting on you. "

I smile as I say so.Then, after hearing the command, Kwon Six's body trembled and lay flat deep.

"...! Ah, thank you very much!!! General... I accept your offer.It's all for Taipei.I will always strive to meet the expectations of the Three Wizards!!! "

Kwan Liu vowed to succeed in the Uesugi conquest, while harboring an unseen will to fight in every word festival.When I smiled bitterly at the atmosphere that I was about to battle for Kasuga Yamashiro, I turned my gaze to the left near Goro, who was sitting next to him.

"I want you to fight as a lieutenant general near the left.I want you to cooperate with Shingoro and invade the Uesugi family from Shinano.I don't want you to fail in the Uesugi crusade.The Hojo family also offered to send reinforcements.I want you to line up with them and come to the Uesugi Battle.... can you please? "

"Haha! I'll take care of everything"

I can ask you how confident you are that you can rely on it for a short time.Originally, they were prepared to invade the Uesugi family.

I can be trusted if it's close to the left. There will be the grooms, and they will not attack indiscriminately.Regardless of the castle, the situation is more favorable to the Oda family.There is no need to impose.

In the meantime, I exhale wondering if there's a division.

I'm not even a tactician, so I won't have to stick my neck in vain.It is only Kwon Liu who stands on the battlefield.It is better for Kwan Liu to look at the situation on the scene and judge the fine adjustment than for me to decide on my own.

With that in mind, Nobukatsu Takeda, an umbrella of the Oda family, raised his voice.

"Mr. Omi, excuse me.With all due respect, I have one question for you. "

What do you want to ask...? There is no objection to Uesugi's capture in this situation, and even if I say something bad, I will stab the Takeda family in a bad position.

I also hear rumors that young people are smart.You may listen to me here.

Um, let me try.

"Haha! Thank you."

Deeply flat in gratitude, Nobukatsu cut to the chase.

"The Takeda family has no objection to Uesugi's conquest.However, I would like you to overlook the orders of Princess Kikuhime, the main room of Uesugi scenic scenery.Princess Ju is the one who draws the blood of my Takeda family.A few maids accompany her into Kasuga Yamashiro Castle.I beg you to show them mercy... "

Nobukatsu just kept lowering his head to wonder about the safety of Princess Ju and the maids.With that sincere attitude to complain, I learned to like it.

If Nobukatsu wanted to join the Uesugi clash for martial arts in order to restore the honor of the Takeda family, he would immediately refuse.

However, Nobukatsu was only worried about the lives of the Takeda family in Kasuga Yamashiro.I took more lives than honor that I might be able to help.

I was more than happy with the idea.

"Very well. Forgive me. I will surrender Princess Ju to the Uesugi family for negotiation.The Takeda family will also allow several Uesugi to accompany them.If I had a family member, the negotiations would go smoothly.But... you can't just take them over to the Takeda family.Those who have been handed over will be kept by the Oda family once, and their identity will be checked... is that all right? "

"Ha! Objection, I won't sit down! I would like to express my deep gratitude to Mori Omi for his kind words."

Nobukatsu expressed his deep gratitude as he concluded.The young master of the Takeda family nodded as the people in the hall were impressed.

The Takeda family confronted the Oda family head-on and were ruthlessly defeated.Needless to say, the fact that the young master of the two families, with such a deep connection of blood, is building a good relationship has had a great impact on the generations of the Kanto faction.

I finished talking to Nobukatsu, and now I look around.... apparently everyone is convinced.

"Now, let's dissolve.The Uesugi expedition will be early in the spring. Prepare yourselves. "


I'll leave the hall behind with them lying flat deep.I'm ready to go down. After that, we need to focus on the roots.

Now, let's take Uesugi.

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