January 2011 Hideyoshi Hashiba, Anjo City

Meanwhile, at that time, a woman was invited to Hideyoshi Hashiba while the three wizards were having a banquet with the Hojo family.

"... excuse me."

A small and sharp voice conveys the arrival of the opponent.A small voice is a sign of vigilance.Because there are no signs of people around, the subtle sounds will resonate.

A woman enters the room silently without waiting for the other person's reply.There's no one around the barrel that's closed without putting it in.The meeting was established here.


A moment of silence. The two cautious men listen to their own ears and explore the kind of messengers.And... when I made sure there was no sign, Hideyoshi couldn't help but breathe out of his mouth.

"Thank you so much for convening me..."


Even as the sun rises, there are two shadows lit up by a lamp that lights up in a dim room somewhere.A woman sitting opposite Hideyoshi.Its appearance is like that of a white spirit.

The woman's name is... snow.

When he thanked him, the snow temple lay flat with an expression that seemed to have lost any emotions.

"Thank you very much.I only swore allegiance to the Three Wizards.If it involves the three wizards, it's only natural to come here like this. "

While thanking her, she smiled bitterly at her figure, "Don't change."

"That's good, Snow Temple is only the kaiseki of the Three Wizards.You don't have to sell your charms to a bunch of ministers like you. "

"...... hah"

I don't particularly care about Snow Palace's attitude, but I talk quickly.Snow Temple looked slightly suspicious at such an attitude.

"Is there something... behind it?"

The expression of Snow Temple can be read so that the voice of such a heart can be clearly heard.Looks like a young man who's still unfamiliar with bargaining.

But in fact, I don't care at all.Rather, it is until I think it is preferable.

When I was young... there was nothing but a wreck beside you.Farmer's Four Boys and Five Boys... rubbish who doesn't even know the characters of courtesy...

Many of them had a habit of reluctance to lower their head to someone other than their superiors, and all of them had blood on their head as soon as they thought they were being underestimated.

Repeated insults to the left and left slashed and killed the side of the master was the most common example.

Therefore, it is funny to see the attitude of the Snow Palace from the snowflakes that have dealt with such rough people.I don't feel any anger or dust.

Rather, as the kaiseki of the Three Wizards, it is praiseworthy to think of everyone who meets as an enemy and to prepare in case of an accident.

So, how was the Third Wizard?

Kui beckons the snow hall, which leans strangely, to the end of the conversation.Then, the snow temple opened its mouth in a reluctant manner.

"The Three Wizards are still in danger.The load on my shoulders has fallen slightly, and my complexion has improved, but it tells me that I can't do it. "

"To the left...."

Snow Temple spins words of loneliness.

"The Three Wizards are gentle. Is it meaningless for the Three Wizards to have different identities?No matter who you are, it will be a beautiful and honorable thing to come into contact with each other individually. "

"It's just dazzling."

Snow nodded forcefully and hit the gavel.The attitude of the Three Wizards towards the people reminds us of our young superiors.

My lord accepted any person of talent or ability.The Three Wizards accept any status as long as they are a people to protect.

The direction is different, but at its root is the heart of mercy.It is equally kind to try to find burial talent and save decaying lives.

The Three Wizards have that noble thing.Everyone wants something that doesn't stop.

--But don't forget.Kindness is the same thing as danger...

You know the fact that the snow temple has sent a magnificent past.The conversation continued, distorting her face in a spicy manner.

"But there's one problem.That means you're turning your kindness towards your enemies.Fear of blood spilling, refrain from killing black cod and try to keep it to the minimum necessary sacrifice.That is correct in itself. However, the Three Wizards were crying with grief and tears, regardless of the enemy's allies, as their lives fell from the palm of their hands."I don't want to make one sacrifice," she mourns, "I'm sorry I can't save you"...The Three Wizards are too kind. "

--As it is... one day, you will be killed by your own kindness.

The mourning of the snow temple quietly came into the ear of the lion.This is the heart of the Snow Palace.It will be revealed because it is the only samurai among the elders who does not possess the nature of a samurai.

The essence of seeing the same shade.As the snow temple felt the true heart, so did the snow temple feel the temptation of the snow temple.That's why I told him.To entrust everything.

In fact, he looked up at the universe.

Stiff... keep your mouth shut tight...

Snowman's concern is correct.As it is, one day, the Three Wizards will be crushed with self-blame.The fate of those who have become so miserable is so miserable that it cannot be expressed in words.

No one wants a child dreaming of an ideal to become obsolete. I don't want to see it.

As it stands, the Oda family will perish.Self-destruction is a way of ending that cannot be saved too much.

It must be stopped at all costs.Nothing else, and for the sake of the Three Wizards, the wizard has to soil his hands.

There was a man who got his hands dirty and abandoned his ideals.

... my lord.

The day you killed your brother.Master has changed.He left Ozhang to protect his family and his ministers.

Ideals turned into ambitions, repeated many battles, and bombarded all over Japan with the prestige of the Emperor.

--I didn't want the unity of the world.

The master was only able to watch him break day by day.He could only watch as he continued to move forward.

Master, I couldn't stop walking.I did not allow my position to stop.The curse of the victim, who had been distracted until now, was stupid and malicious in the darkness of Nippon, binding his body and shrinking both physically and mentally.

What happened to it?

The Master lost his memory, and the strange Master lost his life and forced all his responsibilities on the young child.

All responsibilities refer to the policy that followed from the unification of Nippon as thought by our superiors.

The master unified Nippon by force, the strange master tied up the Daimyo family and the public house with fierce solemnity, and the plan to grasp the mind with the love of the Three Wizards collapsed, and the Three Wizards had to do all of it.

The three wizards forced him to add the fierceness that he didn't have with him.As a result, I was forced into such a state...

I'm too ashamed of myself.

I can't stand watching anymore.

Unlike in those days, today's bow is powerful.You can move for the sake of the Three Wizards.To fulfill the wishes of the Three Wizards who want to build Taipei under heaven!

In order to do this, we must first save the heart of the Three Wizards.We must let the load down.Before the pressure crushes me...

For this reason, the Three Wizards must be folded here.We must allow sacrifices.I must admit that feelings and ideals alone cannot end this turmoil.

Even if they hate you...

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