January 2011 Hideyoshi Hashiba, Anjo City

Uesugi Crusade.

The most important thing that can become a turning point for both the Oda family and the Sanjuji-sama.At the intersection of various thoughts, Kunroku was heading to the residence of the sixth temple to lead to a slightly better result.

Fortunately, I was able to reward Kwon Roku before he consolidated his policy of capturing Uesugi.A sigh of relief spills over into the fact.

In time... such thoughts run endlessly through your chest.In this time of the Uesugi crusade, Tsubaki could not fight directly, but he wanted to help at all.

In particular, I would like to ask the Kwon Roku Temple to perform the previous snow insult.This is the sincerity of the lie and deception of the pigeon.The Uesugi family is deeply attached to each other.The passionate thoughts in this chest are by no means inferior to those of the soldiers who fight on the battlefield.

Six years ago. Memories of a snowflake still burning in the back of your brain.It was... a cold rainy day.

The Battle of the Tottori River.

The first battle in which the military god Kenshin Uesugi and the Oda family collided head-on.It is no exaggeration to say that the two houses that remained stuck finally conflicted and will shape the future Oda family.It was a battle you should never lose.

However, Yan was foolishly separated from his differences with the Kwon Roku-hsi, and the Oda army was crushed by Uesugi Kenshin to the point where he had no skin.

The tragic rebellion at Nanao Castle, the constant resistance to advance, and the denunciation that no one will return, all brought about by Kenshin Uesugi's tactics.

I suppose it was as expected that the affectionate Kwan Roku-hsi would hurry to rescue Nanao Castle, and that the man who valued the information would rebel against Sole.

All they did was circle around the palm of Uesugi Kenshin's hand.

I'm asexual and angry at myself for exposing myself to any humiliation or disguise.I promise to pay this debt back. Wearing boiling rage, he decided to do so.

And finally, a generation of opportunities to fulfill the snowfall.The warm thoughts make your head shine like never before.

As he nodded emotionally thinking about the future development, Kwon Roku unexpectedly cast doubt.

"What about Fujiyoshiro? Will you also participate in the Uesugi Hunt? "

He waved his hand to the sixth lord, who would listen to such a thing.

"Hahaha, no three elders can escape the boulder.This time, I am answering the phone very carefully. "

"I see....."

Kwan Roku is a little disappointed.Perhaps the Kwon Roku-hsi also wanted to repay the debt of the First Battle of the Hand Tori River.

In that case, you might ask me for a favor.

With that intention in his chest, he cut out the subject.

"As soon as the Uesugi conquest is complete, I plan to go to Kasuga Yamashiro with Master Sanjima.Let's finish the job after the war.In the future, in order for the Oda family to smoothly control the Hokuriku region, I intend to make every effort. "

I see, I see. "I'm not good at that kind of adjustment. Thank you."

The sixth lord smiles bitterly.It must be a problem unique to the militant Shibata army.And I'll give you one favor while I hammer you.

"Hahahaha, I'll take care of everything.People are unsuitable.This kind of work is just the right kind of work.Take it with pleasure.... so I have a wish ritual for the Kwon Roku. "

"Hmm? What?"

Behind his eyes, he leaned his neck and lowered his head deep.

"I have heard that the Kwan Roku Dynasty also has ties with Oshu Se.I would definitely like you to connect with the Date family.Thank you very much. "


At that time, Kwon Roku-hsi was strangely tilting his neck at first, but after a while, he opened his eyes to reveal his surprise.

Silence in a few beats.

Kwon Roku-hsi opens his mouth to tell him something, but the words melt into the universe without becoming a voice.Still, I tried to say it several times, but it didn't take shape, and I finally fell face down.

"... if I had asked you before, what were you up to?"

Kwon Roku-den murmured with self-esteem and shook his body with his hand against his eyes.

"...... are you crazy?"

Answer some trembling questions with a smile.

"I'm insane. This is my job."

The sight of the Kwon Roku who was lying down penetrated the screen.

"There are others who can do it besides Fujiyoshiro.Isn't that what you should do? "

I shake my head and reject Lord Kwon's proposal.

"Kwon Roku is the elder of the Oda family.It is on the big sign of the Oda family.He who does unclean work will not be shown to those below.You can leave such dirty work to an outdoor path like a tree.A beast without hate or samurai pride, I don't know how to accept criticism..... "


Before the words went on, the sight of the horn was inverted.At the same time as the dull sound sounds, the shock strikes the cheeks.The smell of blood seeping in the mouth showed that the sixth lord had beaten him.

"Mr. Kwon Roku...."

"Don't say you played with me!!! Outsideways... beasts...? Don't play witchcraft! Don't say that to anyone else who dirty his hands for the Oda family! "

Kwon Roku-hsi shall swing again and knock his fist in.However, the fist did not reach the cage, and rapidly lost power in the air and fell downwards.


When I put my hand on the shoulder of the sixth temple, I could hear a thin voice that I couldn't think of normally.

"Why... can you sacrifice yourself so much for the Oda family and for the Three Wizards..."

He answered naturally in a heartfelt murmur like the Kwan Roku Temple.

"He held a six-fingered mouse like a pigeon without worrying about anything.He returned the beast, which was an alien beast, to humans.You can't repay the favor even if you spend all of your life.It is only natural that you risk your life for the master's successor, Master Sanji-sama. "

If the three wizards who can love the people indiscriminately... the lowly ones like you can surely realize the dream of you.

A future in which the future of the person is not influenced by birth or environment.Never again will you realize a glorious future where people with low stature will never be kicked in the foot.

--That future doesn't matter if you don't have a face.

With such thoughts in his chest, he becomes a demon.

When Hideyoshi Hashiba consolidated his determination, a man was warming himself in a firepot in a room of a mansion located in downtown Anjo Castle.

I don't know what you're thinking.A sentence is held in the hand of a man whose face creates a creepy atmosphere that is not funny even if he accidentally retreats.

"The Uesugi family declared surrender....."

--It's really not interesting.

Murmuring like that, I put the sentence into the fire pot.The sound of sparks popping silently.

The man's name is...

Kuroda Kanbei.

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