In mid-April 1911, Jingtai Nakajo, Yuzu City, China

In a dark, moist room, thirteen men were facing each other in circles.Your cheeks are thin and your eyes are still lit up, even though your bones are coming out.

"... how many people are left?"

"Fifty... no, I am forty-nine.My brother passed away earlier..... "

"... I see."

The answer is to look at the ceiling unexpectedly.The fact that it's all that's left of you makes your chest rip apart.

Close your eyes and Shizukuzuku spreads his cheeks.

Once I was ready to die, it was unbearable pain to break up with my companions who had suffered together.

It was at the end of April last year that we were ready to die.With Oda's constant onslaught, we can't fight back at all, just consuming ammo and supplies every day.The next day there were countless things about the face I saw that turned into unspeakable wreckage.

We have already seen our fate, and even if reinforcements arrive, we will only let them die in vain.Everyone knew as early as possible.If you are loyal to the Uesugi family, you must die here...

If it wasn't painful... it would be a lie.Of course. I want to live. I wanted to see my family again.

However, I don't want to go down to the enemy gate and live until I point a blade at my master and friends.

He hangs his head on the Oda family for a long time and turns his back on his fellow martyrs loyal to the Uesugi family.

--Living shame.

As long as I live in such an unusual state, I will buy time to resist the Oda family until this life runs out.

I conveyed my thoughts to everyone gathered in the hall.

"I will continue on the path of resistance to the end.Certainly, there would have been a choice to go down to the Oda family's military gate here and live longer.Prioritizing the survival of your house, even if you sip muddy water, you can survive the turmoil.I won't deny the idea.If you choose, I won't stop it.... but I can't choose that choice!! "

Every time you repeat a word, your thoughts go on.Blood runs through your tight, tight fist, and your heart sounds painfully.

"I'll keep fighting until the end, even if I'm alone.I'll stick it to the enemy general's neck until his life runs out.That's what I believe is the way forward. "

Once you have separated the conversation, you drop your gaze and close your eyelids.Breathe deeply with your hands on your chest.Spinning words with zero breath.

"This is my stubbornness.I won't force you.If you want to live, go down to the Oda family.I won't stop blaming it. "

--But if you're still loyal to the Uesugi family... then die with me.

Close your eyes and wait for a reply.This moment is the longest I've ever felt in my life.The silence pierced my ear to the point where I didn't like it.

Honestly, I thought there would be few left.If you lose, you're not sane enough to keep fighting while you know you're dead.

Are you insane enough or stupid enough to read the situation accurately?It doesn't change being drunk.

I'm the only one who's stupid.

I thought so.

But apparently I wasn't the only idiot.

"... I've been licked completely."

After such a murmur from Takemata Hall, voices began to rise from others.

"Our bellies have already been decided!"

"It's a samurai's shame to pull here!"

"Of course. Though it may be the end covered in mud, thou shalt not betray thy beliefs."

"Together, we are already sinking with this castle."

Unexpectedly hide your eyes from the determination of everyone in the hall.

"Oh... you guys..."

Our feelings were one.

Then a month later, the situation will change.

There is no ammunition, no food, morale falls to the ground, and the unspoken remains roll at Uzu Castle.At the end of May, we realized when the castle fell, and decided to challenge the final battle.

Contains in his mouth\ 39142;, which was worn in an obsolete combat outfit and left at the end.Then, punch a hole in your ear and put the name tag through it so that you know who you are even if you only have a neck.

This is proof of your readiness.

No matter how many wounds you get in the final showdown, you'll never pull...

And the final battle began.

A sign of imminent imminent death.One and one of us, who were already under 500, died without being able to prevent the thirty thousand Oda army from pursuing them.

I was ready. The plan was also worked out.However, the difference in pure strength could not be overturned.

I struggled with my teeth in every adversity.However, such a struggle was futile, and I allowed the Oda army to invade until the second round in a fierce attack. When I thought of "the earliest possible time", I suddenly drew the Oda army or soldiers.

I doubted the trap as a matter of course.There is no reason to pull here.Bad things are good.

However, the Oda army retreated slightly and finally arrived at Toyama Castle to wait and see.As I leaned my neck into that very mysterious situation, a report came in.

In other words, it is the rebellion of Akechi Mitsuhide.

It happened on May 28.

If implementation had been delayed for a few more days, we would not have been alive.

That day... the day the Oda army drew their troops.We were able to live long, happy or unhappy.Ironically, I was saved by the great commotion I visited the Oda family.

Unfortunately, there was no room to invade the confused Oda family.However, we were given time to replenish our troops, reinforce broken walls and mourn the dead.

That will be the only salvation.

With thoughts on the past, he wipes his eyes and looks at the twelve generals.

"Everyone has fought well until today.When the Oda army pulled out the troops that day, they said they could leave the castle in exchange for the replenished soldiers, but all those who survived continued to stay at Utsu Castle.After that, I continued to fight the Oda army... until the end of my life... "

While desperately enduring the overflowing tears, she smiled. Keep spinning words.

"I am proud to have fought with a true samurai like you until today. Sincerely."

Tighten your lips and lower your head deeply.

Everyone understood the curtain of this battle with the intense signs of death that came again.Still, I respectfully thanked the heroes who stayed and fought.

Everyone looked at me gently.

"You don't have to thank me."

"I don't know how much Nakajo was saved by his loyalty to the Uesugi family.It is thanks to the dedication of His Highness Nakajo that we have fought to this day. "

"I'm sure you'll be proud of Nakajo's struggle."

Their expressions didn't show any discontent, and they were overwhelmed with hard work for me.

"... uhh!... uhh... uhh..."

Everyone's warm words stained my chest.I couldn't see the front because of the overflowing tears.I felt that the days of battle had passed clearly, and all the painful and steep days had been rewarded.

When they wipe their tears roughly, they look at them.Together, the eyes are still lit up.

"From now on, I will ambush the Oda Army's castle.The Oda army would not have thought about such things as our ambush, which is a situation of overwhelming disadvantage and confined to the main circle.... pierce that gap! Let's reward the Oda family with an arrow of flowers!!! "


Raise your fist to the heavens and express your determination.

This is the final battle of my life.I will aim for the neck of the enemy generals until this time of decay!

But reality comes ruthlessly and suddenly.

When we decided to prepare together, an incredible roar and shock struck us.


Something broke, something warm fell on my face and my vision dimmed.

Oda Army, start shelling Uzu Castle from the five castles.The smoke that can enter from Uzu Castle is the smoke of the war.

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