Mitsunobu Nagasaka, Kasuga Yamashiro, Echigo, May 1911

Refusal to hand over Princess Ju.Furthermore, even visits are not allowed.Even though they are somewhat hostile, they are stunned by the way they respond, which is too lacking in courtesy.

The Uesugi family who valued "righteousness" was no longer there.

But you can't just pull back like that.I suppose that thought was the same for Yohachiro, who refrained from going behind.He banged his anger on the back of Naoe Hall, leaving silently.

"Please wait, Naoe Hall! Do you think this kind of behavior is permissible!? Naoe-don!! "


However, Yohachiro's words never reached Naoe Hall.Naoe did not turn around at all and left the room.

Quietly closed.Yohachiro sat down without strength. The sound of knocking your fist on the tatami mat.A crying voice of remorse.

While everyone was trembling with anger without a place to go, he stared at the piece of cloth at his hand.

Gently touch the slightly swollen sole with your fingertips.The Naoe Hall of Fame gave it away so that it could not be seen by anyone but Naoe.If so, there must be a hidden intent.

Gently unpack the cloth and check the contents so that no one can see it.It contained shocking items.

"This is...."

Unexpectedly, he opened his eyes and swallowed a stubborn saliva on a product that was far from his assumption.The handle trembles little by little and a cold sweat flows through your back.

What was there was "black hair in a cell with white bands wrapped around it".

Touching the sole while trembling. At this point, I already had a bad feeling.

Glossy shine. Moisturizing touch."Hair is the life of a woman", but there are as few people who can do good care on a daily basis as ever.

In other words, this black hair belongs to the soothing one.There is only one woman around Naoe Hall who meets the conditions.If this white band represents a white outfit...!

The truth emerges so that the dots and the dots are connected.Response from the Uesugi family. The safety of Princess Ju.The sincerity of Naoe Hall. It was all connected together!

--This hair belongs to Princess Ju.

Naoe, in his capacity as Minister Uesugi, told the Takeda family the truth.I suppose you followed your "righteousness" without risking it.

There's only one thing that means that.Princess Ju has already died.

I don't know the cause of death. I'm not sure if it was another murder or a disease or death.I just can't see that smile again... for sure.

The overflowing tears make a big stain on the tatami mat.Bite your lips tightly and desperately swallow them.

Naoe Hall left on purpose without saying anything.First of all, there is definitely an eye that monitors pigeons and the like.Now that you don't know where you're listening, crying is a bad thing you should never do.

If it's true, you have to put up with tears.

But... but I couldn't hide this tear.

Suddenly, Yohachiro and the others were in a hurry to say, "What's wrong?"When a human sees someone who is more exposed to emotions than he is, he turns around and becomes calm.

"Um... Kaiyosai-sama? How to………"

Yohachiro reaches out for fear.However, the words were never uttered to the end.Because Yohachiro had his left hand spread out in front of him.

"... I need to talk to you. Come here."

When they whispered so little, Yohachiro and the others leaned to the side.After confirming that everyone had solidified to surround the lid, he pressed his finger again to his mouth and opened his mouth, saying that there was no need to say anything else.

"Princess Ju is dead."


At first, Yohachiro and the others could not understand what they were saying, but gradually realized the seriousness of the situation, they blushed their faces and closed their mouths with both hands.Not to scream.

Everyone is looking at a mixture of emotions.He showed everyone his black hair earlier.

"The one Naoe Temple gave you earlier.Let's see what Princess Ju looks like. "

"Is that... sincere?"

He nodded little by little to the man who was staring at him as he trusted him.

"I'm not sure. Maybe this black hair doesn't belong to Princess Ju.However, I can't afford to confirm it with my current wigs.We need to report this to the young man immediately. "

Put one breath down and look at everybody.

"I'm leaving Kasugayama Castle tonight. Prepare yourselves."

The words contained determination.

A few moments later, the sun falls, and the time comes when darkness reigns over the world.Thirty men breathed so that they could be disputed in the darkness.

Each of them is lightly dressed and ready to travel, and the expression shows the color of readiness.

That should be it. He and the others are leaving for the Uesugi family without permission.If they find us, we will soon be held captive and questioned about the truth.

... No, because of Naoe's attitude, he's likely to be killed in the worst case scenario...

Murmuring with self-ridicule, Yohachiro turned to them.

"From now on, divide your troops into three teams.Ten men, led by Shiro, aim for Ueno.Ten men, led by Yohachiro, will aim for Shinano.I will lead ten people to Kai Country. "


"If you start running, never stop even if your buddies get killed in front of you.Don't turn around. Don't look back.Just keep moving.Don't forget to deliver the sentences you have in your pocket to your side! "

Thank you!

Speaking with his hand in his pocket, he answered with tears.Everyone understands the severity of this mission.And if you die, who dies first...?

And when the moon hid in the clouds, and the darkness was deeper.As I showed you, I started running at once.

"I'll see you alive!"

There was no reply.

I just kept moving my feet.That was their sincerity.

Then, after running all the way through, a terrible amount of Matsuaki was waiting for him.

"... I still wanted to be ambushed!"

Tightening his lips with remorse, a man walks in from the front.I couldn't see my face in the shadows, but it was clear from that appearance that I wasn't just a person.

"You will meet Takeda Ieyasu Minister Nagasaka Kaiseki Saiten.A certain name is Yamaura Kuramachi.Unfortunately, I can't let you through.Here, let me give you that life.Be magical!!! "

The roar pierces the body like a blade, inadvertently putting pressure on the knee.At this point, he understood his end.

"... go..."

As he murmured, the nine men who were led by Jin began to run together.Each direction is different, and disturbances are occurring everywhere with a voice.

In front of me, I found that some face in Yamaura was distorted.

"Unusual. Why did you give up cleanly? Why expose yourself to such shame? I don't understand.What an ugly figure. His Lord Shingen will cry in the shade of the grass leaves. "

In response to such obvious provocation, pull out your sword and respond.

"Ugly? Shameful? Say whatever you want.You fools who disobey Lord Humble's thoughts.I have no stepsister, no affection, and so shall his humble lord. "


Some face in Yamaura is distorted by anger.A polished silver glow rises in the dark.

"Stinky, persistent, walking your way to the end.That's how Takeda samurai live!! "

He shook his sword as he shook it out of his stomach.The love sword that accompanied me for most of my life sparkled once again without paving the way for my master.

Mitsunobu Nagasaka, also known as Kaiyosai, dedicated his life as a genealogist for Mr. Takeda of Kofi Nation.

Seventy-one years old.

Thirty men who left Kasugayama Castle will all be killed by the siege net of the Uesugi family.

But God's whims, or the devil's pranks, or the sentence that one of them had, will fall into the hands of some man.

The man has no name.It is only called the grasshopper.Those who are uncertain of origin and have truncated the past.

The man is now serving a man.

His master is the Oda family elder Hideyoshi Hashiba.

And the blade that attacked the fishing caves was approaching that man.

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