Niigata Uesugi Kaiseki, June 1911

It was foggy this morning.

The dark, wet earth is relentlessly taking our feet and consuming wasted energy.

So, is that it?... no, it's my fault that you're smelling so harsh...

Speaking of which, Yoshiroku came to the side every time he fought, and said, "Your expression is too hard! Then you won't be able to rest assured! General, be confident! The octopus in your ear was telling you. "

Thinking of such an old scene, I look around.The morale of the troops lined up in front of me could not be said to be good to see.

"If Yoshiroku were here at this time...."

While murmuring such unpretentious words, I aimed for Niigata Castle while being rocked by horses.

After a few hours, thinness and shadow begin to be visible in front of us as we advance our feet in fear of an attack. Niigata Castle.

Strongly shake the military doctrine and pause in space.The whole army stopped and stood up to match it.

I feel a little more morale on my skin than before when I arrive in front of the enemy's home town.

As I watched the situation, I decided to prepare myself.As soon as possible, there was no way for my Uesugi family.There's no other way to get rid of enemies and cut the road.

"There is life in the dead. Fight the enemy soldiers and seize the future.………… all troops storming "

As he uttered his last words, he shook the military fortress toward Niigata Castle.


3,500 soldiers of the Pioneer Ashigaru Squadron rushed into Niigata Castle, shouting loudly.The tactics we took to beat the numbers were to attack with strength.Due to the presence of the impending Oda army, there was no other way for us to attack in a short period of time.

Soldiers rushing with their spears on.Following that, the next two hundred Cavalry will be ready.The pioneers alone are nearly three times the size of the Niigata Castle's Niigata army.I was staring at the whole line from the moment I expected the match to continue.

But my expectations will be betrayed.

Almost half of the pioneers who were carrying out the mad abandonment assault were on the spot.Things change far beyond my expectations.

June 1999 Shigeya Niigata, Tensho

The enemy shadow that seemed thin in the fog collapsed at once.The Uesugi army is outdated and old-fashioned.In other words, it's an old-fashioned unit that focuses on spears.Spear soldiers ascend to more than half of all troops.As a result, the spears of the fallen soldiers pierced the ground, their allies, and their bodies, causing a noise of screaming.

With such a bewildered voice and anger echoing, I had an unexpected smile that things were proceeding as planned.

And Kagugoro next door also shouted joy at the state of the Uesugi army, which was perfectly integrated into our operation.

"Brother-in-law, this operation is a success! The Uesugi army has fallen into pitfalls and is not leading their troops at all! "

"Mm-hmm. Just as planned!"

Yes, it's a pitfalls that we have prepared.An overwhelmingly inferior number of us would not commit suicide if we bumped into the Uesugi army, a major army, directly from the front.

That's why we took advantage of the nature of this land.

Kneel down on one knee and grab the soil with your left hand.Every time you exert force or loosen it, the earth changes shape freely.No, this is the earliest mud.It is unique to this wetland.

"If the river floods in Niigata, this area will sink into the water.Barren land unsuitable for agriculture.The locals call it an abominable land, but... "

All at once, the mud in your palm bounces and flies.

"Bring it into defensive combat and this place will turn into an irresistible castle!"


When he shook his fist so strongly, the surrounding ministers raised their voices as well.Indeed, military morale is at its highest.No more finish. Everyone shared the joy with excitement that things were going as planned.

Sure, I know how everyone feels.No matter how many Uesugi families fell, the number of soldiers was a threat, and there were many spectators.With such tight surveillance of the Uesugi army, it is difficult to set a huge trap.It was last night that we set up this pitfall.

But even for one night, you can make as many small pitfalls as you want.It's made of soft soil unique to the wetlands!

The only concern was the increased likelihood of being noticed for having set up countless traps.But God has been on our side, and this area has been wrapped in deep fog since morning.Exactly this time, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to win the Uesugi scenic spot!!!

When I raise my waist, I shout with a loud voice that echoes around me.

"Together, for throwing stones!!!"


A line of soldiers shouted alongside me, following my voice.In the fog ahead, I heard the impatient voice of the Uesugi army.


One beat, two beats, silence, and...



Five hundred fist-sized stones were thrown at the chaotic Uesugi army.

The shouting of the Uesugi army immediately after the start of the throw.Without sympathy at all, I began to prepare for the second shot.

Stand back, unit one, stand in front of unit two!


As trained, the front and rear units change at once.A fist-sized stone is held in the hands of the soldiers of the 2nd Army, just like the 1st Army.

"2nd unit, for throwing stones!!!"


Get ready with no disturbance.


As before, one beat, two beats and silence came -



Five hundred stones attacked the Uesugi army shouting loudly.And soon after the thrower, he turned into the one behind him, and began to prepare for the next.

The constant throwing storm definitely knocked out the Uesugi army and lowered morale.The operation was a remarkable success.

A stone, but if it hits the flesh, it gets scratched and in some cases the bone breaks.Bad blows can lead to the worst death.

A three-stage artillery shot presumably devised by Oda.This two-stage throw is what imitates it.A group of 500 soldiers, a total of 1,000, continue to throw without interruption.A big battle of a generation that uses 90% of the entire army.If it failed, the defeat would have been certain.

But if we don't hit him, this difference in strength won't be covered.Turn around and the army will crush you.

Sure, my plan is plain.

Like Mr. Oda, you can't come up with strange measures, and you can't prepare a lot of expensive guns.Besides, even if I had a gun, I didn't have time to use it.

That's why we took the stone.

My plan is plain.

But I can't lose. I can't lose.

He waved his army and pulled the horse's strings.

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