Kasuga Yamashiro, Echigo, June 1911

The execution of Uesugi Jingsheng came to an end without difficulty.The body of the scenery will be buried next to the tomb of Humble Shin.The life of a man longing for a great father, and chasing his back hard, thus closed the curtain.

With this, the Uesugi logging was completed.The great families of the neighboring countries are in awe of the defeat of the Takeda and Uesugi clans, which were named in the old days.

"The Unification of the Oda Family"

It was the moment when the unification of the world, which was only a dream tale, turned into a real thing.

Then, after the execution of Uesugi Scenic Spot, an editorial competition prize was held in the Great Hall of Kasugayama Castle.

The Uesugi Expedition completely controlled the unstable countries of Kaga, Nobu, and Yue.Furthermore, the territory of the Oda clan was expanded all at once because it ruled the Echigoku country, which was the mainland of the Uesugi clan.All the soldiers who took part in the battle were rewarded, and the bereaved families were guaranteed a home.

That's what I call it, but it was so lucrative.I felt like I could see why European countries bullied the weaker ones. I won't do it.

There were six people who were the Lord in such an editorial prize.

First of all, Mr. Naoto's father-in-law, who led 5,000 reinforcements.

"Hojo Sagami Hall. He was the head of the Oda family's umbrella during the Uesugi expedition.I want to thank you as the Oda family leader. "

When he finished in front of everyone, his surname walked up to his father-in-law.In her hands, she holds a pile of dazzling golden vessels.The vessel was also lacquered with gold decorations that showed the highest grades, and the scene that overwhelmed the viewer surprised the dignitaries.

As the surname slowly lowered the vessel, the tatami mats slowly settled down.The emissary of the Nikaido family was dazzled by the sound.While your surroundings are upset like that, your father-in-law opens his mouth while keeping calm.

"... until one of them did what he deserved as a daimyo connected to Oda."It's a terrible thing to be rewarded.Rather, I am deeply saddened by your help in avenging my uncle, Keihu Uesugi. "

So, once divided, he lay flat.Then, after a beat, I raised my face again and stared at me.

"As expected, this gold is a testament to Mr. Omi's trust."Thank you for accepting it. ”

When I said that, I took the vessel in my hand and took a step back.Without being greedy for gold, the admiration for the calm way of receiving it as a reward rose.

I also nodded contentedly at the state of things.Mr. Naoshi's father-in-law also smiled full face.However, knowing the circumstances, I laughed inwardly.

The revelation goes back a few moments.

To be honest, since my main room is the home of Princess Fuji, there is a section in the Hojo family asking for trouble, so I really can't think straight to my father-in-law.

Actually, I didn't want to play such a farce.

However, the Oda family and the Hojo family have a master-serving relationship.In a public place like this, you can buy the repugnance of another family by showing your personal feelings.Neither I nor your father-in-law really want to do that.It is not good to be spoiled for good friends.

Therefore, after preparing a large amount of money, I handed over the main order in a separate room before the essay prize.Well, I made an arrangement rather than giving it to you.

The real reward. It's the marriage between your father-in-law and the princess of the Konoe family.

Initially, I planned to marry the princess from the Oda family, but it was postponed, and the honest father-in-law is still... single.

Well, even though he's still in his twenties, it's bad to see a person who succeeded the Hojo family director without a fiancée forever.If one end of it was in the Oda family, I always thought that I should look for my wife as the master.

In the midst of this, the Princess of the Konoe Clan stood with an arrow of white feathers.In the Konoe family, the owner, Konoe Maekaku, is Sekihaku.His son, Nobuin Konoe, has been abducted by the Minister.Since the previous incident, the Konoe family had complete control over the court.

Of course, it is not for my own self-interest or desire, but to build a world of Taiping under the heavens, and it is a good understander who has endorsed my dream.

Besides, as the father-in-law of the tea that will be my side room, I will be married to the Oda family.Since Fujita and I were already related to the Oda family, we gave priority to connecting with the imperial court rather than forcing the princess of the Oda family to marry her.

The only concern was the mental burden of the princess who was to marry in Tohoku, far away from Kyoto, but this had to be left to the direct father-in-law.

Well, the Hojo people are good people, so I'm not so worried.As the princess of the duke, you will treat me with courtesy.

Goro turned his gaze to his left, looking at his honest father-in-law, who could not hide his joy.Then I nodded my head and responded with a small nod, noticing my gaze.

This time, I left the negotiations with the Konoe family to Goro Left.The date for the ceremony is also set, and it will be officially announced next month.

Sure... the next day you want to do it? Something to do with it. Seems like good luck to me.I think my grandmother said it in my previous life... but I can't remember it because I remember too much.

Goro left also owed the Hojo family for the Uesugi expedition this time, so we are working with enthusiasm.

That said, Goro Zuo wanted to transfer the director of the Nanba family to Nagamoto and entrust the internal affairs of Ueno to him for a long time.

Therefore, I wanted to leave a track record in the Uesugi Expedition and foil it.

Did you perceive that, Mr. Naoto's father-in-law only defended the position of reinforcements and set up the long weight as a general.As a result, Masada Nobuyuki of the Danba Army has made great achievements in capturing Uesugi scenic spots.

For this, Goro Left, who is always calm, is always happy with the big gold stars.Thanks to this, the inheritance of the director of the Namba clan from Goro's left will continue uninterrupted.

For that reason, Goro Zuo was struggling to repay his debt to the Hojo family.With this, both families will feel better, and I want you to cooperate in keeping the east under control!

Now that the Hojo family case has been divided up, the next prize will be the Kwon Six Argumentation Prize.For the dignitaries, I guess this is the main purpose.In the main hall, there is a filled air.

Well then, Katsuya Shibata, let's step forward.

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