Ando Castle, July, 11th year of Heavenly Majesty

Well then, if you'll excuse me.

While lending my shoulders to Yoshiaki, I will give further instructions to Hosokawa, who bows his head.

"A monk is already waiting in front of the castle gate."Go with him.In that case, I'll make this disrespectful by hand. "

"... haha, it's painful and warm"

Hosokawa lowered his head deeply once, and then stepped forward while supporting Yoshiko's body.

I think I saw Yoshiko quietly leaving the room while being supported by Hosokawa.Wishing for peace and quiet in the world, and seeking to save lives in front of me, that figure was my forerunner for Taiping.

The dream was torn, and even the initial appearance of the ideal was lost. Even then, the sadness drifted from the worn-out back, which could only move forward, drew tears even if it did not respond.

It was the Oda family that took the dream from him.

His ideal is not wrong.I can't deny it.If the world were the world, it would have made Kyoto prosperous as a good name.

But this turbulent world will not allow the powerless to rise above it.It was inevitable that Yoshizaki, who wanted to save the weaker people close to him, and his grandfather, who was aiming for the entire world with a far southern barbarism in view, would clash with each other.

In any case, the purpose is different. Yoshiaki asked for power to save the people, while Grandpa tried to save the people in the process of gaining power against the Nanba.

It is too sad that the mistake should trigger the two of them to divide up.

The servants hate Yoshizaki, who has repeatedly called for the army and tormented his grandfather.

Who do you think made you general?

Shamelessness to avenge me

A man with only bloodline.

With such frustration in his mouth, Grandpa admitted Yoshizaki.

"If Yoshiaki can tolerate the decorative throne, if she can tolerate giving priority to the lives of those who will live in the future...... No, Yoshiaki is a man who cannot overlook the suffering people in front of him.It's a beautiful thing, but that's the king's artifact that Yoshiaki has. "

That night, I was the only one who revealed it to me.Grandpa, who cut off ten, saved a hundred, and Yoshizaki, who could not tolerate the ten that were cut off.

I'll take care of both of them.That's why I want you to spend the rest of your life in peace.Make the end of your dreams an ideal place for everyone to be happy.

Yes, I was firmly determined to look at Yoshiko's back.

Tochimi ended safely.

In this way, the Maori became an umbrella of the Oda family, and the dispute with Ashikaga was settled, so the territory of the Oda family was further expanded.

In addition, the resignation of Ashikaga's general was an inevitable challenge for the Oda clan to establish a new shogunate, but it was also solved with this sight.I cleared the prerequisites.

As a result, Kishu and Kyushu were the only remaining enemies, and the grand dream story of Taiping Tengishi became realistic.

In this case, the famous generations from all over the country are gathered.It is inevitable that a feast shall be held to celebrate it.

The nieces moved in a hurry, and as Goro left the partition, the encouragement echoed, the namesake from all over the world gathered to me to express their congratulations.

Oshu and Kanto Tsutomu, who are newly joined under the umbrella, have joined the Hojo family and the Shinsei Takeda family, which are headed by the umbrella.

However... the expression of fear on Oshu's face was strong, and the Date family in particular was trembling a little.At the end of his gaze was a vine with a gentle smile.

... haha. Looks like the vine's messed up again.You've been suspicious ever since you brought in Okushu's son, headed by the Date family.I have to check back later.

As I wrote my appointments in my mind's notepad, the namesake people who were lined up in front of me all sideways.A man majestically advances in the middle of it.

"Masamori Omi, greetings."Another step towards the tragic achievement of the Oda family.As an old ally, I would like to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. ”

"I'm sorry...... Tokugawa-sama"

A great hero who played a unifying role in the history of the world.A daimyo who ruled two countries, Mikawa and Yoe.At this visit, the Daimyo himself was not the only one who participated.I'm the most vigilant person.

Tokugawa Ieyasu was there.

Ieyasu lowered his hips with a slightly smelly trick.I was distracted for a moment by such an intimate appearance, but I immediately refocused myself.

Ieyasu is not an expert in martial arts.Even if you try to assassinate me here, the Ichiban behind me will be slaughtered immediately.

But Ieyasu's true skeleton is speech.The words skillfully enter the opponent's nostalgia, and use your squeezing hand to poke through the gap of consciousness.Unfortunately, the sword is of no use.

Even though it could be said to be a rattan mentality technique, this is not something that can be consciously prevented.The only thing you can prevent is a spiritual monster like your grandfather.

But that's why defenselessness is out of the question.Never be alarmed. That's the Ieyasu measure I can do for ordinary people.

(Well, this is finally the starting line.)

While smiling bitterly in my heart, I address my words to Ieyasu, who came from Haruka Hamamatsu as the head of the Oda family.

"This time, Tokugawa-sama was able to participate in it himself." I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. "

When he lowered his head deeply, Ieyasu lowered his head several times as he clenched his head with one hand in a panic.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,When I heard that it had gone one step forward again, I flew as I was dressed.As a friendly and strong ally, I am very, very happy to express my congratulations in writing and on behalf of others..... "

Hahaha... and stroked my stomach with a light laugh.In a word, the generations around her turned pale.

This guy just took control of other famous houses with one word.If I said yes or praise to the anchor here, it would have severely damaged the stomach and intestines of other Naodai.Seriously, you stupid bastard!

"I am glad of the generosity of Lord Tokugawa."However, whether it's a nominee or a letter, it doesn't matter.If you're sure you want to celebrate Yu, I'll give you equal credit. "

"That's it, that's it... the driftwood is in Omi Mori."The kindhearted one who is true to rumors. I'm impressed. "

Ieyasu nodded in admiration, looking sideways at the famous generations around him.Everyone breathed out in relief.

Apparently, it didn't work out.

Reassured by this state of affairs, Ieyasu is looked at with many meanings.However, Ieyasu did not move at all when he received such a gaze, and clapped his hands as if he had just remembered, and cut out the main subject.

"Ahh, and there's someone I'd definitely like you to meet..."

Ieyasu sent his gaze backwards with a deep smile, and a man appeared in front of me to cut through the crowd.

The fan falls from the right hand to the unexpected person.

"Misuke... Uncle... go?"

Nobuo Misuke Oda.

My uncle, who keeps the Owari kingdom, stood there.

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