At the end of the feast, which had been carried out since the evening, the lower moon shone suspiciously in the night sky when it reached the mansion where the Naishiros had been prepared.

We were together when it got deeper that night.And when they were drunk without their eyes, and when they were weary with the Lord, when they fell into deep sleep, there were still those who were asleep.

It is the deepest mansion assigned to the Tokugawa family.In a room that doesn't even let the moonlight pass, a slight light shines on the faces of the two men.

Their name is Tokugawa Ieyasu, the head of the Tokugawa family.And the minister, Masamune Honda.

Those who lurk in the dark quietly sharpen their fangs.

Tenzhen 11th year July Ando castle samurai residence Tokugawa Ieyasu

In this room with only one light, I faced Yahachiro.Sometimes the banquet is exhausting, but the matter is related to the end of the Tokugawa family.Nature and drowsiness were awake.

"My lord, as for what happened earlier..." "Wait." "

I clapped my hand twice and sent a signal to Yahachiro, who was cutting out the story.Then, there was a shadow on the other side of the wall. It was Hanzo.

What's going on with your head and tail?

"Hah, three people in the East Gate." One in the shade of the trees to the west.Two people in the northern rocks.Three people in the southern tile.In the two adjacent mansions, there was about a platoon.Four troops patrol the entire samurai residence.Surveillance attached to the Tokugawa family is second only to the Maori family. "

Hanzo answers palely. The report thinly shadowed Yahachiro's expression.

"...... more than I expected."

"Hah, it is presumed that Oda Clan Old Man Hashiba Tsukimae and direct reports of Omi Makoto are moving independently.Well, there is a definite collaboration between those units.Perhaps they have assumed that this situation would come, and they have repeatedly practiced it. ”

As Hanzo reported, Mirumuru Yahachiro's face turned pale.I was worried about Yahachiro.Perhaps the worst assumption is going through the brain.

But that kind of cowardice is the key factor in overcoming the dilemma.The perfect ability to protect me.

Therefore, I left the vigilance around me to Yahachiro, and I jumped into the sea of thoughts.

Trained soldiers surrounding the Mansion.Perfect cooperation with no gaps.Apparently, even though I could confuse the eyes of the ideally possessed king, I was blocked by both of his wings.

... I'm angry, but now I can barely move.There was also a plan to connect with people from Oshu and Kanto, but now that we know who went in and where, poor behavior is equivalent to strangling ourselves.Stay here quietly in the Mansion.


I looked around and muttered in my heart.

Brand new, it's no exaggeration to say it was built for this day.In particular, the mansion assigned to the Tokugawa family, with whom the Oda family has had a close relationship since ancient times, is of the highest quality and treatment.

But if you turn around, you'll be sleeping on a trap prepared by the Oda family.I didn't know what was stored under the floor or under the ceiling.

Maybe this whole vast samurai residence was built as a trap.In the worst case, I'll be able to get rid of it as soon as possible.

If so, we must be vigilant not only for the interlocutors, but also for the kind of hidden passage.I don't know what's spreading beyond one of these walls.

... but with my maidens, I can have a private conversation in this room.

"That's right, it's not going to be easy..."Let's celebrate them here.... that's enough. "


Hanzo, who melted into the darkness without a sound, looked back, relaxed her chest and exhaled a sigh.

"Everything is not exactly what I wanted..."I don't care. Let's just try to be good at using clowns. "

When I remembered the face of that clown, Yahachiro continued to agree.

"It's the left side." Yo, I didn't expect such a temperamental man to bow his head in public.I didn't expect to be able to handle a beast in just one year...... the stones are in the palace. "

A dry laughter echoes silently.Yahachiro's eyes were dying step by step.A year of hardship seems to seep into his face.

”Hah... I agree with that...”

She squeezed it out from the bottom of her stomach as if it had been hit by such a Yahachiro.

Things seem easy to use. You can take the king even if you can't move with one hand."Is it always in my power to fall into power...?"

The only weakness exposed by that monster.The most honorable strength that binds the people turns into a rushing place that exposes its neck.I'm not so sweet as to silently overlook it.

Ambush Poison

Simply because of the enemies' heavy losses, it has been used as a measure to cut them down since ancient times.

I first cut this card as a cloth stone to cut down the Oda family.Believe me, that boy will reach out, even if he knows it's a trap.

It took me a year, or it took me a year to do it.It can be inferred from the hard work that has been accumulated so far.

--But one thing I can tell you is that monkeys are much easier if you teach them a trick.

Reflecting on a cloth stone that can be called a farce play, somehow I was mentally damaged, but I pressed my fading consciousness with the spirit of steel to get to the point.

"However, it is absolutely impossible to defeat the Oda family with one hand."He must be beaten down for the moment when his head goes out of his strong protection, after so many plots. "

Haha, you're absolutely right.

That's right. There's no need to take off all the protections surrounding the child.The slight gap where the blade reaches the neck is fine.

"Next, I'll slash down those wings."The target was Hashiba Tsukimori Hideyoshi.If we don't drop the corner of the Oda family elder, we won't have a chance to win.Immediately wash the perimeter of Chikushima! Find out all about his past, relationships, hobbies, and more! ”

"Woo-hoo!... excuse me for this."

After lying down deeply, Yahachiro immediately began to move.Give additional instructions to the back.

"Also, there is something that I would like my ministers to spread as a rumor.""The Oda family connected with the Hagizaki clan to the reclamation of the earthen land," he told them.As a rumor..... "

Reacting to my voice, Yahachiro listened with a correct posture, and gave a confused expression.

"... but wouldn't that make the Oda family famous?"

"For now, that's fine." right now..... "

When I unintentionally loosened my mouth, I was frightened by Yahachiro's eyes.Immerse yourself in the pleasure of watching the self reflected in your eyes.

In a situation where one bad guy decides to win or lose.Anyone can see that the Oda clan dominated the board at first.You idiot. There's no turning the tide from here.

Yes, there was only one way to defeat a monster that could not be defeated by the Honest Law.I used all my cunning, intrigue, and accumulated wisdom to surprise the monster.

There's only one way to do that.

To invert the bad guy who was lying on the ground to his best hand.

The deciding factor in the battle is how much cloth and stone I can put into it.

I see...... I just said that we have another year left.

"I'm going to finish planting the cloth and stone first."Is it first for a child to unify the world?* giggle *... my blood is bleeding!!! "

I grabbed a clenching fist and castled Anjo Castle.

Unforgivable. Unforgivable. Don't stop. Don't stop.

There was no other way to decide between the males and females in a bloody battle.

- Now, let's begin the fight against the monsters.

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