Ando Castle, July, 11th year of Heavenly Majesty

"Please, raise up your soldiers to save the suffering people!" Your Highness!! "

I complained in a desperate manner, as if I was rushed by something.Although it is difficult to tie in from her usual words and deeds, she is a child who values courtesy.I don't usually try to force the Lord to call for a soldier out of personal feelings.

Such rudeness is pleading.Naturally, I don't want to go down with you.


"I'm sorry, Tsubaki. We can't have a military campaign."

My conclusion was a denial.


You didn't think I'd deny it.Tsubaki hardened with a dazed expression on his face.

However, when it was restarted immediately, it was puzzled but it appealed to the significance of the decision.

“Well, why! You've always wished for Taihei Tianxia! And yet, why don't you take Otomo home! "

If we fight now, we lose.


A pupil with a painfully distorted face.Now, I'm going to tell you a little more about it.

"As the head of the Oda family, we can't let soldiers die in vain."In order to fight, we must win.Fighting the exhausted soldier is the result of instilling distrust in the servants.Therefore, we cannot immediately carry out the expedition to Kyushu. "

Ruthlessly, ruthlessly telling the reason.At the earliest, the postponement of Kyushu's conquest was a matter of decision.When I realized it, I was about to cry, but I pushed it as if I had found hope in the last word.

"So... when are you going to call in the army?"

It clogs up like a bamboo. However, the inquiry was the gateway to further hell.

"As early as next spring."

"Oh, no..."

I pressed my mouth and it collapsed.I learned about the specific time next spring and faced the time until I could save my people.In those desperate times.

I have come to know a reality that is too harsh for a man who desires to save a suffering people.

- So I didn't want you to ask me when I was going to call it in.

However, there was no colour of giving up in Tsubaki's eyes.

When I came close, I begged with tears.

"Well then! Then we won't be able to make it!" There is no guarantee that they will be safe tomorrow! How many sacrifices will there be if we wait until spring! ... please, please reconsider!! Your Highness!!! "


In response to the sad screams of the horns, I unintentionally laid my face down and clasped the hem tightly.

Truth is, I want to lead a soldier and save my people.The Kyushu expropriation scenario is already complete. There was even a secret strategy.

But... how dare you!

- Please don't say anything more!

I pray very much while listening to the mourning."Don't let me get lost anymore..."

Did you feel such a shout of heart? The pine that quietly took the back of the tree pruned the tree's consciousness.

The pine lowered its head apologetically as it supported the crumbling pine.

"Sir, I apologize very much."But she didn't mean any harm either.Please forgive me. "

A pine that gently strokes the head of the bamboo.I couldn't look directly at the figure, and I looked away and bowed down.

"... I know. Tsubaki is not wrong at all.The people of his land will have an unlimited amount of time to spare, according to what he says.We have to call in the army now to save them.... but! "

The fist clenching the hem trembles slightly.As if to express the conflict in my heart, I was trembling desperately to suppress my instincts with reason.

The pine gently wrapped its hands around her.

"I appreciate your understanding." I know the truth, too.And it came to pass that thy lord would cut off his body, and made a decision to cut them off.But my heart doesn't follow. ”


"As a matter of fact, that's normal as a person."There is no mistake about the conflict between you and Tsubaki.If that's how easy it is to reconcile, let's build the world of Taiping from ancient times. "

The pine figure smiling with a mischievous tongue, my strong shoulder felt loose.

"Thank you. Pine. Please take care of the pine."


As he lowered his head, Matsushima leaned back behind the room, carrying a mule on his back.Looking at the figure behind her, she muttered, "I'm sorry."

The words melted quietly into the sky without anyone listening to them.

The Oda family's faction chart has expanded at once over the past few years.Fight Takeda Expedition, Shikoku Expedition, and Uesugi Expedition to win all and gain territory.In addition, a number of famous Maori families headed by Maori descended under their umbrella.

However, there are some areas that the Oda family still does not have in their hands.One is Kyushu, the land of Shura.It is a Kishu that is ruled by the forces of the temple shrine and the Tsubaki-kuni Ichiba.

Kasuga Kuni and the roots of the crowd.And Koyasan. We postponed the Kyushu Expedition because we couldn't ignore this force.

Of course, I didn't do anything either.In the past year, I have worked for a peaceful solution through the exchange of messengers and sentences.

However, results had not yet been achieved.I'm just mourning my lack of strength.

I don't know what will happen if I force my way to the Kyushu Expedition.At the end, it might be a supreme victory, but as much as that, there was a danger of being trampled underfoot by the horizontal spear of Kishu.

Yes... right now, there's just a lot of damage to fight for.The Oda family has gone through several wars in the last few years.There was certainly a lot to gain, but the soldiers were getting more exhausted.

Tsujiuchi is still unable to move due to the influence of territorial rearrangement.San 'in and Sanyo were exhausted by the Shikoku Expedition.Needless to say, the Hokuriku and Kanto factions could not do the military service.

If only the Maori family could conquer Kyushu, the Maori family had united the world in the past.Besides, this is the Oda family's battle.It didn't make sense to let just my umbrella out.

The Kyushu Expedition is sure to turn into a war.It was the total finish to Taiping Tianxia.

If we waste time, the Oda clan, which does not have a local advantage, will be at a disadvantage.

Therefore, it is best to crush it from the top with an overwhelming force.We will mobilize all our forces to fight.If you want to make it happen, you have to follow the procedures.

That is why we will conquer Kishu before Kyushu.

That was the Oda family's decision.

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