Nobuyuki Sanada, Anodo Castle, August 11th, Tensho

The pulsating beat of the noise, and the maiden's name is spoken out while enduring the spirit of steel.

T-That's right, Tsubaki-sama!

His beautiful maiden's name is represented by a white fabric-coloured mahogany.Its workmanship nails many gazes, and its beautiful tone heals many hearts.

Ah... what a beautiful person.

(Are you okay? Didn't you turn your voice around?)

While waiting with such anxiety in an upright position, Master Yan laughed without showing any particular concern.

"Fufu. Did you train early this morning?" Maida-sama is a serious rumor, isn't she? "

Your chest is unexpectedly clenched by the elegant smiling figure that hides your mouth.The heartbeat is soaring. The cheeks are getting hot. I shifted my gaze away to mislead the sole.

"No, no, it's not that big a deal..."

Yeah. It's not a big deal. As a samurai, he was the natural successor to the Sanada family.It's not something to be praised for.

― ― Even though it is, why does it bounce in my chest?

Think as you reach into your chest.But Sorre turned away, thinking that he shouldn't.

I don't know why. But I think it's better that way.

To follow such a thought, I gently turned away from you and asked for your requirements.Give your cheeks a slight burning sensation.

"... but what can I do for you this time?"

Then, Master Tsuji reached into his chest and took out a sentence.... that's okay. I didn't see anything.

"This time, I have received a life from you.""Get ready and climb the castle."Here is a statement to that effect. ”

At the same time that I heard the command, I suddenly stood on one knee and lay down on the ground.

"Genjiro Sanada, I understand."We will quickly prepare ourselves and climb the castle. "

When I received the message from Master Tsuji, I graciously took it to my chest.I don't know what your requirements are, but I don't have to think about them.I didn't do anything wrong.

What you need to think about is how to get ready quickly.It was a direct call from Masaru Omi.Don't make me wait!

At the end of the sentence, he stood up and faced the temple.

"Master Tan, Wen certainly received it."I'm so sorry for taking the trouble to thank you. "

I bow my head lightly and thank you.Even though I was instructed to do so by Master Omi, I went out of my way to come to such a painful place.I'm ashamed to say that I don't have time, and I can't even serve tea to my guests.

However, Master Tsuji did not blame me for my neglect, and had a soft smile on his face.

"No, it is only natural for a lord to accomplish the sole with his whole body and spirit."That's why Mr. Mayuda won't like it anymore. "

"Pilgrimage Hall......"

(Poor thing....)

I wonder if it's a hallucination. When the temple smiles, brightly colored flowers bloom all around it.Even the refreshing fragrance has drifted.

Once again, you'll be immersed in the aftertaste as your chest is squeezed by the soaring heartbeat.I don't know if this thought is a good thing or a bad thing, or where the emotion is coming from.

But I was so full of happiness.

Could it be because I was looking at you in such a dream?Thoughts completely stopped at the words that were uttered by Master Tsubaki.

"Well then, I will accompany Mr. Sanada as well."Please understand that I have asked you to take Maida-sama to the viewing room. "

"Eh...... ah, yes"

(Tsubaki went to my room...?)

I nodded with smoke coming out of my head.With an unyielding move, I set my foot in the long house where I stood.Of course, I took you with me...

- Eh, eh...... yikes?

Such a simple question melted into the universe without anyone being able to answer it.

Genjiro leaves unabated and follows with a cool face.Everyone was the same if they were synchronized while watching the situation of the two.

Genjiro. It's really easy to understand, isn't it? "

When one person cuts it out, the voice continues to agree with the sole.

"Nah ~"

I absolutely love you, don't I?

But there's something strangely dull about it.

"Well, whoever looks at it has no pulse, right?"

That's right.

Everyone nodded at the same time. This is the synchronization rate of the threat.

Originally, the topic here will change to a different one.The future is too heavy for me to say.

However, at this time, they were exhausted by the intense workout, and their mouths slipped.

"I asked Tsubaki what he thought of Genjiro."Father and brother raised the status of the Sanada family and the Oda family because the territory was increased all at once.If you're the next head of the office, it's an excellent property, isn't it? "


(You idiot! I'm asking you!)

Even if you shower such a scream in your heart, you can't change what has already happened.If so, it is the continuity of the person that bothers me.

"And, and... what was the answer?"

Saburo asked in a strange tone.A moment of nervousness. Sorre was quietly told as everyone watched him sigh.

I think he's a very nice person.

"...... Isn't that synonymous with someone who doesn't care?"


The answer came.

When they slowly looked back, they could see Genjiro and the others behind them in the distance.How far is there between the two to maintain a sense of distance?

The grief lingers on their backs.

What is the end of the first love of the kindhearted synchrony?The future is only known to God.

But their imagined future was the same.

(I'll be nice to you when the time comes)

Genjiro still doesn't know about them, who turn their gaze toward mercy.

Well, Genjiro, there was no event in the nagaya in particular, and after changing into formal clothes, he was sent to Tsukimi.

There, Oda's elder Nagahide Nagahide and Takigawa Kazuyuki take the upper seat of the three mages, who are the head of the Oda family.Besides that, there was only a suspicious man with a fox face that I could not remember, and I could say that it was a very small number.

Genjiro, who was in chaos at this point, was knocked down to the poles of chaos at once by the words of the three mages.

Masuda Genjiro, you will now call yourself Suzuki Genjiro Yukimura.

"......... eh"

Now, the fate of Genjiro.

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