Nobuyuki Sanada, Anodo Castle, August 11th, Tensho

While mourning for the irrational pressure, he managed to hold it back and raise his head.There is a large amount of sweat on the forehead, and the clothes that have been changed are dampened by cold sweat.

Young people like me could withstand the domination of Mr. Omi and the elderly, but I wasn't the only one.

While mourning for the entanglement, I was saved by that trivial fortune.

Exhale deeply and regulate your breathing.

I know the cause of the Oda family's and Koyasan's enthusiasm, but I can't imagine Mr. Omi's heart without knowing the situation at the time.

But I can't say that either.I am one of the Oda clan's ministers who have already pledged allegiance to Masaru Omi.As a samurai, you must do your best for your master. [M]

So, Omi no Masaru will resume the Koyasan domination battle that was being fought by Mae Shifu...?

First, the most probable policy is formulated.Koyasan was defeated after the incident.This is because it is a natural flow in the sense of succeeding Mae-rifu-sama.

Indeed, it was about two years ago.More than 100,000 troops crashed into Kishu.The difference in power was obvious. The victory of the Oda family is a matter of time.Everyone was convinced of the Oda family's victory.

As a result, the pain was divided.

Since then, Mr. Omi said that he had been negotiating.However, he tried to send me to Koyasan under the guise of being the adopted son of Lord Sakaga.

If so, negotiations are likely to be difficult.If that happens, it would be the fastest way to suppress them by force.Because the Oda family has that much force and economic power.

However, Mr. Omi shook his head and denied it.

"Unfortunately, things aren't that easy."As Genjiro imagined, negotiations between the Oda family and Mt. Koyasan were difficult.But I don't want to destroy them. "

"And then, my heart..."

"What I want is a world without war, Taiping."An ideal place where living creatures are not irrationally deprived of their lives.Abandon the rationale of the troubled world and return everything to where it belongs. "

--The spear that the monk holds must be a spear.Hell is not a place for monks to lead.With the scriptures in one hand and the beads in the other, he leaned against the people who were troubled.That is what a monk should look like.

Is that so? 'And when Masamori Omi turns his gaze, he knocks Nanba-sama and Takigawa-sama in the lap to agree.

That's it! That's it! That's it!! '

As it follows, I agree with it while lying flat on my face.

Haha, you're absolutely right!

Hmm. Is that so!

With our endorsement, Masamune Omi was nodded with satisfaction and reached for the large sphere he had placed at hand.It was certainly a missionary offering.

"The history of religion is old. There were many kinds, and in the history of humankind, the country and religion were contiguous.But did religion become involved in politics any better than it was a long time ago? Didn't you have a hard time trying it out? A fool can only learn from the pain he has been reminded of, but a wise man can avoid making the same mistakes by learning from history. "

From then on, a dry sound echoes.

"Separation of Church and State"


I opened my eyes unexpectedly to the murmur.By the way, Omi noticed our surprise and just kept spinning the sphere.

"A monk needs only preaching to the people."If a samurai has a reason to carry a spear, then I will bear the responsibility.If you fear other factions, I will defend you.You can put it under the shelter of Yu.If so, would it be appropriate to crush the monk immediately? In the end, I'm going to make sure the monks don't do anything stupid that makes them talk to the government. "

Suddenly, the hand that spins the sphere stops.

"Because I wrote it down, I sent a messenger to Koyasan, but they never hung their heads up."I won't accept your mercy.... I really don't like it. It's extraordinary to politely send an envoy to say no.As it stands, they are officially negotiating.It involves the prestige of the Oda family without a reason. "

I-I see.

Seeing you sigh deeply, she nodded agreeing to the horns as well as the bowls.To be honest, Mr. Omi Mori's thoughts were not shared with all the thoughts I had heard so far, so I couldn't understand half of the story.

Now, even if I ask you a question here, there's only a corner.I'll write to my father later.

As I was putting my thoughts together while hammering my hammer, I suddenly heard the unpleasant sound of gnashing my teeth from the front.Tanabe-sama and Takigawa-sama were looking at each other with a number of facial expressions.

I see. I finally understand why you two are always so calm and angry.And the instructions that Master Omi would like to give me.

"Then, should I look at the current situation of Koyasan?" Whether to avenge the Oda family or not..... "

Then, Masaru Omi nodded.

“That's right, I decided you were the right person to judge things fairly.Nothing, as long as it's not the enemy.If you are fulfilling your duties as a monk, you will not complain.At that time, let's move the court and make peace. "

However, if you are a sinner who does everything in your power to do evil and wrong, you will be exonerated with this hand.

Along with his cold gaze, his little fingertips pierced me straight.

Identify it, Genjiro. The monks of Koyasan will decide between good and evil! Everything is at your discretion.Suzuki, assist Genjiro.From now on, if you're going to be my subordinate, show me your worth! "


Bow your head deeply and lie flat.At last, the time has come for me to be entrusted with my duties.I feel nervous as my body trembles, and I feel exhilarated as my blood rolls.

But there is a self in my heart that looks at me calmly.Such a strong alarm was sounded by myself.

Towards the end of his face, he saw only the small back of Omi no Masaru, who was going away.

Mr. Omi's firm intentions echoed in his mind without being blocked by anything.Too clean and correct. Behind it, a backlit light is seen.

There are good and evil.It exists as a matter of course not only for samurai, but also for merchants, peasants and monks.

A monk preaches a sermon away from the worldly world.I see. Mr. Omi is right.

But I was so worried that they would accept the sole.After all, sole was a normal thing to do until now.

Leading the people to cause trouble, or capturing a younger daughter of one year in debt.Sure is the way out. If you witnessed it, you would unexpectedly narrow your brows.

But that's all. I don't think I'm going to stop it.Because such a sight is a daily tea judge, and I didn't even think to stop the sole...

It was declared that Master Omi would cut off this negative flow.With absolute justice, he rose up to exonerate evil.

If this happens, we won't be able to avoid fighting them.I don't think they're going to let go of the sweet nectar they got.

I felt that my destiny had been settled when I was entrusted to Masamori Omi.There is a destiny of inevitable destruction.

I wonder why...?

The words of my father came to life that day.

It's the king who drinks together with the cloudiness...... Beauty, it's not an idealistic thing.So what is the king without an ideal?

His is the artifact of a wise king, a tyrant or not.The one who has made one side of the tyrant evil and cut it down as the negative side.

Then we can't. We have to carry everything.Someone shouldn't take his place.Two choices: to be crushed or to be fed.

The time to make a decision is already at hand.

The tyrant is the one who quells the chaos.

It is the wise king who appeases the kingdom.

It is the king who appeases the people.

The tyrant and the wise king were both kings.

It is the king who builds the world of Taiping in the heavens.

The Reigning King was the one who accomplished the World Heritage.

In this world, there were two Overlords.

Hideyoshi Hashiba and Ieyasu Tokugawa.

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