Nobuyuki Sanada, Anodo Castle, August 11th, Tensho

When I returned to Azuchi Castle, I could already feel the signs of autumn on my skin at the end of summer.

There were no companions, and I returned alone. As a result of the surveillance from Koyasan, Kaga no longer came out of Kaga-soo.

... no, don't turn your back on me.

I left the child in that place. If I had stayed in that place, she would have gotten worse... Knowing that, I had no choice but to leave without doing anything.

- What was I supposed to do?

That's all, it's still swirling in the back of my chest.

The worship of Masamori Omi came the day after I returned. Honestly, I really appreciate it. Overnight, you can change your mind a little bit.

However, I thanked Mr. Omi for his consideration.

The next day, Shiroyuri visited me as Master Omi, and guided me to the castle. The place where it was passed through is not in the Great Hall or between ratings. It was passed to the top floor of Anjo Castle.

"Huh? Ah... ah... ahhh?"

While unexpectedly letting his gaze swim, he looked at the direction of the white lily that guided him so far. But she doesn't show any movement. It seemed as though I was saying that it was only natural for me to be brought to this place... by the Heavenly Guard.

"Um... is it really this place?"

Yes. My Lord has asked me to take you to Heavenly Guardian.

Fearful people ask and get answered instantly. Apparently, it wasn't a mistake. I suddenly had a headache due to the fact.

Tenmu is the place where Masaru Omi lives. It is not surprising that most of the people in the Oda family complete their lives without ever visiting them. Even the Shoguns will not visit this place very often.

In other words, by that time, Tenmu was a symbol of the Oda family and should not be treated lightly. It's not the right place for a junior like me!

(Ahh... this is going to increase the pressure from the ministers again. My stomach is starting to hurt.)

Holding on to my painful stomach, White Lily gets closer to me without even worrying about me.

"My lord, thank you." I've taken Mr. Sanada with me. "

"...... good"


When he replied briefly, Master Tsuji opened the door quietly. In a hurry, I lay flat in front of him, and from the back of the room, I heard the voice of Mr. Omi Mori.

"Welcome back, Genjiro. Good to have you back." Now, come inside. "


When you enter the room in a low posture without rudeness, you quietly lie flat in front of Masaru Omi. When I looked up a little, I saw Momo Omi with a gentle smile on his face.

"Now, will you tell me?" Genjiro sees the current state of Koyasan. "

I raised my face slowly as I was encouraged by the pleasant sound.

Then I told all about the current situation in Kiikoku and the events in Koyasan. Masamori Omi was more good at listening than I imagined, and each time he was hit with an optimal companion, he became obsessed and talked about it.

"--And I set off from Kiikoku and returned to this Azuchi. It is said that Kaga-sama will continue to prepare at Kaga-so. That's all I need to know.”

"... yeah. Okay. Genjiro, thank you."


In response to the words of Makoto Omi, I deeply bowed my head. With just one word, I could feel the swirling emotions fading.

However, in contrast to me, Masao Omi's face is not clear.

"But... I see. Koyasan fell that far." Neither is the preaching right, nor the preacher right. People's business... no, people are people, but it must be the way it was. "


Masamori Omi, who seemed to be lonely, fell down. Even though you know it's disrespectful, the figure of that girl overlaps.

It's the painful figure of the child that passes through my head. The figure of a child who has lost his emotions. I'm... I'm... "Genjiro"

I looked up at Master Omi's voice. Looking at the compassionate smile, somehow the pain tightening inside her chest ran, naturally opening her mouth.

"In Koyasan, fewer than ten children are asked to deal with guests. Perhaps she's bringing a woman into the territory to give birth to a child."

"... do you have any grounds?"

Masaru Omi, who said for a moment, was surprised by the flowing rocks.

"Haha, when I stayed overnight in Koyasan, a young child came to my bed. At that time, there are other children in the same situation. The number of people is fluctuating on a daily basis. And I foolishly believe that the extraordinary scars on the child deserve to be corroborated in their entirety."

"...... is it......"

Masamori Omi who inadvertently holds his mouth shut. The gaze was full of sadness.

Mr. Omi suddenly stood up and opened the back door.

"Follow me."

"... hahaha"

In a hurry, he chased after Masaru Omi and left the room. When I looked around, I could see you climbing the stairs held by Snow Lord.

(By the way, I didn't know there was a future.)

With an exclamation in my heart, I climbed the stairs with my chest slightly raised. The first thing I saw was things that I had never seen before, and a luxurious room painted with lacquer and gold leaf.

”Oh, this!”

A room where flashiness and elegance overlap on paper. As soon as the equilibrium breaks down a little, it will immediately fall into one of the vulgar third-class chambers. Even the wooden objects that I thought were in the way seemed to be an exquisite arrangement that could only be found here.

Unexpectedly standing overwhelmed, I heard a voice from the back.

"...... Genjiro, come quickly"

"... hah! Haha!"

So when I got back to my senses, I immediately went to Omi no Masaru. At the end of the light, Masaru Omi who was turning his back on me and the breathtaking scenery spread out.

"This is... the view that Mr. Omi is looking at"

The clear blue sky is the entrance cloud that colors it. Dozens of boats dash across the shining water, and people's lively voices can be heard from the castle.

Azuchi, the most prosperous castle town in Hinomoto

A treasure taken over by his predecessor, Makoto Omi. Overwhelmed by its beauty, Masao Omi stood beside me.

"When you come here, you get the illusion that you have become a god. Really... it's a stupid thing to do. Even though I don't have that kind of power....."

“That's not true! For the people, Masamori Omi is rightly thankful to God! No hunger, no sudden loss of family, no irrational violence, everyone smiles....."

Gradually, my voice began to fly, and I finally squeezed my hands and bowed down. It was spit out slowly, as if it were a confession.

Yes, that's right. Mr. Omi would have saved the boy. Those who have built such an ideal homeland will find it easy to save a small child. If I had the money to build such a luxurious room, I could do anything.

I can't do anything.

I looked at her trembling hands. With such a tiny thin arm, you can't even hold a single scattered life. I, I... I'm too helpless.

Omi-sama gently wrapped his trembling hands around him.

"With me, there was a life that could not be saved. There were lives that could not be saved. There was a life I didn't save. How good would it have been if I had truly been God? How good would it have been to have the power to save everything?”

Omi Mamoru-sama

He raised his face unexpectedly to the sad screams in his sole. I was making a terrible mistake. You stupid bastard. If you had the power to save someone, you'd have seen the lives you couldn't save more than that.

He also lost his flesh and blood irrationally at a young age!

And I said, "But. I'm happy. Genjiro wanted to save someone, and he wanted to save a child other than himself."


Inadvertently, I turned my gaze to Omi no Mori-sama at the words that were used to block my confession. There was a figure that smiled so as not to care about my disrespect at all.

"That thought is the power that every man possesses, and it is a treasure that has been lost through constant battle." In this turbulent world at the earliest, there was no mercy on an uninterested opponent. That's why I'm Genjiro. The conflict you held was not wrong. It's the most beautiful thing ever. "

Omi Mori-sama's hands were attached to my cheeks away from my hands. The tremor of my hand disappeared in no time.

"People can't get anything if they don't move. You can't go forward without turning away from your own wishes. It would be unbelievable to seek profit or gain from an innocent desire to save someone."

― ― So, Genjiro. Let's hear your wish.

Omi no Mori-sama's voice slowly entered me and opened a tightly closed door.

"I... saved her"

When he heard this, Masamori Omi was deeply nodded.

Well then, I will listen to your Lordship's wishes.

At this time, I felt like I had finally become your minister.

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