Nobuyasu Azuchi, August 11th, Tensho

As he dropped his shoulder to the figure of Gyeongui Temple with a laugh in one hand, Gyeongui Temple suddenly sat down and gestured.

"Well then, I guess you've had a hard time." I'll split the water, so come here. You don't mind if I take it a little slower, do you? "

”Hah, hah...? Well... I'll spoil your words.”

While leaning his neck at the bad phrase, he thought, "Sure enough, it's time to put the amount of water in the bamboo tubes."

Then, Lord Keiji handily separated the water from his own bamboo cylinder. While sitting and looking at the situation, Keiji-sama suddenly became suspicious.

Tilting his neck, Keiji began to speak in a carefree tone as he turned his gaze to the ceiling.

"Ahh ~ what... did you feel a little better?" You've been looking pale since I returned from Kiikoku. "

Inadvertently, he puts his face down.

"... eh, well..."

Have you seen it for sale?


I raised my face to the words that pierced the core of Lord Keiji. Then, did you realize everything about me? Gyeongui-sama burst into a rash head.

"I knew it... you're a fool, aren't you?" I wouldn't be surprised if I hadn't actually seen that kind of knowledge. "

The words of Lord Keiji properly cut through the soft part of my heart. There was no anger against Lord Keiji, and he was simply beaten by his own impudence.

Gyeongui-sama stroked my head violently.


"Cool! Don't look like that!" I'm not going to blame Genjiro.... I don't know how your father educated you. That's why I can't tell you what I know. You're not going to inherit the house with your second son, and you're straight and good. If I had experienced such a dirty place, I might have thought it would be deeply damaged... "


"But, seeing a child forced to sell, the one who can't move his eyebrows is a rotten scrap of sex root." As a person, you can never be like that!... so you're not making any mistakes. I'll make sure of it!! "

"... yes, thank you very much."

With a laugh, Keiji-kun naturally lightened his chest. Just by looking at that figure, you can feel the energy gushing up from the back of your chest.

After all, Gyeongui-sama was worthy of respect.

I wonder if such respect has been conveyed, but Keiji coughs away his gaze.

"Nh!... well, what is it?" I'm glad you're feeling better. To be honest, I can't watch you yesterday. I know how it feels to moan about my own helplessness... "

Unexpectedly breathtaking at the look of his eyes staring into the distance. There was a definite colour of sadness.

"I don't know if you know Genjiro, but I was a dirty shit-hungry ghost when I was young." I couldn't stand being tied up, so I jumped out of my house and traveled all over Hinomoto. So, I experienced a lot of things. The pride of blood is by no means the pride of a man. Some good people are not limited to their status, and others are stained with evil.... and that nothing in this world can be saved without power. "

The hypothesis that the lonely voice is in my head has passed.

"...... did you know Lord Keiji? Koyasan was acting out of humanity like that."

As he leaned down and asked, Keisei-sama quietly opened his mouth after closing his eyes once.

"Ahh... I knew it"

The voice was filled with deep sadness everywhere on the back of a steep expression.

"Every year, in Kii and its neighboring countries, many young girls of all ages suddenly disappear, and many children without parents are trafficked by merchants. See the neighboring villagers shrinking with fear. About a fat, dirty-ass bastard with dirty money. I knew everything.... but I couldn't find any firm evidence that those shitheads were the masterminds!"

Gyeongui-sama slammed into the ground while firmly clasping his right hand. Dull sound. Fresh blood dripping from the wound. Keiji Shrine has a bitter expression on its face.

It was a man's confession.

Lord Keiji looked up at the ceiling, reminiscent of the old days.

"As Genjiro also knows, trafficking and selling women and children is a tragedy that was touched by this Ninomoto. I have seen that sight countless times while traveling throughout Hinomoto. Of course, I won't miss the outrage that took place in front of my eyes. At that time, I used this spear to kick both of the debt collectors.... but it didn't make any sense. If we don't get to the bottom of this, it's only a matter of time. I haven't noticed such a natural thing for years!"

Keiji-sama said to throw up and slapped his right hand on his forehead. The bleeding from the scar she had just gotten was unstoppable.

(At least for first aid.....)

As he took a single step, the dark signs that were overflowing from Gyeongui-sama suddenly disappeared.


Strangely, I asked, and Lord Keiji was slightly embarrassed on his cheek.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say this." She seemed a little upset. "

Then, Gyeongui-sama sat back facing me and looked at me with a serious look.

"Neither me nor the little boy can forgive their work." I've been asking for a chance to get a verdict. However, the cunning ones never showed their tails, and we always had the feeling of itching our teeth.... but that's the end of the day. The information that Genjiro had gathered was exactly what we had been waiting for. If that's the case, it's definitely there. That's why... thank you, Genjiro "

"Oh no... I... nothing..."

I was unexpectedly stuck with the words of Lord Keiji, who was always bowing his head with a serious expression. I thought I really deserved that kind of praise.

However, when Keiji-sama stood up to say that such anxiety was grief, he walked to the back of the storehouse. Then, confusedly, I followed him.

Then, while unlocking the key to the storehouse, Gyeongui-sama muttered.

"Speaking of which... the encounter with the little boy was a scene of turmoil with the debt collectors." I thought it was just my mouth, but I used everything I could to solve it. She now has a teahouse in Ando. Hey, that famous sign girl. "

The first key comes off with a loud noise.

"I'm surprised that that little boy was the son of the Oda family sowing in the world." At that time, I didn't think that Mikami was interested in the dao grass.... it's a stupid story. Some people are good, some people are evil, not just their status. I should have known when I was young... "

The second key comes off with a loud noise.

"... that's why I saw the possibilities in the radiance of that soul that is lovingly attached to the people." If this little boy could grow up without losing his righteousness, everyone could live with a smile... I wonder if those days will come. "

--I wonder if he was destined for this moment.

The last key comes off with a loud noise. The sound of rustling iron echoed across her face.

However, it was immediately filled with a stunned expression. The items there were arranged in perfect condition, starting with weapons such as swords, spears, arrows, cannons, armor, etc.

Yes... this is exactly a battle dressing.

"I-Is this...!?"

Lord Keiji vigorously hugged my shoulder, which was upsetting.

"The little boy was preparing for the battle at a strange time." Of the total 3,500 Red Ghosts, he even said that he would keep 2,000 soldiers, excluding defense, in Genjiro. Enemy locations are difficult for large armies to deploy and can be easily detected by moving large armies. Two thousand is an exquisite number in terms of this hoard. It's well thought out. "

The words that came out of Keiji-sama's mouth one after the other were filled with passion from the depths of his chest.

I wondered if something would happen that would be so convenient for me. However, the weapon in front of me never showed any signs of disappearing, and the heat transmitted from the Keiji Hall holding my shoulder was not a phantom.

Then it must be true that you have instructed me to keep 2,000 soldiers. As soon as I realized it, nature and tears overflowed.

"...... Sir............ I'm so sorry!"

His body trembled with joy, and Gyeongui-sama forced him toward him. The pain ran a little, but I couldn't say anything in front of Gyeongui-sama, who had a serious look.

"I'll ask Genjiro again." What are you fighting for? What do you wish for at the end of that battle? "

A sword curtain that doesn't tell you whether it's there or not. But my answer was already out.

"I will fight to save that child." I want to light your eyes, which are all desperate, once again. I want to tell you that there is still hope in this world! Let's shake our spears to protect someone. Then I might be able to understand your thoughts a little bit. I want to fight based on my understanding of his ideals!! That's what I wish for at the end of the battle!!! "

The words of my vows echo through the cave.

Divided and incomprehensible. Arrogant thoughts of full personal desire. However, the moment I said why, the black stain that was swirling inside my chest disappeared.

And upon hearing my vows, Lord Keiji nodded with a laugh.

"That's so cool! That's so cool!" If you're not that greedy, you can't save what you want to save. It's a big cause here. I was beating you up when you said it! If you can't fight for me, you don't deserve to risk someone's life!! That's why you're not wrong.... go, Genjiro!! "

"... ah! Yes! I'm coming!!"

I declare so forcefully. There were no more troublesome figures there.

Your Highness rejoiced in my heart. Lord Keiji recognized my mind as correct.

Words from the two esteemed people came to my heart warmly. The desolate and miserable wilderness was slowly moving.

It hardened the shaking ground, healed the broken heart, and turned into a new potash. Broken things will never be put back together. I won't return what I lost.

However, you can be reborn.

Put your right hand on your chest. The small heartbeat that was transmitted was indeed a sign of stepping forward.

And September 1, 1911.

The battle between us and Koyasan Shingon Buddhism began.

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