Tenzhen 11th year of September Ando Castle

The season of autumn foliage has arrived. The mountains overlooked from Azuchi Castle are vividly dyed as the colors combine to follow the sun.

It's a fruitful season. Explore the mountains and you'll see a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, deer and storks gently running through the wilds, and birds playing autumnal melodies.

Spring, summer, autumn, and winter. The seasonal scenery has healed people's hearts and minds throughout the ages. Spring cherry blossoms, summer green, autumn leaves, winter silver world. All of them have brightened up the day-to-day events.

But there is more to it than such a splendid view. It's a sensational case that could sweep the world.

People may always be creatures looking for exciting spices in mediocre days.

Koyasan, fall

The news flew all over Hinomoto in an instant. And he that saw the black smoke shall pull out his loins, and tremble; and he that knew his glory shall weep, and weep, and weep.

Kobo Daishi Kukai was given to him by Emperor Kojima, after which the ancient and correct temple, which boasts a history of more than 700 years, was burned down overnight. The shock is not hard to imagine.

Another temple, which was to be sacred and inviolable, was burned down. It will implant a strong impression in the minds of people who live a long and idle life, and make them reaffirm certain natural facts.

The child who wishes Taiping Tianxia is also the one who inherits the blood of the Oda family... that Oda Nobunaga's blood...

While staring at the castle, which was still noisy, I suddenly heard a voice from behind.

Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming.

"... yeah. Let's go."

A small nod to the words of the pine, she descends the stairs while being hugged as usual.

Three days have passed since Genjiro defeated Koyasan Shingon sect and triumphed over Yasuchi Castle. Today, it is an editorial prize in honour of their bravery, and a feast is held to heal their fatigue. Even now, the maidens are busily working, and there is no doubt that it will be the best feast with plenty of excellent delicacies from all over the country.

However, the atmosphere of the castle is somewhat harsh, and the passers-by are somewhat stiff. There was nothing to blame for the state of affairs, but she continued to walk silently.

That day, the black smoke rising from Koyasan reached Kyoto. The fiery flame burned everything, and the rising black smoke became the smoke of the guilt of the evil that spread at night, and the mountain was reddened with the blood of the sinful monk.

Everyone who learns of the tragedy thinks of the scene of the day. That tragedy that happened twelve years ago.

Original turtle was burned down at Hieiyama Enryakuji Temple on September 12, 1921.

A major incident that made the horror of Oda Nobunaga known to the world. We uprooted all those who were present, young and old. The doomsday demons of the murdered believers say that they rained down on a faraway city in Kyoto.

The misery burned fear into the people. And it was similar to the ministers and aristocrats.

The Koyasan offensive was an electric shock battle that only a limited number of people knew about. Therefore, the important ministers and the imperial court who saw the black smoke rising from Koyasan were in a panic, and inquiries from various places were coming in every day and night.

Of course, I will not ignore it. After explaining the evil that Koyasan Shingon Buddhism was doing, and poking through the legitimacy of the Oda family and the slight gap that Koyasan Shingon Buddhism exposed, it was slow to let everyone know...

But I couldn't dispel their anxiety.

I misunderstood. See what they were afraid of.

Omi no Mori-san's work is very much appreciated.

Together with the words of the maiden, the dignitaries gathered in the Great Hall bowed their heads. The silence that comes after one or two beats. Observing that the servants were ready, he stepped forward to his seat.

Entering the Great Hall, the first sight to be seen was the house ministers gathered from all over the country. Among them are Shingoro, who entrusted Gifu, and Kwon Six, who entrusted Heihata of Echigo.

My cheeks loosened after a long time of reunion, but I sat down with my face refocused to the atmosphere they created.

"... good. I'll show you."


Even though they immediately raised their faces, their expressions were still stiff. I was somewhat surprised, but I was a little touched by everyone's attitude.

(After all, as the official guards say, I must be puzzled because I decided to attack Koyasan on my own.)

Thinking so, I immediately moved on to the point.

"First of all, we must clear everyone's suspicions."... there have been many rumors circulating all over Hinomoto about the previous incident. From credible stories to rumors with no roots or leaves. Everyone gathered here today to confirm the facts. To tell the truth directly from my mouth. "

So I divided up the story and looked around. Everyone was waiting for my words, sarcastically. It's like you want me to lie to you.

But I didn't lie.

"Koyasan Shingon Buddhist attack... it was an invasion that Yu ordered." Nor is it an unexpected military action. A few months ago, we used a lot of tricks to lead them into a trap and cut them down. This is true. "


Only the clattering and dry sound of the fan closing echoed through the great hall.

Beginning the Argumentative Competition Award with everyone else as it hardens.

"The best thing about this battle was Nobuyasu Sanada." As a reward, Kiikuni Grass County is given. It's like good governance because it empowers the crowd. "

"... ha, hahaha"

From behind, Genjiro answered confusedly. With the agitation still unabated, I continued to turn my attention to the direction where the dignitaries would harden.

"The governance of the whole country of Kii is left to Hideyoshi Kawajiri. Kumano Sanzan, located in the south of Kiikoku, has already descended to the military gate of the Oda family, but there has been some confusion in the previous case. Quickly suppress the collet and strive for the reunification of Kii."

"If it's a young man's life, I'll be happy to accept it."

Instantly responding to the appearance of the river butt, the surrounding dignitaries turned their attention at once. However, the butt of the river does not move. As of last night, he had already spoken to the left side and the riverbank.

Originally, when Grandpa gave Shinano a kingdom in the Takeda Expedition, Kawajiri was entrusted with the power to give close to the left. I can't pull it out on my own, and it's a natural consideration to talk to both of them.

While successive rewards were being offered, Kwon Six finally got up to question the restart.

Well, Third Master! Did you truly lead the way in destroying Koyasan Shingon sect!? Such a gesture has never been-- "That's right. Yu instructed. Are you even unhappy with Kwon Six?"......!? No, no... I'm not saying I'm dissatisfied, but...... "

Speaking out to block the words of Kwon Six, Kwon Six sat motionlessly down.

I've lost all my words to a figure that I would never normally see, and I've no choice but to watch what happens... I was drifting in such an atmosphere.

I can hear someone's throat. The sound of the hem rubbing against the tatami mats, and everyone opens their mouths without words coming out.

"Everyone would have known what they had done." With fools who disobeyed the teachings, disobeyed humanity, and made evil by mere existence.... I don't have the right to live with that. It must not exist in the world of Taiping. Therefore, I was always exploring opportunities to eradicate it from day to day. It was executed the other day.... that's all. "

I said coldly and looked around. Only Shingoro raised his face as everyone lay face down.

"... but Third Master." I think this is too soon. My lord and the monks were very painstaking. History tells us that many battles are fought by religion. Shingon Buddhism is a historic sect with ties to the Imperial Court. I thought it would be a good idea to proceed carefully. "

"...... is it......"

While complaining, he pushes silently to the words with some care.

Sure enough, what Shin Goro said made sense. Religious wars were also being waged in the Middle East in previous generations. Even in the modern world of Reiwa...

Religion must not be taken lightly.

It was passed on even through the television. I was actually in a position to rule the country, and I was made to understand the meaning deeply.

--That's right... That's why we destroyed Koyasan.

I turn my attention to the Takamaru on the side. Then, as instructed in advance, I handed the book to Shin Goro. That book that Genjiro brought back from Koyasan.

"Is this...?"

"It's a product that Genjiro brought back from Koyasan. It's the books they kept."

Shingoro initially looked at the book with his neck tilted, but opened his eyes to the word book. Prompting her to roll up quickly, her hand stops on the folded page.

Then she mumbled the name that was written there.

"...... Otomo Family"


In the name of it, it shocked the ministers gathered in the Great Hall. At the edge of the line of sight, an elderly servant blew a bubble and collapsed.

Before the ministers began to make too much noise, they fanned and gathered their gaze. A gaze gathered on the dry sound. I continued to talk, satisfied with the way it looked.

"That's right... it's definite evidence that the Otomo family was involved in human trafficking." In Kyushu, many people of Hinomoto have been taken away as slaves through slave traders in the south....... Yu tells me that the Otomo family is leading the sole. "

"So... what about Koyasan?"

"It's all just the front seat to crush the Otomo family." He has already spoken to the Imperial Court and the surrounding Maori, Nagasakobe, and Shimadzu clans. Next spring, the Otomo family will be cleared, and Kyushu will be levelled with the flow. It is the total finishing of the Tenjin Shogunate. Let's get ready for battle!! "

Giya, my will!!!!

Puzzled, but all of us were on the ground together. With that figure in my butt, I left the Great Hall behind. Next to it was a line of guards.

"What do the missionaries say?"

"Haha, I sincerely congratulate the entire Oda family and promise to support them when they enter the Tang Dynasty..."

"Is it...?"

I see. After all, what they're after...

There's no more time left. The Christian demonic hand of Europe has already arrived at the end of his eyes and nose.

If we don't unite the heavens and turn Hinomoto into a monolith, the next colony will be... this country!

"The people of Hinomoto will always be protected by me."

"...... I really think you're wonderful."

Shingoro. Kwon Six. Fuji. Left. Goro left. Tea. Princess Fuji. Princess Kai. Pine. Tsubaki.... Grandpa. I'll enslave my loved ones.

(Everyone, I'll make sure to protect you!)

With such determination in mind, I vigorously stepped forward.

Looking at the back of such a third magician, there was a shadow that smiled incompetently. His toddler finally became the Artifact of the Overlord.

Although Nobunaga was afraid, he gave up because of his temperament. The three mages have acquired the ferocity of uprooting those who face their teeth.

It's all about protecting the people you care about.

The desire to protect someone is not evil. A noble thing. But ironically, when such thoughts bump into each other, a struggle breaks out. People have weapons to protect what's important to them.

Even if you trample on the other person's precious things.

What kind of gaze do people have on young children who have changed? Are you happy with your growth? Do you mourn for change? Do you still obey? Do you tremble with fear?

Or... do you want to stop the hostility?

Someone said it. The remains of the Oda family.

Someone said it. It was a trace of a demon.

Someone said it. It was the sixth Heavenly Demon King's return.

Someone said it. That was the Demon King's grandson.

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