Tenzhen 11th year of October Ando Castle

Tang Dynasty

His invasion of the great power "Ming". No matter what anyone thinks, there is no doubt that there will be a tremendous amount of blood flowing through the war. Above all, Grandpa was going to do it after he had accomplished the World Championship.

In fact, I couldn't hide my shock. I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. It was a desire that everyone in that room had.

But the vine made no mistake. Those eyes didn't have the colour of a lie. It was a man's eyes that took the facts seriously and told the truth.

... then I guess so, after all. My grandfather was determined to join the Tang Dynasty. I promised to show you the world of Taiping...!

It was hard. It was sad. I wanted to ask if that promise was a lie. When he felt such a sense of despair, the guardsman said, "Do you think he could spread the war without meaning?" "I was determined to fight to save Hinomoto from the demons of the Namba."

True peace. The words spoken by the guards attracted us naturally.

The guard, who gathered everyone's gaze, stood up quietly and spread his hands.

"This world is a weak and strong predator." Only the strong sing freedom, and the weak are eaten until death. This is the truth of the world, and as long as a man is a man, he shall never change his nature. Let's make sure you all know how much you don't like it, right? "


“And the nature of a person is the same even beyond the ocean. The essence is the same, not only for the people of Hinomoto, but also for the people of the Ming Dynasty and the barbarians of the South. I'll do anything for my own good. The name of the beast that tramples others and eats rice on the wreckage is human.... I was baptized as a Cesarean, and I finally understood it by looking at the back of the missionary. They are evil spirits in the skin of saints. Do you know him? A missionary is a mini-soldier unleashed by the Nambari."

"W-What the hell!!"

Six kings embark upon his words, which he shall not abandon. Anger overflowed from Goro's left and near the left.

“The means for all missionaries is extremely simple. To spread faith, to sell flattery to the rulers of the hour, to enter the heart of the country, to round up the oppressed people with their mouths, to make believers who can move as they wish. And when you see the gap, you destroy the religion that has been rooted in the country since ancient times as evil. Those who believe in evil sects are subdued as evil people who don't care what they do. Using that as a pretext, we called it jihad and invaded another country. You buy and sell slaves to fatten your own stomach for money. At the end of the sentence, I'll do my best to humiliate my favorite female slave as my own...."

The guardsman slowly walked out as he talked and listened.

"The countries where the missionaries entered the country have been invaded by all the barbarians of the South. The colonial landscape is indescribably miserable. They take the will to fight from the people who live in that country because of their faith! And the worshippers will remain their soldiers. In Ninomoto, the main daimyo of one country has already become the mastermind of the Nanban! Exactly, a poisonous insect that corrupts the country from within. This is the true face of the Southern Barbarians!!"


A guardsman who speaks hotly even when he is out of breath. Although they were exhausted by the momentum, they had a somewhat convincing expression on their faces. You must have figured out what the guards were trying to say.

The official guard waved his right hand as he continued his momentum.

"The enemy is approaching Hinomoto with a moment and force spreading. Already, there is no time for respite. The Oda family must also promptly fulfill their role as the heavenly family and extend their territory to the continent. Otherwise, you won't even be able to fight the rule of the Southern Barbarian....."

"That's why... it's in a tang"

It's on the left.

Left side of the face. The official guard nodded with a strange expression and turned his gaze towards me.

"If you don't eat it before it's eaten, you'll lose it all." The lord, having understood that, must have pushed for the tang inclusion. Even if the World Heritage was accomplished, there was no point in being invaded by the Southern Barbarians.... all to make the world of Taiping a younger one. "


"Peace is unattainable even if you just keep your fingers in silence." As it is, I will continue to live in fear of aggression from the Nanba. True peace must be won with this hand!! "

The guards held their right arm high and clenched it forcefully to show us.

"Let's fight together!!" To win true peace! To build a world of Taiping that is not threatened by the enemy! All to protect this Hinomoto! Young ladies and gentlemen, please forgive Tang Jin!! "

The guards' eyes were full of tremendous domination. It was as if I could imagine a battlefield I hadn't seen before.

As if chewing on the official guard's words, I put my arms together, shut my mouth, and let my thoughts run wild. I can't make a sinister statement. My words carry the weight they deserve. "I have to think it over and give my own answer..."

When I took a step like that and asked how everyone was doing, Kwon Six suddenly opened his mouth.

"Kuroda's words make sense."


Well, wait a minute.

Goro Zuo stood up in a hurry to tell Kwon Six shortly. When he held it in his right hand, Guan Six quietly spoke his thoughts.

“Peace will never come unless it is won.... that makes sense. We have seen the defeat of the war, the decay of the fields, the decay of the families, the loss of the country.... the Oda family now wants to unify Hinomoto and build a world of Taiping. In that case, it is only natural to devise countermeasures against enemies beyond the sea."

"... countermeasure. That means you'll admit Kwon Six into the Tang Dynasty."

"...... That's right"

"...... Six rights, you!!"

While shouting briefly, Goro grabs Kwon Six on the left. The expression of his anger is like a fiery flame. Goro, who was far removed from his usual sober sedation, rushed to his left and came to a halt.

"Easy, Goro, left!"

"Can you stay calm!!"

Goro Zuo shakes off his left hand with his power technique, and once again he comes to Kwon Six.

"What do you think we've been fighting for!" How much blood do you think you've shed to build a peaceful world in this Hinomoto! Young people who are still a few years old think that they died for something!! For what... for what!! "

"Once you cool your head, Goro Zuo!!" Well, then, I can't tell you anything! I know how it feels, but don't be emotional!! "

"...... nuuuu!?"

Once again, Goro's left arm was crossed and peeled off from Kwon Six. As it followed, when the vine also held Goro left, it sat down without strength to lean against the wall, perhaps because the two of them could not win.

"Why do you go out of your way to continue fighting across the ocean..." What are you going to explain to your family and your people? You want to rot in a faraway, unknown foreign country to gain territory?... I disagree. If you're going to play such a reckless battle, you'd better close the border. "

Goro Zuo, who had said everything he wanted to say, repeatedly took a deep breath to calm his rough and disturbed breath. While rubbing his back, he opened his mouth so that his left side would continue.

"Honestly, I don't understand how Tang can get in." Indeed, as Kuroda said, missionaries are dangerous. The words don't carry, but the insulting colors in his eyes don't mislead him. We will have to devise measures as soon as possible.... but that's too bad for Tang. If there is a great deal of damage, the reign of the Oda family will collapse, and in the worst case, this Hinomoto will return to the turbulent era of castration.... Hinomoto should be independent. Cut off the border with the Nambans and cut off all ties with them. The Chain is the only way to maintain peace in Nikko.... that's what Fujiyoshiro thinks? "

He shook his head sideways and approached the opposite side. The missionary evaluation is no different from the official guard, but the answer is the opposite policy. A solution aimed at the Oda administration's sense of stability by distancing itself more than ever before. In a sense, it's a kind of left-handed mindset.

Then, the left side asked for approval of the vine, which was still shutting its mouth. However, the expression was distorted to hide a sad cry.

"...... No, I have a plan for the Chain Kingdom of the Left Near Lord, but it doesn't make sense on its own. Just holed up in its shell, it would be impossible to suppress the invasion from the Nanba. Once again, in the sense of making Ninomoto's armed forces known, there is an advantage to being in a tang."

With such sadness, the vine stood up and leaned to the right where Kwon Six was. The two gritted their backs with hatred.

"...... That's your opinion, isn't it?"

Goro slowly stood up and glanced to the left as Goro gathered on the left. In response, Goro stood up on the left and near the left.

Goro Rokko, Fuji, Guardian on the right, Goro on the left, close to the left. The Oda family's proud lords took me on the throne as a borderline between the invaders and the Chain Nation.

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