Early in the morning of May 15, 1912.

Having defeated 90% of the territory of Otomo, the Oda army finally aimed at Azuma Castle, where Otomo Sotomi was surrounded. With a total strength of well over 100,000, the Nine Ghosts and Murakami Allied Water Forces are aiming their cannons at the Mirage Castle from offshore.

Exactly, a large siege that made me say a few things. In fact, the difference in combat power was more than 50 times greater. Reinforcements that couldn't have come. I couldn't escape or surrender. By the time I got here, the Otomo soldiers who had been behaving calmly had shut their mouths and lost their temper.

This was largely due to the results of the outpost battles that had already taken place between the Otomo and Oda armies.

The time goes back a day.

The Oda army arrived in front of Usui Castle in the evening. The general attack was set for around dawn tomorrow, and I was trying to rest my body by laying down my formation here today.

However, the three forts built to protect the main gate leading to Usuki Castle and the fence surrounding them appeared in front of Oda army. It would be said that Otomo Sotomi of Rikishi would not start a war without any measures.

A mausoleum castle, also known as Tanjojima Castle or Turtle Castle, is a castle on an isolated island called Tanjojima Castle. The surrounding sea is a natural stronghold, making it one of Japan's most famous fortified castles.

Therefore, in order to get into Usui Castle, it was necessary to cross the bridge, and the Oda army had to conquer the road leading to the Daimon because the Oda army had dropped the original two sores on one side.

There are three forts nearby, each packed with five hundred soldiers. For both sides, fighting was inevitable. This was the outpost for the capture of Astral Castle.

The result... it goes without saying. In spite of an overwhelming amount of violence, the fortress of the three great friendly armies lasted only half an hour. A brand-new fort built for this day was quickly scattered into ruins like an avalanche.

And the important ministers of the Otomo family who watched the situation from the castle, and the young people who were thriving, all lost their words to the sight of too much.

"Oh, what the hell happened...?" Did you lose? "...... my mighty army.....?"


No one could return anything to Otomo Yoshitoku, who muttered in a dumb voice. Lie down, mourn, and understand the future.

I broke my heart. The soldiers weren't accumulated, but objectively it seemed that they had already decided to win or lose.

With that in mind, the two young men proceeded to the ancient bridge gate. The two men belong to a platoon of about a hundred men. Their role was to defend the Furuhashi Gate. There are two observation platforms built near the ancient bridge gate, and five people each take turns monitoring the situation of the Oda army outside. The two men in the matter were one of the witnesses.

Of course, if you do something like that, someone will find you. The squad leader, who received a report from his subordinates, quickly approached the two of them.

"Hey! What are you guys doing on your own?"


The two of them silently stopped their feet. I grabbed his shoulder as if the captain were to blame.

"What's the matter with you leaving your post on your own?!" Name yourself! Where the hell are you... ahhh...? "

A squad leader who screams. However, when I thought that the right arm of the pair was broken for a moment, the roar disappeared like a lie.

The wild horses looked at it strangely. I couldn't help but stop the captain from shutting his mouth... the next moment, his neck slid to the ground.

Uuu, ahhhhhhhh!?

The screams echoed through the dimly lit castle. A tidal wave of blood. Townsfolk and soldiers fleeing. From the strangely quiet observation platform, the bright red blood dripped. Later, the young men headed to the Furuhashi Gate and put their hands on the door.

"......!? Stop, stop..."

It was already too late for a soldier who understood his purpose to rush by in a hurry. The Furuhashi door slowly opens as it creaks. On the other side of the bridge, Oda's army was already ready for battle.

When the door completely opened, a huge man straddling a black horse raised his spear high in the sky.

"My name is Fujido and Takahiro Rightemon. Those who were entrusted with a flourishing vanguard team in the capture of Mirage Castle!! Out of the way of men, give up your souls, and know that you are insolent, who have turned their flags against the Empire.... this is the power of the Oda family to think of the people and the country!! Everyone, let 'S GO!!"


The roar of the Oda army echoes throughout the country.

The strategy of capturing Mirage began.

Oda Troops crossing the bridge with a roar. The momentum was tremendous, and in an instant, Nakano Gate and Daimon were broken through and ravaged the castle.

"Hey, hee hee!? Oh, someone help me..."

"Fight!! Take the weapon!!" give me a weapon..... "

"No, no, no... no..."

"C 'mon, c 'mon!!"

"It's forbidden to mess around!! There are plenty of rewards. Raise your head if you don't want it!!"

"Ahahaha... Ahahahahahahaha! Kill me... Kill me!"

Father's avenge, then!

"No, stop............ ah"

Aaa... aaaa... aaaaaaaaah!?

Screaming wooden spirits, fresh blood and ecstasy dance the picture of hell. He stabbed the fleeing people in the back, and repeatedly stabbed them with his dagger over a soldier whose legs were entangled and fell. With a refreshing smell, volunteers gathered from all over the country leap into the Otomo army with a laugh.

It was as if he was drunk on blood.

By the way, the Otomo army was too sticky to end. The soldiers, who had been forced to break through the gate, decided that there was no more left. If you run away from here, you die. If I lose, I die. If you want to live, you have to fight. Fire pit foolishness. Backwater formation. In the service of God and the Church, the samurai inspire loyalty to Otomo Sonin.

”Hmm... nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!”

The Oda army, which was approaching with tremendous force, and the Otomo army with their shields collided. The sound of collisions echoing in the bones. The dust dances. When those in the front line are crushed with force, the followers burst in to fill the hole.

Then, as soon as the Otomo Army raised a loud roar, the Otomo Army slightly pushed back. At the moment the opponent's center of gravity shifts, I aim at it and press it again. Unable to do so, Oda soldiers near the center took a few steps back.


Yes! The muscles of Otomo Soldier vibrate at the opportunity to dance down. Two, three, four steps. Oda's troops were pushed back as they pulled a line into the ground.

(Yeah, we can do it. It is obviously pressed. If we could create a stream here, it would take a while.

Sounds resounding on the battlefield. A reaper's sickle that harvests the hopes of Otomo soldiers. When Otomo Soldier heard that, he felt a cold Nanica on his back and looked around in a panic as he turned pale.

I finally noticed it. To the figure of the Oda army surrounding us who had gone out before.

"It's stuffy."

Death pronouncement by Gao Tiger. Otomo's soldiers, who were pierced with spears from all sides, fell to the ground in a daze.

Fishing field. The tactics proud of the Shimadzu family were arranged by Takatu to suit the situation only once. A terrifying talent. It brought terror to the great friendly army.

If my leg stops, that's it.

That's it, c 'mon!!


At last, 1,200 of the Oda army's avant-gardes were swallowed up by the incessant infiltration of the Oda army. Then, the momentum rushed to the Heavenly Palace like an avalanche.

"... shit! You've come this far already!"

Parent Ken Tahara, the Shogun of the Otomo family, also moves in this turmoil. Set a trap by counting backwards from the Oda faction's progression speed. A gate leads to the main circle. On the roof of the tightly sealed gate, soldiers with bows and arrows shifted.

"Here it comes! Let it go!!"

"......! Prepare the shield! Pick it up!!"

Numerous arrows curved into the sky. However, Takahidu, who saw the movement, prevented it by putting the Great Shields on the front line.

When Parent Hyun Tahara tongues, he gives instructions as he yells at his subordinates.

"Aim for them when the country collapses!" In this case, you can ignore the attack from the sea!! I can't move fast enough!! "

"But, but... all the gunpowder is moist and useless!!" I can only think that someone poured water on it!! "

"What, what are you talking about!?"

According to the report of his subordinates, Parent Ken Tahara is upset with his eyes wide open. At that moment, the sound of the broken castle hammer clashing against the door echoed.

The place changed, and two men were facing each other in a chapel located in the main circle. One was a middle-aged man with dazzling eyes that didn't look good on him. And the other was an old man with a sad gaze like a sword on his staff and various emotions mingled.

"Apparently, it was you who brought in the Oda army."... it's snow. "

"...... Lord"

Otomo Sonin and Tachibana-do Snow. Once upon a time, they were more bonded than anyone else, but now there is no such air flowing between them.

This is a place where no one stands in the way, and the strategy of capturing Azure Castle has reached its final stage.

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