May 15th, 12th Year of Heavenly Majesty Tachibana Snow

His body hardened to the murderous intent that was transmitted from the muzzle that was set up naturally. Without hesitation, the bullet flies through the air. As a matter of course, I couldn't put the sole in my mouth.

- Poof!!

A dry gunshot echoes through the chapel. One step behind the sound, the pain burns on your cheeks, and a strand of blood passes to the tip of your chin.

The sole that was supposedly aimed at the head was lucky enough to just snap my cheeks. You tongue without concealing your frustration at the result.

"Tsk... you lucky guy. If the light hadn't cast into my sight just before I shot it, the bullet would have pierced between my eyebrows by now... But I won't take it off next time."

"My lord..."

When you refill the bullet like you're used to it, you turn your muzzle again with a clear intent to kill. I don't think I'll miss it again at this distance. I have no feelings for your eyes. There is only madness that is unusual. If I were you now, I would shoot my child without hesitation.

And... there's no way to close this gap in the urn. Even so, it's difficult to move with this paralyzed half-body.

(...... Mindless!)

The moment your finger touched the trigger, Tan accepted death. "I can't do anything about it..."

What floats in my mind is my dear daughter and the son-in-law who supports her. The servants who have supported me for many years. An ally who shared pain and suffering. Lord Oda gave me the opportunity to make amends for my sins.... and a gentle smile when you were young.

(My Lord... uuuu... I'm sorry. I couldn't wake you up......)

- Poof!!

The sound of dry gunfire echoes once again in the chapel.

... but no matter how much you wait, your body won't be in pain. When he opened his horrified eyes, he opened them wide and looked at him with a short gun.

"W-Why? Why did you hit me?!"

I can't believe the fact that I missed it twice at this distance, and I look at it with amazement. Those eyes showed a slight color of fear, and they were obviously struggling to refill their bullets.

However, I couldn't afford to leave it to the sole. I could certainly see the sole in front of me. Even now, I'm still standing to protect you.

"Grandson...... is it Shichiro......"

... Snow Master Dao

This thought shakes my throat. The tall object was undoubtedly Sun Yat-sen's, which was scattered in Tachibana Yamashiro. Sun Jiro protected me from the bombs.

"... ah, this guy is... really..."

A single tear passes through my cheek.

Sun Jiro not only pushed his back, but also rushed from heaven to protect his life from your insanity. I rushed over and smiled naturally. Please, I want you to fulfill your mission and support your body.

As if to respond to the wish of Sun Jiro, the strength gathered all over his body. That's like when you were younger.

(As a samurai, if you don't respond to Sun Jiro's thoughts, the man will be abolished.)

Lift the sword slightly and lower it. With that sound, your right hand stops trying to pick up the bullet rolling on the floor.

"I'd like to ask you one last thing.... why did you sell innocent people to a foreign country? Protecting the people and protecting the country are the samurai's true soul. Not to mention, you have a duty to the people as the ruler of the kingdom. It's easy to imagine the end of the exotic sold out! And yet, why..."

"... what, did you betray me for such an undescending thing?" I didn't know why and didn't stop thinking about it... "Well, that's good. I'll give you a souvenir from the underworld. I'm the ruler of this country, aren't I? The land, the river, the sky, the gold, the people are all my property. I don't care what I do with it."


"No matter what kind of eyes you see after being sold, that's something I don't know about." Leave the peasant alone and it will gush forth. If you die on the battlefield, you'll get nothing, but if you sell it all together, you'll get some money.... and the foreign weaponry is so expensive. Thanks to this, I was able to buy the big cylinders and ships I wanted, and even connect with merchants. Kukukuku... it was a happy miscalculation. And now the people shall do all that is in their power. It's more honorable than ever, isn't it? To my foolish intention of being able to plow the fields, give birth to children, or become an abandoned pawn on the battlefield, I showed you a new path. I'm sure you'll appreciate it. Kukukuku... kukuhahahahahahaha!! "


The lord, with a distorted smile, bowed down unbearably.

Gold. Gold to buy weapons. You sold your people to a foreign country for such a thing!!

Until now, feelings that have never been directed at you swirl inside your chest. This is the wrath of righteousness that sends the heavens upon the outer ways, which think nothing of the lives of men.

"...... You've already lost the sorrow of the people inside you."

"Nonsense. No matter how many weeds are scattered, no one will care."... that's enough. I'm tired of your bullshit. Now, let's get this over with. "

When he finished loading the bullet, he walked towards us with a distorted smile. To be honest with you for the third time, you're going to be aiming between your eyebrows from a close distance. To make sure I kill you.

After that, we'll use the hidden passage to get out of here, as I said. And we'll have that kind of tragedy again.

- That's all I have to do to stop it!

Lower your hips and stand halfway up.

"... what are you going to do?"

Cut the carp mouth.

Your foot stops.

"I never thought I'd be the first to believe you."


I put my hand on the handle. Focus your whole body on your feet.

At first it was mourning.

I wonder why it has changed so much. He destroyed temples and shrines, forced his family members to become Caterpillars, and shed tears as he tried to strengthen his ties with foreign countries. No matter how much I raised my voice, I was frustrated by the current situation, which I could not hear.

And Tsuji fought for one hope.

If we drive out the missionaries and hide away from the secular world, we will definitely return to sanity... "However, it was denied by Oda-sama. Your Highness must be held accountable. With that blood, people can walk in the next era.

So, Tsubaki entrusted his last hope.

If you cut your belly cleanly here, you will still protect the honor of the Otomo family with one skin on your neck. For many decades, and hundreds of years, to face the people sincerely, and to entrust to the future in the hope that the day will come when the stigma of the Lord will be restored. Tsubaki acted as an intermediary between the mistakes of the Lord, and served as the foundation for the beginning of the process.

But... I was mistaken.

His Highness was not manipulated by the missionaries. Rather, they are trying to destroy the people who live in Hinomoto by advancing on their own. I truly enjoy what the people are going through.

Such a person is not a man.... not a demon. The demon must not be destroyed. To welcome the world of Taiping... with this hand!!

"... I was going to be ready." As expected, it was wrong. There was no confusion, but it wasn't murderous enough.... but not now. Knowing the Lord's true intentions, I had the first intention to kill you....... With this swing, I'll make it a farewell ceremony!! "

I wrapped it around my body like the wind from Sun Yat-sen. This is the last wave of life. The last loyalty to the Lord.

― ― Tai Chi Swift Thunderbolt at the end of Dojo Stream Battles

"What the hell are you talking about...... huh?"

The sparkling sword flash easily slashed through the demon's head. Heartbroken. His voice was heard late, and his neck fell to the feet of Tsuji as he danced through the sky.

Exhale deeply. He swung down diagonally to the right and shaken down the blood of the palace that had adhered to the blade.

"Farewell, Sun Jiro. Farewell, master of my life."

The sword collapsed at the same time. I felt like I could hear a loud noise in a dark world.

At the same time that the snow slashed Sorin's head, the Oda army broke through the gate that Parent Hyun Tahara had been protecting. I broke into the main circle.

The Tigers who had arrived at the Heavenly Palace were greeted by the remains of Otomo Yoshitoshi and other important ministers who had already done their own harm. The righteous tradition that understood defeat decided to cleanly cut their stomachs, and the dignitaries were martyred after serving as mediators in tears.

Later, the chapel discovered Snow Dao and Sonryn. Dao Snow was a heavy unconscious person, and was quickly transported to the main wing by the soldiers. Sorin was beheaded and died. The neck was taken to Oda Nobutaka.

May 15, 2012. Here, the famous Otomo family, named after the bull of Kyushu, died. The Oda family fulfilled the world's unity of grief-

--At that time, things were already moving.

Well then, shall we come? This is the last battle. ”

"The sidewalk flair is getting on my nerves!! That's where I should sit!!"

"That's not true... why are you...?"

"Oda...... is not my enemy"

Darkness, stupidity, and malice finally began to move.

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