May 20, 1912 Anjo Castle

Thank you, Sakura. You saved me again.

"... ah, such a waste of time..."

"Yeah. Yeah."

Comb the cherry blossom hair that makes you cry.

Really, this girl is gentle, brittle... and stronger than anyone else. The cherry blossoms have been deeply wounded in the heart since the day they lost their homeland.

More than anyone else, I became afraid of losing my comrades. You've become more dependent on me than anyone else. I became more afraid of being abandoned than anyone else.

The horror that lived in the eyes of the cherry blossoms was the real thing. Instead of getting my head chopped off, I was afraid that I would be blamed for my own despotism and dumped by my master, myself. To the point of trembling.

However, when it was sad, he smiled bitterly as he stroked the head of the cherry blossom. There's no way I'm going to cut you off... "

Certainly, it was unacceptable to move the soldiers arbitrarily, but otherwise, Katsuru and the others would not have arrived in time. If we're going to have to take that failure into account, it's not fair that we should assess our accomplishments at the same time.

Therefore, the cherry blossoms were not related to my body, so I decided not to have any problem with the cherry blossom blossom blossom blossom. I had originally planned to send an envoy to Katsuzo. We had soldiers, we had supplies. These 3,000 reinforcements will change the status quo. The guards weren't expecting it either.

... well, I've ordered you to accompany me to the battlefield as a form of punishment. I would have followed you without orders, but there's no point for either side if you don't blame me.

When I observed that it had calmed down considerably from the frequency of choking, I handed over the cherry blossoms to the pine that had been restrained to the side at some point.

"Pine, get me some cherry blossoms."

"Hah. Got it."... look, cherry blossoms? I'm coming. From now on, we must prepare for battle. You will also accompany me, won't you? "

"... uu... uuu... hah, hah..." Excuse me, sir. "

"Never mind, get dressed."


I think I saw the cherry blossoms slowly returning to the castle, accompanied by pines. This is the second time I've been helped by a cherry blossom. Sure enough, everyone in White Lily is helping us out. A word of gratitude is inexhaustible. If they want, I can guarantee them a life without disabilities for the rest of their lives.

(... but I need a little more help. The enemy that lies ahead is the enemy that has taken all of you. This is my last chance to fight my hatred. I was so anxious.....)

I think I can see behind you fading. [M]

The evening of the day I received the message from my master. We gathered five White Ladies and Gentlemen who were in Azuchi Castle. Tokugawa Ieyasu. He's the mastermind who attacked your home.

The reaction was dramatic. I haven't seen that much hatred.

I hope you can see behind you as it fades. [M]

Please, I want you to survive this vengeance. I prayed so much for you while looking at you. [M]

After the pine and the cherry blossoms left, Katsuzo leaned down and asked me for instructions.

Well, how about we do something about it?

"Yeah. That's right..."

Eyes with a strong will. Are you motivated enough? A seaman from a forest family floating on Lake Biwa. With the cubs waiting for instructions, he turned his gaze to the left of Goro, who was holding his hand behind his back.

Goro left, this way.

"Hah.... you're calling me, Third Master."

"Yes. The reservist in Anjo Castle is the Red Ghost Army's 2,000." Goro Zuo, how long will it take to get ready for battle? "

Huh. I was wondering if it would be enough for a moment.

"Is it...?"

... about two hours. Then, let's ask Katsuru and the others to go first. Also, let's see if we can still stock up on supplies.

When I finished putting my thoughts together, I turned my gaze back to Katsuzo.

"...... So, I want Katsuru and the others to go first." The location is Nagahama Castle. In preparation for Uncle Misuke's rebellion, Shigeko Takeuchi was waiting. The soldiers were close, but they had already collected their supplies.... to be honest, I wish I didn't have to use that kind of equipment. "

"My lord..."

"... ah, no, nothing. Don't worry about it."

In the blink of an eye, Katsuzo's face was miserably distorted. Seeing Katsuzo shaking his fist at me like that, I went back to my senses and slapped my cheek lightly, tightening my spirit and re-partitioning it.

Katsuzo, can the ship still load up?

"... it would be possible for a few hundred people"

"Well then, I'd like you to stock up on a little of this." It might just be a little cramped to carry two thousand soldiers at once. I'd like to rent half of your free space. "

"Okay, let's start loading right away."... Lan Wan, Li Wan, Fang Wan, Sen Wan. We need to get to the Armory in the castle now. Sir Keiji will show you around. "


"What? Me?"... well, that's fine. "

Keiji scratched his head with a polypolis and accepted, returning to the castle with the Mori brothers. Genjiro and the others continued to accompany them. As long as we stay there, we'll be fine.

Now, let's get back to it.

When I saw them off, I turned my gaze back to Katsuzo.

"Well then, as soon as I rendezvous with Takeuchi at Nagahama Castle, I want you to prepare yourself so that I can leave at any time, and I want you to wait for the arrival of this army." Then, I want you to write a secret note to Shingoro at Gifu Castle and investigate the current location of the rebels. "

"Haha! Got it!" I swear by this vermilion spear, I will definitely fulfill my mission!! "


Satisfied with his powerful words, Goro nodded to his left.

"As soon as I arrived at Nagahama Castle, I immediately set off for Ogaki Castle. So you'll spend the night at Gifu Castle, and at dawn you'll be heading for Gifu Castle. The basic course of action is Kasagi Castle. Avoid battle as much as possible. General Yu will serve, but the command of the scene will be delegated to Goro on the left.... is that all right?"

With a straight look, Goro Zuo sighed as if he had given up.

"...... Phew, it looks like it's useless to stop." Sure enough, I've taken over your troublesome place....... well, I was attracted to it. "

"Goro Zuo?"

No, I don't think so.

Goro Zuo shakes his head sideways with a molested smile when he asks back because he couldn't hear the last word. Then, when I turned straight to my side, I lowered my head deeply.

"I understand everything." This Goro left, even at the end of hell, let's give it to you. I'm sure this battle will be the last of my life... no, it'll be the last war of my life.... but the enemy is a demon who walks through hell, refusing peace. Is Master San a hero in the fight against the demons who wanted to build peace? Fufu, your heart is dancing. "

"Don't tea, Goro Zuo. I can't defeat a demon with just three souvenirs. I'm too scared to do it."

Hahaha, you're on the left.


We laugh at each other. It spread among the ministers and the people who watched it happen, and the tense air that had drifted until earlier was fading.

(Yeah, I feel good. Now I feel nervous.)

The scabbard thrusts the scabbard against the ground and raises its voice.

"Listen up! We are gathered here now, people!!"

Bobbing, everyone in the room shuts their mouths in a straight posture.

"Right now, the traitors who betrayed the Oda family are headed for the castle!" There was only one thing I wanted to do. It is the head of the Oda clan. His name is Tokugawa Ieyasu! And then... Nobuo Oda! That army is swelling by over 10,000!! "


"But there's nothing to worry about." Battle-Scarred Warriors are here! Yu Yu takes the lead and crushes the rebels! We don't have enough men here! I will not let my people touch one finger! I will not allow this land to be swallowed up by the sea of war! Next time I show up before you, I will declare the unification of the world by the Oda family and announce the beginning of the world of Taiping that has lasted a thousand years!! "

Oh, oh, oh... ohhhhhhhh!!!

A people who raise their fists and shout.

Next, turn your attention to the soldiers.

"And the soldiers!" Fight! Don't look down! Look at the front! Never turn your back on the enemy! Behind you is a family to protect! There's a friend next door! If you want to protect, fight! If you don't want to lose it, fight! Let's fight and protect our precious things!! "


The roar shakes Hinomoto. When I pulled the small tachi out of the scabbard, it received the sunlight all in one, and it flashed golden.

"I have to go out!!"

The mighty proclaimed voice was instantly overwritten by the cheers of all the people gathered in the temple.

For me, the first and last war is about to begin.

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