May 20, 1912 Anjo Castle

Damn! Thinking that a dull sound had reached my ears, a gust of wind blew through the room. Thinking that the black shadow broke into the middle of the growing quarrel between brothers and sisters, Princess Kai immediately turned her hand to the snow and Takamaru's joints and turned the two over in a magical early work.

... eh?

The two of them are upset not knowing what happened. Despite the blood on their heads, Princess Kai easily suppressed the intentions of the two swordsmen who had been granted a license at Ichibasi.

"Totally, what are you doing in front of Milord!" Right now, it's not a case of quarrels between siblings. Besides, since Milord never showed up, I was worried that something had happened to him. "

'Oh, ma'am!? (Princess Kai!?) "

The two voices overlapped. In this way, Princess Kai shrugged her shoulders with a bitter smile...... The prince admired the girl's technique of gently handing her hand wipes to the snow as she tried to prepare her rough breath. Rock, good-looking girl.

"... but those two were so easily subdued." When did Kai learn such body magic? "

”Ahh, that's why I've been doing it so lightly since I was in Sagami.”

"... eh?"

While looking at Princess Kai, she leans her neck and suddenly adds a supplement from the side and turns to look at her. At some point, Fujisuke, who was perfectly close to her side, was holding a helmet in her chest and smiling.

"She used to peek at the talent of martial arts." If you hold a sword, you will be able to win even against a bad warlord. My father also said that if Princess Kai were a man, she would not hesitate to marry me. "

Besides...... Fujifilm smiled mischievously as she turned towards us.

"Even when I came to Azuchi, I secretly begged Izakaya and Keijiro to teach me." Once in a while, I also made a face at the morning training with the White Lilies and the Red Demons.... Of course, some of the maidservants complained that it wasn't the wife's doing. However, she said, "Even if I still can't fulfill my responsibilities as a woman, I can protect you when I have to"... and she stretched her chest and refused to complain. "

"... is that so? I'm really a fruitful reporter, aren't I?"

Yeah, honestly.

Princess Fuji smiles gently. When the two of them noticed her appearance, they saw the helmet held by Princess Fujifilm and their little strike, and they walked up to us in a hurry. Princess Kai's expression slightly darkened.

Yes, it's time to go.

While the three of them were watching, Fujihime slowly turned to the other side and returned the small sword to Princess Kai. Then, he offered her a serious glance.

Well then, Milord. Here's your helmet.

"Yeah. Yes... and..."...... Vine...... That's...... "

As soon as I received it, I noticed the trembling Fujinohime's fingertips and stopped. Fujifilm gave me a molested smile.

"... please laugh. Later, I was swallowed up by the fear of losing Milord on the battlefield... As a samurai's daughter, I'm really... as embarrassed as I am..."

My Lady...

With that said, Fujisama was shedding tears. The three spoke of her name with a sad expression on their faces. The three of them felt relieved to rush over and console themselves.

- Because it's my job.

Without saying anything, I clutched the Fujisama's body. The helmet hurt and was in the way, but I didn't care, I just held her tight.


"It's all right. I'll be right back." Everyone will come back here without missing a single person. "

"Really...? Promise me?"

“Of course, I promise. I will definitely come back here. That's why I want you to protect Azuchi Castle until that day. From the place where I go back to that day."

"Azuchi Castle..."

"Yes, I want you to protect my place of return."... I really wanted the vine and Kai to stay at the Konoe and Sagami Hojo houses in Kyoto until the end of the battle. It's safer that way.... but I'm going to get rid of that idea. I want Azuchi and Kai to stay in the castle. Fuji and Kai are the place and reason for my return. That's why I want you both to wait here for your return. "

"Always...? Fufu... Milord, is it really me...?"

"Oh, I think so." I'm on my own. That's why I don't want to miss anything. I want to save everything. Saving Shingoro, destroying the traitors and returning safely to Ando Castle. And build a world of Taiping. I'll make it all happen.... I promise. We'll have another peaceful day together. I wish you happy days full of smiles..... "

"... yes, I promise... I promise."

Fujisama's hands turned backwards. At some point, the three of you were standing around us. I won't shake it off. I just shared that definite warmth.

After that, the three dressed sorcerers left the castle and headed for Tsubaki. Those who remain in the castle watch over them, praying for their safety.

Among them, Princess Fuji called out to the white girl who stood out from the crowd.

Snow, please, I've asked for Milord.

"... ehh! I'll take care of it!" I will protect you instead of you! "

The Fujifilm Princess looked down on the girl with a reassuring smile on her face.

Oda Honjun, who sailed with 2,000 men, arrived at Nagahama Castle via Lake Biwa. He joined forces with Morinaga Kei and Takanaka Shigeko, who had already prepared for Ogaki Castle. By the time we arrived at Ogaki Castle, the sun had already fallen, and Oda Honjun decided to spend the night at Ogaki Castle.

And the next day, we set off for Gifu Castle with the sunrise. From Ogaki Castle to Gifu Castle is about 20 kilometers, and it was thought that it could be reached by noon.

"I'm sure you'll make it..."

However, it was an outrageous reality waiting for the three mages who arrived at Gifu Castle.

"To kill a child, you have to be in the way." It was built by people who could be trusted, mainly Azuchi Castle. It's like a tortoise trapped in a stiff armor. It can't reach the neck after moving the army. "

A burnt-down castle town with no sign of the living.

"In that case, it's okay if the child himself takes out his neck." No matter how strong the armor, if you put your hand on Gifu Castle, you will naturally expose its neck in front of me. For that reason, the child is bound to that pale ideal, but he can't kill his cherished companion? "

The smell of burnt flesh drifts, and the reeds catch the dead meat.

"It's just... I have to say one thank you, right?" Boy, let's thank you. Because thanks to the road you built, we got there faster than expected. "

- Many people have already died because of you.

A laugh full of hate spirits.

It was not the Gifu faction led by Shingoro that greeted the Oda Honjun army led by the three mages, but the coalition forces led by the traitor Nobuo Oda and Ieyasu Tokugawa.

Already, Gifu Castle was burnt down.

In future generations, there are three battles that can never be missed when talking about the [last battle].

May 14th. The battle between Kuroda Guardians and Nobuyasu Tsuda in the Land of Fine Arts.

May 19th. The border between Kaga and Echizen. At the tip of the Kanazawa plain, a little north of there, Sasamaritaka and Maeda Toshiya decided on the male and female formations.

And May 21st. The Oda family and the Tokugawa family. The battle of Gifu, which would sever all of its ties.

All of them were important battles, so let's start with the Kaga formation.

On the other hand, it was at the same time that the three mages set out from Anjo Castle. There were people walking on a certain mountain road in Gifu.

"Father, why are you walking on a mountain road like this?" Shouldn't we go along the main road...? "

A tired, sobbing young man walks. Ignoring such a voice, the man of the past year goes ahead with enthusiasm.

"Shut up, Genzaburo!" Just shut up and follow me! Everyone, stay vigilant around you! "


"... hah, I see." I don't know what your father's thinking....... are you bluffing? "

"Did you say something, Genzaburo!!"

"N-Nothing ~"

A tearful young man. However, the man keeps moving his legs without paying any attention.

"Now it's getting interesting!" Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk... tsk Unstoppable in large numbers. Sounds clear on all sides. Overturn such adversity and defeat the plan prepared in front of the opponent....... Tsuku, there's no pleasure better than this. "

A man's feet will never stop.

"Completed solution. A cunning pull without a choice of means. A jammed board. Then, let's overturn it. It's a pawn that you all overlooked.... now, the end of this long period of turbulence has come. Finally, let me show you another flower."

The man's name is Masayuki Sanada.

Also known as the Tokugawa showdown weapon.

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