Time goes back a little.

May 14th, 12th year of the Tenjing era.

History was in motion in this small country at a time when the three mages had not yet been informed of the suppression of Oda Nobutaka's Otomo family and Oda Nobutaka's rebellion.

A man who looks at the hands of ordinary people and deceives the master with care, and now, at this moment, he leaves this Hinomoto on the board as he wants. This is the masterpiece of the Kuroda guards.

However, a slight madness arose in the divine scheme. Yes, a slight madness. That's the trivial thing that makes it easy to correct its trajectory when it's discovered.

By the way, it's Kuroda Guardian.

It's good to remember.

In the world at all times, the thoughts of men are greatly involved in matters that have overturned common sense. People think that emotions can never be expressed in numbers.

On this day, a man's name will be engraved in history.

Four days had already passed since the Kuroda guards staged a mutiny on May 10th in Kuniura.

Hashiba Hideyoshi sinks into the flames, Ishida Misaki and Kiyomasa Kato run to Ando, and Nobuaki Tsuda returns to Mikoto without dying.

At first glance, I think the situation has been discovered. However, this situation was exactly what the guards had depicted.

(Both Misaki and Kiyomasa would have managed to escape through the surveillance hole from that direction. Placement of soldiers. Around the fire. All of them were thinned out so that they would pass through the path.... now the two of you will arrive at Ando Castle in ten days as planned. After that, just lean on each hand like a chessboard.)

The official guard graciously opens his fan and smiles.

The strength of my army was three thousand, and it did not reach the five thousand planned, but if it was small, the speed of march would increase. The consumption of food is also suppressed. I could think of a lot of tactics.

The winning muscle is already in my head...

But there were those who resisted such a master of arithmetic and deception.

"I was going to say that there is no one to stop our army... but it's not that easy, is it?"

Squeeze, narrow your eyes.

Motoharu Yoshikawa, the last of his fascination. As a result, the official guards revealed the night in Kinoura in vain. The number of troops remains at three thousand. I checked the burned-down museum, but I still couldn't find Hideyoshi's body. It ended up in vain.

The guards didn't rely on reinforcements. Although the number of cards that could be cut was reduced, most of the daimyo in Konai, which was located in the direction of the Azuchi Castle, were sold out in the Otomo Expedition. Since Ieyasu is attacking from the other side, there is no problem even if we have 3,000 of our own strength.

However, the futile scratching by ordinary people strangely hinders me.

Sniffing, he closed the fan and stood up.

Well, have you finally made a mistake?

Beyond the line of sight was the Tsuda Army, which laid a formation behind the Miyagawa River. The general is Nobuaki Tsuda, who draws the blood of the Oda family. The number is one thousand two hundred. The soldiers are all dirty with mud, and their disturbed hair flickers into the wind like a fallen warrior.

On the other hand, the Kuroda army laid a formation behind the mountain in a perfect condition. The number is three thousand. Everyone was ready to charge in with their eyes shining bright.

Currently, the Kuroda army had stepped into the land of fine art and was just about to beat and kill the rats that had been running around in front of them.

Kuroda Guardian versus Nobuaki Tsuda.

The battle situation clearly dominated Kuroda.

Why is the Tsuda army so sluggish before the showdown? That's because fighting the Kuroda army is not the first battle. Somehow, the two armies had already been skirmishing three times, and Shinzo Tsuda had been defeated in all of them.

The same time that Hideyoshi attacked the museum where Hideyoshi was sleeping. The temple where Nobunaga stays was also attacked by the Kuroda army. Because it was a sleepy night for everyone, he could barely grasp the situation and escaped the temple with a crawling body dressed as he was.

In the end, when Noboru arrived in the country of fine art, there were only a few dozen knightly surnames at hand, and it was the day of the next day that the servants who had taken over the palace to escape Noboru led the soldiers and rendezvous. Only about 60% of the 2,000 soldiers who followed Otomo Expedition, or just under 1,200, remained.

In light of this situation, the interior ministers urged Nobuyasu to surrender.

"The opponent is too evil." "As it is, it will not even be a war." "It is a species with life." Let's go down to the army gate in Kuroda. "

With those words, Nobunaga returned them in silence. The ministers, while regretting the current situation where they must surrender without battle, skilfully spun words to guide them in order to respect and protect the master.

"Now, let's hide behind the mountains until the Kuroda army leaves." Young people do not betray the Oda family. Just hold your breath. If we don't do anything, Kuroda will miss us. "

A man who has served Nobunaga since ancient times complains in tears. Nobuyasu is still a young man of twenty-seven years old. For him, Nobunaga is a talented and promising young warrior. I didn't want my dog to die in this place.

As expected, Shinsei did not shake his head vertically.

"I'm sorry, I can't choose that path." That's not all.... your feelings are so painful. As an Oda family, you can't turn your back on a traitor who is avenging the main house. "

With such a strong will in their eyes, the housemates swear to give it to you until the end in tears. I have regrets. How good would it be if I could start over? I'm afraid to die. Just by looking at his back, the tremor stopped.

"Oh, we are the best reporters in Hinomoto." I've met such a wonderful master...... ”

It lights up in my heart.

At this moment, the Tsuda army launched a full-fledged war of resistance.

The Tsuda Army, which had replenished three hundred troops in its own territory, immediately turned back on the road they had come to. In all, one thousand five hundred. Double the difference in strength. In that case, there were no [give up] letters in those eyes.

"It's a declaration of war! Kuroda Guard!!"

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!

Nobuyasu, who was leading the charge, and the servants who were following him with a roar. With that sneaky expression and the unexpected ambush, the Kuroda army couldn't help but turn back.

"Don't rush! We're winning the numbers!" One by one, take out the enemies in front of you!... you've gone too far! Archers, back off! Get off the horse! Drop your spear and pull out your sword!! "


With tremendous force, the frontline was cut, and the guards flew backwards. An elite force switched to the front line. I'm tired of traveling, and the Tsuda army's avant-garde breathes on my shoulders. If you don't pass up that moment, the Great Sword will be wielded over your head. The fresh blood is scattered. Moreover, those who were upset were successively subdued by the Kuroda army.

(...... this looks like it's going to be okay)

As the guards said, the captain who feared the accidental fire instructed the archers to release their positions.

Then, the Tsuda Army suddenly reversed, as if the Archers had anticipated the timing of the release. Those who had been fatally wounded and those who were in an imminent conflict grabbed the soldiers of the Kuroda army at once.

...... What about you?

The Kuroda Army was dumbfounded by the momentum behind them. Even though I was in a hurry to set up my bow, the Tsuda army was already far away. Neither the elite troops nor the Tsuda Army soldiers who clung to their legs and hips in a panic were in a situation where they could be pursued immediately.

In this battle, the Kuroda army suffered no noticeable damage. Even if there is, the injury is minor. On the contrary, there were twenty-four dead in the Tsuda army.

If you look at the results, the defeat of the Tsuda army that caused the casualties. Few things have been gained. But that was Shinsei's goal.

...... I'll kill you.

A fallen expression, his angry eyes are filled with traces of the Tsuda army, including blood and broken tree branches. It was more impossible to tell me not to follow.

After that, the Tsuda army persistently began harassing the Kuroda army. Dig a pitfall that fills only your ankle. Throwing stones and dung from afar. I rang the shell in the middle of the night. Throwing dung into a well in a nearby village. Fire the artillery at the Kuroda army's supply units. Dirty the spring water with dung. Regular night raids. I let go of my hungry wild dog.

In addition, we burned down the warehouse to prevent the Kuroda army from replenishing their supplies. In addition, some people incite the desperate Kuroda army with a high smile. (Of course, the peasants have escaped, and the burned food has been bought for money.)

The Kuroda army explodes with anger at the numerous harassment that have abandoned this pride as a samurai.


After that, whenever I saw the Tsuda army, I rushed to the Kuroda army with a roar like a beast. The rage was an excellent breakthrough for the guards to suppress, and the Kuroda army, transformed into a mad fighter, defeated the Tsuda army twice. However, the Tsuda army, which avoided direct combat and continued to harass them with its bare hands, was slowly retreating and reducing the number of soldiers, losing three hundred if it noticed.

In the end, the Kuroda army was unable to defeat Nobunaga's neck, who was suddenly running around.

At last, however, the Kuroda Army sees Nobuyasu's appearance in the field of view.

The river behind it. It's shallow, but it's quite long. Perhaps due to the rain the other day, the flow of the river is more powerful than usual. If you lose your guard, you will lose your legs.

It was precisely for the Kuroda army that the opportunity to take down Shinzo's head, which had been waiting for so long, came.

Well, let's end this now.

An official guard folds a fan as he raises a blue line on his forehead. The rising Kuroda army. The Tsuda army is on the brink of extinction.

However, Shinsei was smiling.

"The machine is ripe. I'll take care of the rest...... Fujiyoshiro-sama"

In the blink of an eye, dozens of horsemen jumped from the mountains behind the Kuroda army. At that signal, a roar rose from all over the mountain.

What the hell!?

In the sight of the upset Kuroda army, a cavalryman charged with a bandage all over his body. The guardsman who saw it laughed with a sharp twist in his mouth.

"After all, you were alive!" My hero!! "

"... it's over, guards."

The wielded spears crossed.

Hideyoshi Hashiba, the hero, and his army master, Kuroda Guanbei.

When it was settled, it was almost there.

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