May 14th, 12th year of the Tenjing era.

The muddy earth. The sun. Red river. Bones, skeletons, skeletons. The warriors who dirtied their armor with mud and blood were scattered all over the battlefield.

The situation was chaotic.

The beginning was dominated by the Kuroda army.

Two thousand two hundred Tsuda army with Miyagawa as its back. Three thousand Kuroda troops attacked to pursue it. General of both armies. Nobuaki Tsuda wields his spear boldly in the front line, while Kuroda Guardians command at the rear of the army.

Perhaps due to the rain the other day, the water volume and momentum of the Miyagawa River are much higher than usual, and if you take a few steps, you will fall as you are. It's a deadly gap on the battlefield.

Therefore, the Tsuda army has only one option. Hold your ground. Retreat is impractical. That was exactly what the backwater formation looked like. The retreat was cut off.

In front of them, the exhausted Tsuda army appeared. At the forefront is the figure of General Nobuyasu Tsuda. In the minds of the soldiers of the Kuroda Army who saw it, the repeated harassment that had been received from the Tsuda Army had passed.

Spit on the pride of the samurai, give up winning, keep harassing them, and withdraw like a coward for fear of exchanging spears. Even if I defeated him three times, the blade wouldn't reach the General's neck.

Feeling irritated. Feverish. The moment I saw him, the morale of the Kuroda army reached its peak and one by one attacked the Tsuda army.

However, immediately after that, an ambush appeared from behind the Kuroda army. Thirty cavalrymen and seventy infantrymen ran down the mountain. It was Hideyoshi Hashiba who took the lead. Following Hideyoshi's right-hand man, Hisuka Kodoku, and his big sinner, Akechi Mitsuhide, Akechi Mitsuhide Kei.

Unexpected ambush. Also, in the appearance of the man who was thought to be dead, a dark fear appeared on the faces of the soldiers of the Kuroda army.

From behind, the enemy shouted and launched an ambush. In simple terms, few can handle this calmly. Even with a few enemies, humans are vulnerable to unexpected events.

In that case, only the Kuroda guards kept their room while smiling. He alone could not completely wipe out the agitation that had spread throughout the army.

All right, all the actors are out.

On the horseback, Hideyoshi exhaled deeply while closing his eyes, raising his temper to the extreme. To protect it, Xiao Liu and Kwang Kei set up their weapons on the left and right. Both of them were getting off their horses, and it seemed like they were hungry enough to bring them to the White War.

And nearby, Hideyoshi's soldiers were resolutely attacking the Kuroda Army, and the Kuroda Army was not on its way to rescue the guards. The soldiers Hideyoshi brought with him were all elite soldiers. Without being told, he understood his role. The only way to defeat the Kuroda Army, which is nearly twice as strong, is to defeat the General's head. Therefore, if we miss this opportunity, Hideyoshi and the others will be defeated. If that happens, no one will be able to stop the Kuroda guards as soon as possible.

Now, this moment is the turning point of history.

Now, as opposed to that, surrounded by the main force of the enemy, the guards were on the verge of extinction...... still laughing while covering their faces with their right hands.

"Kukukukukuku..." Oh dear, if you think who rescued Fujiyoshiro from the sea of fire... * giggle *... fufu... Better than that, you're the one who draws the blood of the great sinner who betrayed the Oda family!! Yeah? Why don't you say something? A master-slayer's palace of wisdom? Kukuku...... Kuhahahahaha!! "


The handle of Gwanggyeong's sword is sharpened. A blatant provocation. Reason tells you to ignore it. If your instincts bypass you, you'll die. It was too young to suppress this passion.

"My father has done an unforgivable thing. You betrayed your lord and slaughtered many of your compatriots. You will never return that stigma again.... but my father lived in loyalty. Trouble, remorse, mourning, and swallowing of all that died in loyalty.... you don't know anything, you insult your father!!"

I knew it.

...... What about you?

Hideyoshi and the others leaked their breaths in horror at the words that they had naturally abandoned. The guards mumbled as if they were talking to each other.

"Yeah, that's why Kanjo Kujo instigated Akechi Mitsuhide, right? Of course I knew it. When the Lord moves, he cleverly conceals his marks. That's why the viewer looks unnatural and distinguished.... well, that's why I'm talking about it."

"Ki, you... you overlooked Kanjo's thoughts while you knew him!" While pledging allegiance to the Oda family!! "

"Yes, that's right." In that case, Lord Nobunaga will be taken out soon. And it was only Akechi Mitsuhide who made it happen in that situation. I knew it all. Of course, right? "


Hideyoshi's eyes lit up with anger. Of course. If we knew in advance, we could have averted that tragedy.

But there were those who were more angry than that.

"Didn't you think of anything...?"


"I'm asking if you didn't think anything!!"

It was a bloody cry. A lip tied firmly in remorse. Tears floating on the back of my eyes. The back teeth make an unpleasant noise. The handle of the sword gripped with all its strength screamed.

However, the official guard did not care about the appearance of Kwang Kei, and nodded as normal.

"Yeah, nothing in particular. I'm sure that was the destiny of Lord Nobunaga. Karma. The end of the unintelligible heretics. Nobunaga made too many enemies. Even if I had stopped Kanjo, someone would have done the same thing again. After all, you can't escape your fate.... well, if you say so-"

---and an old man's useless scratching made me laugh for a long time.

The moment I heard the words, Kwang Gyeong screamed and slashed at the guards.


"... oh!? Idiot! Stop it, Fifteen!"

While swinging his sword, Gwanggyeon slashed into one leg. At that figure, Xiao Liu cried out with his eyes wide open.

But the advice was to breathe slowly.


"... nnh!?"

The guards slid the sword to the side of the spear and kicked Kwang-kyung's flank. Gwanggyeong was staggering. If he did not pursue it, a fast triple blow would be fired, but Xiao Liu's spear would stretch to obstruct it from the side.


Perhaps the guards didn't dare to pursue him deeply, so they easily avoided Xiao Six's spear in a backstep. The partition was redrawn. At that moment, the tip of the spear held by Xiao Liu was chipped, and Kwang Gyeong's left hand was shattered.


"Oh no..."

The two of them froze for a moment in a stunned sight. The official guards were not so sweet as to miss the gap. As he rushed to Kwang Kei's side without a sound, while exerting great fighting energy, the spear had already been waved when Kwang Kei's body entered the distance.

"Riding on blatant provocation, he leaves himself to the heat and unscrupulous assault." It's an extremely stupid act. Is this the kind of ear that picks up such gossip? "


My ears were slashed and torn. His right ear fell to the ground as he blew out fresh blood. Painfully warped face. A beastly groan. Xiao Liu rushed over unbearably.

"Fifteen-" Sweet. "

Cold voice. Frozen spine. Killing intent breaks through the heart. Within Xiao Liu's line of sight, there was an officer guard who turned his gaze as if he were seeing a stone rolling on the roadside.

"He looks shameful and painful. I was alarmed when I was a civil servant. Is this the eye? What kind of stupid eyes can't see the truth?"

"... ahhhh!?"

His right eye was slashed in an instant. With burning pain, Xiao Liu retreated with a scream. Without losing the life of Xiao Liu, who was distorted by such pain, the Shinigami's scythe aimed at his neck.

"--Oh, yeah."

--But an arrow ran in the air as the guards stood in front of them, and the guards interrupted their pursuit and lowered their heads. At that moment, the arrow pierced the ground. It was Hideyoshi who fired the arrow.

"Don't run away! Throw away the number of advantages from yourself!" I'll surround you and slap you!! "

... ah, yes!!

The two of them stood up to the pain and stood up to their prey and looked at their enemies. However, the guards did not hold their spears and did not move. A thin, creepy smile floated as she stared at the three of them, freezing their spines.

When the three of them took a step back at the same time to such a strange atmosphere, the guards opened their stance with the tip facing the ground and took a step forward with their left arm wide open.

"Oh, oh, really, the world is full of fools. Shows interest and takes reckless action in response to instantaneous passion, even if he turns the corner. If I don't find out, I'll steal people's eyes, work injustice, and fatten my stomach. I can't rely on the bloodline. There are people everywhere who know how to find them. Truth is, everyone is aware of that.... despite that, everyone is responsible for their own bloodline. Don't you think it's too absurd? Life depends on being born alone. Don't you think such a stagnant world is wrong?”


In response to the official guard's words, Xiao Liu and Guang Qing suddenly shut their mouths and narrowed their brows. With that in mind, Hideyoshi opened his mouth carefully.

"... is that the reason for this rebellion?" What the hell are you looking at? What are you going to do with Hinomoto? "

"I'll crush it. I'll crush it thoroughly. The samurai family, the public family, the peasants, and the Emperor. We will break all the mechanisms that govern this Ninomoto once, and then rebuild a new and correct world. Otherwise, you won't be able to visit Taiping Tianxia and other futuristic villages.... I'll just throw away the rotten fruit. Is that so?"


I am surprised at the plan, which is too horrible. Above all, the facial expression of the guards who talked about it has not changed at all. Or, as a matter of course, he abandoned the idea of destroying Hinomoto once and for all. It's like knocking down a piece of ceramics that has just been made if you don't like the color.

Kwang-kye let out a cold sweat at the unusual thought.

"I'm crazy."

Then, the official guard's face suddenly faded like a noh face.

“No, it's not. It's this world that's crazy.”

In a moment, the atmosphere of the guards changed. Wrath. Lamentation. Resentment. All sorts of negative emotions swirl around the guards and eventually become human resentment.

He is angry at the way of samurai, hates the way of the court, scorns the way of the merchant, and mourns the way of the peasant.

And some day he mourned the absurdity of the world, and wept with blood irrationally, and cast a curse upon the god who forsaken man.

Sole hated and loved all of Hinomoto.

To love Hinomoto, and to love the people, and to love the ministers, and to be angry, and to mourn, and to be mad, and to cry.

The man called the sole a demon.

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