May 14th, 12th year of the Tenjing era.

The blow is a beautiful and fierce blade of guilt that cuts through the darkness. The red flames overflowing from her eyes wiped out the terrible signs of her presence on the battlefield.

"The one who gave up dreaming can't stand in the way of the one who dare to follow his dreams!!"


I couldn't even allow myself to scream. A magnificent blow that burns the heart like a storm to the rigidity emanating from a tough muscle.

But that blow wasn't just a matter of strength. Xiao Liu was perfectly holding the reins of a rough mind. Until the moment the spear hit the guards, there was reason in their eyes.

That's why the blow had the power of a move. The stack of training certificates improved the power, and even if I smashed the official guard's spear in two, the spear's orbit could capture the core of the official guard's body straight.

Opulence and finesse. It must be said that it is impossible to exercise two conflicting attributes simultaneously with ordinary skill. Still unfinished. By the way, Hesuka Six. He was also qualified to serve as a warrior.

An officer guard blows up with a huge amount of sand and smoke. Whether you've exhausted your strength, Xiao Liu looks at the other side of the earth smoke while breathing with his shoulder.

With such a back, the fifteen rhinestones clasped the handle of the sword firmly with their hands, blushing as if they were exhilarated.

(I'm also like that...)

Fifteen glowing eyes like a boy. It was impossible. For Fifteen Roses, who had started this battle at the age of sixteen, the previous battle seemed like a scene of heroism that would be passed down to future generations.

Even though he slashed one eye and ripped it apart, he waved his blade to deny evil. It would be impossible for a boy to admire him.

As if to calm down such an exhilarated fifteen, suddenly a horse squeaked from the side of the battlefield.


Shaking his shoulders, he turned his gaze to the side, and there was a figure of Hideyoshi holding the horse's reins with one hand. Hideyoshi suddenly nodded contentedly as he glanced at the expression on his face.

It looks like you're not scared anymore.


The fifteen-year-old confirms his movements by closing and opening his right hand in a daze. No tremors. My senses are coming back. This would allow us to wield our swords.

Fifteen-year-old Hideyoshi nodded strongly as he stared back at Hideyoshi.

Yes! I can go, Hashiba-sama!

"Well then, fine! Fifteen birds in a row!" Now is the best time!! "

Hideyoshi put the bow on the battlefield and rushed across the battlefield in a hurry. When he received the spear from the sidelines, he manipulated the reins and ran across the battlefield.

"Six, fifteen, pinch the guards from left and right!" Don't let the guards breathe! Fold it all at once! Remember that the fate of Ninomoto is at stake at this moment!! "


Just like Hideyoshi headed straight for the guards, Xiao Six and Xiao Fifteen ran left and right. Everyone is desperate to take advantage of this opportunity. Because I feel it on my skin when I divide the chances of winning from one minute to the next. It doesn't matter if you're tired. Only run with energy. I can't afford it right from the start.

And finally, Hideyoshi tried to break into the smoke that was still drifting through the battlefield ─ ─ at that moment, the smoke that was drifting forward was slashed in two.

... ahhh!?

At the end of their stunned gaze, they dropped their hips and swung their swords to the side to take a heartbreak.

The rising doses of black aura. Her pupils were like demons. A murderous intent to freeze the spine. Even though I dirtied my whole body with fine scratches and mud, I could not see any shadows of the terrible signs wrapped around me, but I felt that it was even more elevated.

Yes, like Nanika, who is not human.



Time flows slowly. The sound of mud bouncing. The footsteps of a horse. The breath of two. The sound is getting farther and farther away, and it feels as if only you have been cut off from the world.

With that in mind, Hideyoshi realized that they had already entered the interior of the space at the moment when the official guards and his gaze met.

”Eek, eek, eek, eek!!!”


The sound of a cool bell echoed on the battlefield.

The two voices were uttered almost simultaneously.

Fifteen rose slightly to the sound of metal clattering with Gingin.

(...... I...... do what......)

With a sulky memory in my hand, I spit out the sand in my mouth while rounding my back, and finally I became conscious.

(That's right. I set up a chase with Hashiba-sama!)

At last, the fifteen men noticed. What kind of situation are you in right now? Fifteen looked around in a panic as he raised his face.

On the left, a black horse lying on its back and a shadow rolling near it. Perhaps Hideyoshi was ahead of the curve. Fifteen bites his lips unconsciously.


(...... giggle! By the way, what a stupid thing to lose your mind on the battlefield! What happened? Is Master Hashiba safe?! Where is Master Hesuka!? How long have I been unconscious!?)

The fifteen-year-old, while holding down his painful forehead, reprimands himself too pathetic. But that's not the point now. We must have the situation checked as soon as possible. Towards the end of the line of sight, it was a center where fierce battle sounds were heard from before.

Then, the fifteen bishops could see their figure.

Kuroda Guardian wields his sword while releasing a black doss. Hesuka Xiaolu, who is still boldly waving her spear while dyeing her body with blood in red and black. It was the two of them who were confronting each other.


Fifteen roosters grasp the earth with their right hand in remorse, murmuring their names in tears.

Six was the first to die. It is strange to be alive. The lights of life are too thin and weak, and it seems easy to disappear with just a little breath. Xiao Liu was desperately trying to get rid of it. Crawl to the ground and shield yourselves.

Who would laugh at that? Who would scorn a mischievous scorn? A man named Hesuka Xiaolu is literally battling against the guards in order to fulfill the mission entrusted to him by the master. It was not an exaggeration to say that it was a samurai's mirror.

Therefore, the living sparked the heart of the fifteen.

"Nuu...... Ugh, stand up. Please, just do it again. Please, move!"

I kept scratching my static thighs with my hands, trying hard to move forward. It doesn't matter if it's muddy or dirty. It doesn't matter if you've run out of strength.

"Hisuga-sama is fighting for his life..." "I have to stand here right now..." I'll never call myself a samurai again! "

Raise your upper body with just your arms and pierce the sheath of the sword to the ground to save weight. In the first place, there was no young man who had been unexpectedly scared.

There is a samurai there.

Then, Fifteen-ro noticed. It wasn't just me that started to move.

"...... Haha!?"

The fifteen-year-old opened his eyes unexpectedly. Hideyoshi, who hadn't even moved until just now, stood up on the axis of his spear as he wiggled his eyes. And the black horse rises up to follow.

Whether they are standing at will with each other, their steps are extremely dangerous. In particular, the condition of the horse is a tragic word. My legs are pulled down with all the wounds. It's impossible to run properly anymore.

By the way, they were looking straight at the enemy. When Hideyoshi muttered something, the horse nodded strongly once, as if words made sense. No, it really does. We're connected by heart. With Hideyoshi on board, the figure that went one or two steps forward represented exactly the unity of a human horse.

The government guard's gaze turned towards Hideyoshi as he moved. However, Hideyoshi was the only one in his line of sight. There was no figure of Fifteen.

In fact, his heart beats hard. The direction in which Hideyoshi had been blown up. A dozen steps from here, there were arrows and bows scattered in pieces and stacked on top of each other.


Once again, the heart of Fifteen Roses is pulsating strongly. In my mind, the words that my father left behind came back to life.

[Soldiers are the streets]

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