May 28, 2008.

On that day, the first star that did not illuminate this Ninomoto fell to the ground with a terrible malice. Along with my heart, which I trusted more than anyone else...

I could only gaze at the state of affairs in a daze.

At the end of June, the great incident that shook all of Japan ended with the victory of the Oda family, when the traitor Akechi Mitsuhide was scattered in Kameyama Castle and his clan was publicly executed in Kyoto.

A few days later, we returned to Kyoto with a definite result, stopping the Maori family. Fujiyoshiro headed to Ando Castle together to report to the young temple and the courtier. The soldiers were defeated, and they stretched their wings in the town of Kyoto thinking about the reward in one hand.

I stayed in Kyoto.

There was a place I had to go.

Before dawn.

A chipped moon floating in the night sky.

As the whiteness gradually increased in the sky, I wandered over the burnt-out Honnoji ruins. The smell of burnt wood. A remnant of blood and flesh scattered around. Flowers on the side. Even though it had been a month since that night, the remaining fragrance of death that drifted there had never faded.


I stop in front of the burnt-out main hall and offer silent prayers to my deceased compatriots. Think of the fighters who fought against fate and fought to the end.

The Oda Nobunaga assassination plot.

The horrific plan was led by Ken Takashi of the former Seki-Kujo.

(Perhaps Akechi Mitsuhide will be chosen as the executioner. Since he respected the ancient traditions and had an unusual and sincere character, he had a good relationship with the court, so even when he received a sudden call from the court, he did not suspect anyone. Besides, he was the master's heart. If he has a lot of trust, he'll be able to easily investigate the moments when your guard becomes weaker...)

Bite your lips.

"Really... insect saliva runs. Well, it's a thing that properly seized the Oda family's emergency. If that's all I can do, why can't I use it more for the good of the world, for the good of others...!"

A stream of blood flickered from his trembling right hand. That's bullshit. The world would have been a little more gentle if there had been such a piece of conscience left behind with that old murderer. Still, Hinomoto would have been able to start over.

--But such an ideal is nothing but an illusion.

"Why... more than that, it's not just the lord, it's even the Akechi Hall and the Young Hall..."

Falling from his knees, Oda Nobunaga fell into a state of unconsciousness, and Akechi Mitsuhide, the main culprit, harmed himself. And Oda Nobuyasu was also seriously injured.... no, from the glow of that weak soul, I could see that my life was almost over at the earliest.

Therefore, I am grieving for the Oda family over the upcoming Hinomoto. The Overlord left the stage, the Sage harmed himself with a stigmatized end, and his heirs were pruned to death without looking beyond their dreams.

The Oda family lost the backbone, the center, and the next generation at once. One small child was left behind. Neither of my uncles is a king's vessel.

The scaffolding of the Oda family was definitely crumbling.

Reach out your right hand and take the pieces of wood that were scattered all over the place. However, after the fire, it became very fragile because of the rain, and even without the strength, the piece of wood broke into pieces.

Like charcoal left in my right hand. The light had already vanished into my eyes, staring at it. There is only a black flame that boils down to despair.

"Hah, hahaha... hahaha..." Is this the future we have been living in? If you want to change Hinomoto and build a new world, is this the end of a dream you ran with your lord...? hahahahahahahahaha..... "

Dry laughter melts into the sky.

Oda Nobunaga was not understood by anyone. No one stood next to him. Those who turn their backs are craving, scene, jealousy, anger, hatred... and fear.

Overturning common sense and adopting the policy left by the predecessor without hesitation, Nobunaga, who was not born, attached importance to the person's qualities and temperament, would have been the hope of many people.

... but that wasn't the emotion that everyone had. Some were terrified of his appearance, which they could not understand. There were those who held that they did not want to lose the power they had built. Some people were in a hurry to be cut off if they didn't get results.

Anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, sleeplessness.... so I tried to get rid of it. Prepare a substitute doll so that they don't get the powder of fire on them.

Kazutaka Kujo is only the tip of the iceberg. The one who tried to kill Nobunaga. The real culprit was an [invisible monster] named after the people.

So I gave up.

I can't help it anymore. Even if Kanjo Kujo was killed beforehand, this flow cannot be changed. Even immediately, the next Kowakujo Katsuo appeared. It is as if God tells Oda Nobunaga that he is destined to die here.

But Akechi-kun scratched his legs to the end.

That's the result.

"I swear to save the people who live in Hinomoto."

'I swear to change this irrational world.'

I swear, "I will do my best for the good of the world and for the good of man."

Dear Lord, make a promise that we will run our dreams together.

- What happened to the end?

"I'm... ah, I'm... ah! I didn't fight for this...!! Why did we have to be crushed by the people when we tried to save Ninomoto!! Now you don't know what you've been fighting for!!"

Grasping the crushed ash across his face, he lamented.

"My God! My Buddha! Why did you abandon the hero named Oda Nobunaga?! You knew he was the only one who could take this Hinomoto to a new era! Why, why, why, why, why eek!?"

There were no tears.

It's already withered to extinction.

"... My lord. Do you really have to save this Hinomoto?" Are the people who live in this Ninomoto truly worth saving?... oh, please answer me! My lord ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Ahhhhhhh!! "

One of them shouted at the thinning moon inside his soothed chest. There is no way to give me an answer.

But still, I kept barking. Like a shell. Like a loser. Like a doll.

... to seek salvation.

On that day, the Kuroda guards lost their heroes.

I lost the hero I've been waiting for, by the people I wanted to protect.

The scene was interrupted and one of them drifted into the darkness.

Is that what you call a running lantern?... oh, but I finally know by looking back.

I didn't mean to crush the Oda family. I have no intention of helping Tokugawa Ieyasu. Not to mention I didn't really intend to be a king myself. I know best that I am not the king's artifact.

I don't care anymore. I wanted to destroy everything and die on a massive wreck. I could never forgive those who took everything from me.

I can't love my people anymore. You can't love Hinomoto.

I know we're not all bad people. Some people are kind. There would have been a way to inherit the will of your lord and devote yourself to the good of the world and for the good of man.

... but I can't love you anymore.

The cracked soul vessel can never be undone again.

Open your eyelids.

Fujiyoshiro-sama's gaze crossed the black horse and ran through the sky brilliantly.

(The Black King's vessel. Ah... after all, Fujiyoshiro-sama ends up not advancing in domination.)

He sighed with his vague, faint eyes.

A pitch-black soul deeper than darkness. It was now suppressed by a white injection rope surrounding all directions. Apparently, they don't want to move like that.

(If Fujiyoshiro had moved at that time, there would have been a future that would rule the world. Because there are enough weapons to become the king of Hinomoto.... I know there's only ruin ahead, but I wanted to see it anyway. The end of this man's dreams. If Fujiyoshiro had the ferocity to surpass his master, he would definitely have waged a war against a foreign country)

... but as long as [Oda Nobunaga] was alive, it was impossible for Fujiyoshiro to betray the Oda family. In the Uesugi clan crusade and the Oshu domination battle, we moved to stimulate its nature, but in the end, it ended up in vain.

"I've tried my best..."

Since that day, I've been chasing your face. The usual smile. Dress as usual. Dine as usual. Business as usual. Everyday as usual. Just repeat the same thing.

With that in mind, I saw the Young King's weapon. An innocent vessel. A pure white vessel. My last hope. When I saw the girl, I realized it. "If you can't find it anywhere, I'll make my own hero with my own hands..."

Akihito's souvenirs were used to avenge the Oda family's desperate destruction. I used the Nagasakobe family to teach cunning without choosing a means. He used the Uesugi House to teach that to build the world of Taiping, we had to fight to win the territory. I used Oshu to teach that the world of Taiping cannot be built without sacrifice. In order to guide Hinomoto along the path to politicians, he taught himself the meaning of the word "swallow" along with the clarity.

... but I can't do that. That dream cannot be fulfilled by human beings. One day, it will be ruined.

"That one is kind." Too kind. I trust people too much.... then I can't save this Hinomoto. We can't change it. Then we have to destroy everything, right? What's wrong with replanting a tree that has rotted to its roots? ”

A crooked smile flashed.

“Prophecy. The reign of Hinomoto by the Oda family will be overwhelmed by the generations of the three mages.”

"... we have a group of ministers here to make sure we don't do that."

"...... Hmm. Then, let's take a look. The ridiculously futile scratch. In the depths of hell?"

- Slash.

The neck slashed by Hideyoshi dances through the air with fresh blood. His eyes were full of madness until the end. All the more sad.

May 14, 1912, Masakuni Kuroda Guardian died.

Thirty-nine years old.

His sincerity remains unexplained.

Why did you turn the flag against the Oda family at that time? Why did you target the world without being the lord of the kingdom? Why have you brought many people into your ambition? Much remains a mystery.

However, it is certain that this battle, which will be scorned as [madman's chaos] in future generations, has had a great impact on the life of the three mages as a result.

― ― Partial excerpt from the book "The Bifurcation of History".

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