There are three castles that represent the life of Oda Nobunaga.

The beginning of Oda Nobunaga's hero Tsubaki Kiyosu Castle.

Gifu Castle, where Oda Nobunaga took a leap.

Oda Nobunaga is a magnificent castle.

All of them are packed with stories that Oda Nobunaga can never miss in telling. And there are brilliant works that shall be spoken of among the people of the latter generations, as grass.

And now, a new story is about to be spun into the history of Gifu Castle.

Time goes back a day.

Gifu, May 20, 1912.

As a matter of fact, Goro left's guess was perfect.

The Allied forces of Nobuo and Ieyasu arrived at Gifu Castle yesterday. The road connecting Gifu and Owari had been maintained since Nobunaga's time, and the Nobunaga forces that set out from Komaki Yamashiro marched at a faster rate than the three mages had expected.

In response, Shingoro had to make up his mind about the castle. Five times the difference in strength. The ministers were also terribly upset about the rebellion from the Oda family. Storming the Dark Yard like this will only cost a lot of soldiers their lives. As a general who kept the lives of his soldiers, he couldn't have staged an assault ready to crush them.

... but as one of the servants who pledged allegiance to the three mages, I can't let the traitors go to Anjo Castle like this. Therefore, Shingoro left Gifu Castle with a slight gesture. I took my life for a generation of gamblers.

The Allied forces of Nobuo and Ieyasu advance to Shimamata on Shizukuishi-dori Street. They rested near the river for a while because they had been a forceful army until now.

Thirty cavalrymen led by Shingoro charged there. Kicking off the soldiers in the front row in the ambush, the resupply team fired the artillery and immediately returned the horse and left. On the other hand, it was the Nobunaga army that was pursuing him, but the front collapsed due to the concerted shooting of fifty iron artillery units that were waiting for him. By the time I hurriedly regained my posture, Shingoro and the others had already disappeared.

In this way, a small number of ambushes and ambushes can be repeated five times. With many casualties and 200 dead, Shingoro succeeded in guiding the Nobuno army to Gifu Castle as Shingoro aimed.

Ieyasu, observing that it had been neatly framed, prompted Nobuo to look at the situation first. However, Nobuo, who had been fooled sporadically, refused to do so. I declared that the difference in strength was obvious. Nominally, Nobuo Oda had no choice but to retreat from Ieyasu because of the general, and there was no choice but to stand around as little as possible to avoid the sacrifice of Mikawa.

And the inscription on May 20th.

Five thousand troops led by Oda Nobuo arrived at the Daimon gate to defend Gifu Castle town. The castle hammer hit the gate and the sky shook. On the other hand, three hundred ancient mighty men led by the three Nishimino crowds were led by Kazutetsu Inaba. The difference in strength was obvious. But none of them was weak enough to mourn it.

The grimace and the hardware supporting the gate screamed. In this way, Inaba pierced the ground with a spear against the back of a soldier in front of the Daimon, and stood up to the king with a wrinkle between his eyebrows.

"Wherever we are, we are no match for the dying of old times." Blood to wash the blood of death to the end of the battle for glory. Honor, money, and women have all won with this hand. I'm getting my hands dirty. I'm not going to be ashamed or repentant. That is the reason of this turbulent world! "


"... but this turbulent world is coming to an end." The world of Taiping under the heavens. There is no place in such a peaceful world for people like us. You're a rogue who can only fight. Until the day the life span expires, you'll be devouring sleeplessness in a peaceful world. "

--Nh, for the rest of your life, I'm so sorry!!

"Tsubaki lives as a warrior until he dies!" Live on the battlefield, die on the battlefield! There is a place in the battle for death! Every time you dive through the dead-line, Kaoru can sense life! This blood, this arm, this head is for fighting! Isn't that right!? You guys!! "

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!

Enthusiasm. Everyone yells that this place is the place to die for. A flame lit up the veterans' eyes.

Inaba lifted his spear to the sky with an unstoppable smile when he heard the voice.

"Then die on this battlefield!" Die as a warrior! This battle will be a war that will surely be passed on to future generations. Fight in such wars. Never turn your back on enemy soldiers and die in the air.... just like a warrior!! Honorable death. Today, this battlefield is where we die! ”

Hardware and hardware screamed. The Daimon begins to collapse.

"Let's go, you guys!" Show it to the young people watching from the castle! A true warrior who lived and died on the battlefield!! "

... and finally, the Daimon was destroyed.



Five thousand against three hundred.

The battle of Gifu Castle began.

The battle was concentrated near the Daimon. Of course, Nobunaga and the others were trying to attack from the side, but there was a martial artist there who stormed around without permission.

"What's going on, what's going on, what's going on!!" Even if it's the master's blade, you'll have to kill a deadly geezer!! "

"Somebody, somebody else..."

"Why can you move even though your spear is stabbing!?"

"Fu, don't come ahhh!?"

"Somebody stop that monster!!"

"Wait! The rest of them are monsters too!" They're not afraid to die! If you let me go free, I'll burst into this glory! "

"Then what should I do!?"


Anus screaming.

And every time he wieldeth a spear, he shall fall down on the ground, one by one. With the return blood, he dyed his armor red and slashed his neck with pleasure from the bottom of his heart, just like Rakusha. No one can stop Nobuyuki from inspiring his soldiers in this situation.

Masaru Ishikawa, a close friend, rushed to Ieyasu, who watched the situation from the rear.

"I will report that the situation is reversible." The resistance of Gifu Fuji was tremendous, and despite the small number of three hundred, Masamori Owari seemed to be attacking. Sir, let's do it. "

"... umu"

Ieyasu thought about it while holding a fold between his eyebrows.

(Considering the difference in forces, it is a good idea to proceed carefully and crush things here. If you attack poorly and hurry, you can't afford to suffer a severe handache. If we can even capture this castle town, we will later encircle Gifu Castle by depositing 5,000 with Nobuo, contain Gifu Saito, led by Richi Saito, and lead 10,000 of ourselves in the gap to go up to Yasuchi.... it's proceeding as planned. But what is this impatience? I have a bad feeling)

Ieyasu keeps on putting his mind to it while holding back his sore neck. As soon as the West Sun shot at his face, Ieyasu turned to the west and turned pale.

"Oh, no way..."

Your Highness?

"... go."

“How's it going?

"Take out the backfill! We need to help Nobunaga right away! Capture the castle town before it's too late!”

"Hah, hahah!!"

Numerical positives who rushed to the message. Ieyasu grabbed Gifu Castle while biting his thumb.

"You did it, Aoji!!"

Ieyasu trembles with anger. Ieyasu was convinced that if he led his army toward Anjo Castle, Shingoro would surely be blocked. I didn't pick the castle from the edge. Before I do that, I'm going to cut off the field once. Therefore, I thoroughly beat Gifu Momo. Don't let the Azuchi Castle siege stand in the way.

Yes, even if Shingoro and the others were pushed into the castle, it wouldn't make sense if they kept the strength behind them. Even if you surround yourself with 5,000 soldiers, if you have between 1,000 and 2,000, you can break through one point.

Ieyasu unleashed the remaining 10,000 troops. I can't afford to choose my own means anymore. By quickly taking down Inaba and turning the castle town into a sea of fire, we took measures to roast Shingoro and the others surrounding the castle.

However, Ieyasu's plan had been discovered by Shingoro.

Inaba and the others who were fighting near the Daimon were pushed to the center one by one.

Whenever the number of enemy soldiers increased to 7,000, 8,000, and 9,000, Inaba gradually reduced the number. Fifteen thousand against three hundred. We're outnumbered. Two hundred, one hundred, fifty... I noticed that there were no allies left around Inaba Iron. Instead, the enemy soldiers with their spears surrounded Gururi. Extermination. Inaba laughed in spite of such a critical situation.

"... I'm so sorry. I'm out of time."

In an instant, a flaming hand rose from behind Inaba. Close to Gifu Castle, half of the castle town was swallowed up by the fire in an instant. Yes, while Inaba and the others bought time, Shingoro and the others sprinkled a lot of oil around. There was a lot of oil. A swallow tree was planted all over the area for the girl by the third mage. And then there was the koji oil that was made.

O, evacuate! Evacuate!

"Digest it! Put out the fire!!"

Nobuoi evacuated unbearably. Those who run to the river to bring water. To laugh at it, Inaba pointed to the west with the last force.

"It's nightfall."

As the sun set, Inaba laughed at the fire as the sky was dyed black for a moment.

"Ha! We won."

The night book descends. A rebel in a daze. Inaba Kazutetsu closed the curtain in his lifetime, mocking the fool's face.

There was no strength left for Nobuozu to continue his forcible army. We had no choice but to spend the night here.

As a result, Shingoro succeeds in gaining time throughout the day while retaining 2,500 soldiers. That day became a turning point in history.

Then, at that time, it rewound to May 21, when the three mages arrived.

Nobuo revealed the night on the side of the burning castle town and began to act with the dawn. To build a fortress that is the key to the siege.

But shortly thereafter, five thousand armies led by the three mages arrived from behind. Nobuo was upset by the unexpected, but he tightened his face to not be underestimated by Ieyasu, who glowed his eyes next to him.

But what was unexpected was the same thing as the Third Master. A state of stagnation where you can't move even if you try to move each other. I checked the situation while listening to the enemy's movements.

At that time, the high tone of the shells blew between the two armies. At that moment, the soldiers of the three mages could split up and make a single path. The ringing of the bell. While being carried by the big guys, one machine slowly came up to the front line. As soon as the hammer rose, the army dropped from Nobuo's hand.

The general, the Third Master, leapt forward before the rebels.

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