At the same time that the Gifted Zang set up a charge by violently crushing the earth. Shin Goro continued to command the main road connecting Gifu Castle and Castle Town, which turned into a fierce battlefield.

Forward to the third team! Second unit, fall back and get supplies! Squad Four, be ready to charge at any time! Unit 5 on the left, unit 1 on the right! Always know that you are in enemy territory!! "


Five hundred men in a class. Shingoro divides his total strength into five groups of 2500 troops, and if he does not break through the defenses of the Shino army, he will launch a constant assault. --But the battle was overwhelming. I was still able to defeat the hardened Nobunaga army.

(It's disgusting, you'll be pushed away like this...!)

The impatience that froze his spine attacked Shingoro.

The Third Mage Army, which is inferior in strength, can never beat the Allied forces of Nobunaga and Ieyasu directly in front of them. We had no choice but to make a gap in the ambush, do everything we could, and take the head of the general by breaking through it one by one.

For this, Shingoro must break through this defensive line and take the Allied side with the Three Mages. That's the first step to victory.

... but...

"Reporting! It looks like the enemy soldiers are lining up as well as we are!" From the thickness of the shield, the effect of the bow and arrow could not be expected, and it was crushed to the ground by those who had lost their posture! "

"Reporting! Archers behind shields and spearmen!" Twenty! Due to the surrounding trees, it seems that there is no simultaneous shooting, but due to the slope, it is easier to target our rear troops, and there is a possibility that they will be targeted with a single point of concentration! Beware! "

- I still can't break through the enemy defenses.

"......! Fight in pairs in the front!" They are not full-time samurai. If you're practicing, you're much better than me! Stay calm and stay in touch! Keep your heads down and lower yourself if you're behind! And you can throw a stone or anything, so keep looking behind them! Even if it's a stone, the opponent is frightened if it hits his head. If we don't win here, we're going to die! Throw away your cheap look!! "


The soldiers also responded vigorously to Shingoro's encouragement. There was no initial momentum. However, those eyes were still rolling hot. Morale is high. After all, the fact that the Three Mages, the lord, rushed to the rescue is very influential.

Even so, the four thousand walls of the Nobuno army stood endlessly high. They don't know the fact that the Third Mage appeared on the battlefield. Therefore, it has no effect on morale. I was originally prepared to attack the castle, so I was surprised by the sudden ambush, but I was able to get back up quickly when Nobuo instructed me to do so.

And most of all, Shingoro and the others were suffering because of the presence of the ambushers.

"Report! Someone has ambushed us from the left hand!" The White Lilies are fighting back, but three people were injured, and one of them died! "

"...... Give up the corpse! If the wounded can walk on their own, let them return to the castle! If you can't, just take first aid and hide in the shadows of the trees!"


"...... Shit!!"

Shingoro gazes at the bushes with a steep expression. No one blames it. Because Shin Goro's sole was like an expression of everyone's frustration.

The identity that was afflicting Shingoro and the others. It is the nearly two hundred Iga people led by Hattori Hanzo. The one who pairs with Koga. Yes, those Iga people who escorted Ieyasu, who was there, to the Mikawa Kingdom when the Honnoji change happened.

Originally, the Iga had a strong grudge against the Oda family. The tragic [Iga attack] by Nobunaga caused them to lose their family, friends, and home. The flames of anger that do not forgive those who have taken the lives of their loved ones irrationally will not go away for life.

On the contrary, the debt to Ieyasu, who knew the danger and hid the clan that had been pursued by the country, is also eternal. In order to repay the favor, they worked to obstruct Shingoro and the others according to the instructions of Hattori Hanzo. That's why Shingoro and the others couldn't go around. "I don't know when I'll be attacked from the bushes..."

But if you think of your master, they won't lose either.


Iga asked for the opportunity to hide in the shadows. At hand was an assassin's dagger painted black with a blade. It was aimed at Shingoro, the general's head. The polished throwing technique makes it easy to shoot out even if it's moving.

... I wish I could throw it.


"OH!? Gaha..."

In the chest of the Iga, who fell from his knee while spitting blood, the sword blade, which was wet with blood, was shining demonically. And as he fell forward, the sword slowly pulled out of his body. The burning pain is transmitted by twitching.

I want to escape. Let me die.

But no matter how much I begged, the speed at which my sword was pulled out didn't change. An infinite moment. The water of life drops from vessel to vessel. When he noticed, his hair dyed white with fear.

"Fufu. Sweet, sweet, too sweet." You thought that kind of secrecy would fool my eyes? You've vanished too much ~. As an analogy, it looks like the empty white circle on the black side of the picture...? "

A loud voice. This deadly battlefield is far too disproportionate.

"If you don't blend into the surroundings, the other person will feel uncomfortable." Titch! Still low on practice. You don't have enough training ~

― ― In the afterlife, let's do our best a little bit more.

In an instant, the sword was pulled out without any hesitation.

"... uuu... ah... ah... ah..."

The fresh blood gushing out dirty the earth. It collapses like a puppet with a broken thread. Slowly, time passes, and the vision is dyed black. In just a few seconds, he was going to die... and he was breathing in horror.

The last view he saw. There was a madman who licked the sword covered in blood with a demonic smile. Horrible, but beautiful, reaper-like existence.

The fourth seat of the White Lily Corps is Kishihana. Contrary to her cute nickname Hi-chan and her neutral appearance of thirteen years old, she has such an exceptional assassination talent that she would be engraved in human history if she grew up like this. It was impossible to assassinate her in front of her.

As if she had forgotten who she had already killed, she wiped the blood on her sword between her songs.

"The smell of blood, the scent of death... fufu. Fun! Today is a lovely day to kill as many as you want. Hah... how many can I kill today?"

While leaning cutely around her neck, he announced that the noise was really minimal. Behind her, there was a figure of an Iga who approached her breathlessly.

He was the one who killed his colleagues in front of him. The world of sincerity is always survived only by sober settlers. Besides, everyday tea judges like allies die on the battlefield. To this extent, I am upset, not very upset, but I do not sneak.

But... but if my people are killed in front of me, everyone will get angry.

(Die, you rotten piece of shit!)

A man sneaks up behind him without a sound and waves his sword around his neck. Despite such a critical situation, Kishihana kept a calm attitude and knocked her neck to the side.

"Ah, yes. If you want to kill me, you have to wear a daffodil-like throwing technique and aim from a distance, or you have to fix a melee technique like an infarction."

Instantly, a piece of kunai slashes through the man's throat. Instant death. Without paying any attention to the man who collapses behind him, he rushes up to the daffodil with a smile on his face.

"Hey! Daffodils! Here you go!"

"It's not hard work!" We're on the battlefield now! I don't know where the enemy soldiers are hiding, and the others are fighting hard! You're a little more aware of yourself as the Ten Jewels..... "

"Eh? Don't say such a hard thing." I'm also working properly, so come on ~ "

"I know that, too!" That's why you're told you're not feeling well! "

Scolding his shoreblossom with rage was the White Lily Second Place Daffodil. He is a master of throwing magic and has the highest combat abilities among the Ten Masters. For a temperamental chairperson, the free flower is a source of troubles and a target for somehow taking care of.

"... haha, that's it. You really haven't changed." This time, I thought you might be a little bit upset... but it looks like you were sad. "

A daffodil smiles bitterly as she shrugs her shoulders. Yes, this time it was against my clan's avenge. You can't forget that tragedy, that hell. In fact, even that pine looked tougher than usual.

But there was no sole on the other side.

Because there was something more I was concerned about.

”... we're all fighting, aren't we?”

"Huh? What are you talking about?" It's only natural. If you listen, you'll still hear someone fighting. ”

The daffodil answered in awe. But he shook his head slowly.

"Then, the situation is even stranger." Too many enemy attacks. I've been ambushed from the blind spot thirteen times already. It's in the mountains, isn't it? It's like he knew our location beforehand.... maybe some of us are traitors. It's also in the Ten Masterpieces. "

"Nnh!? Impossible, that's not true!! We are a family! We got through that hell together! Besides, anyone who betrayed the Lord who saved us--" What if I betrayed you before I met you? "" -Oh!? "

The daffodil opened its eyes while holding its mouth. There was a worst imagination in her mind. Kishihana glanced at her like that and looked in the direction of Shingoro and the others.

"Gradually, the sound of fighting is moving away." Is everyone separated?... so if you want to move, now is the time. "

Focus on your feet.

[Shrinkage method]

Even on mountain roads with poor scaffolding, you can run faster than the wind if you master this technique.

Of course, as long as I didn't get in the way.

"... I see. Well, be on your guard."


At the end of my gaze, I saw eight men in black. The daffodils swiftly moved into a state of confrontation. The numbers are higher than those of Iga. The skill was great, but I didn't see any impatience in Kishihana's expression.

"I'm sorry, but I'm in a hurry." I have no time for you. [M]... if you want to get in the way, I'll kill you. "

With a frightened, cold smile, Kishihana jumped into the distance of the Iga.

The shoreline flowers and daffodils ran through the assassins. But the situation was already moving in the worst direction.

Behind the diagonal of Shingoro. Distorted by the murderous intent of the bushes.

"... I know." You are a special being who has given you the blessing from heaven. My beloved. The chosen. No matter how many soldiers you have, you can only buy yourself some time! "

A shadow leaps out of the bush without a sound. No one will notice. I don't notice. I don't hear you stepping in, swaying in the bushes, or cutting through the air.

Extreme shrinkage separates us from the world and even overturns our contradictions. The fangs that he kept hiding approached Shingoro's neck ─ ─ the next moment, a shadow crawling across the ground protected Shingoro from the blade.

"... oh!? Why... are you here...?"

"... you were... you."...... Ziyang Flower "

Shin Goro was defended by the Shirakuri team's Tsukitake Mitsukazuki.

Shin Goro was attacked by Ziyangahua in the ninth seat of the White Lily Corps.

The hydrangea flower word is [migration]

Halfway through the war, we finally found out who the traitor was.

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