A terrible murderous intent to destroy space. Eyes full of hatred. Full-bodied. Then the unprepared will not even be allowed to stand before her.

In that way, as a leader of the White Lily Corps, and as the daughter of the eldest, who now ruled the ruined land, the pine stood before Ziyanghua.

"Purple sunflower. Tell me why you betrayed our land."

"... to protect my sister." You know that, don't you? If you are the eldest daughter. Um, you're the one who draws the blood of an outpost that's not worth living! "

"...... ah"

The sound of gnashing teeth.

For Matsu, the worst guess came true. The sole that emanates from the mouth of Ziyang Flower is a contraindication that has been kept secret by the upper level of the city. Evil deeds. Sin.

[Outside road not worth living]

When he heard the words, Pine realized why Ziyang Flower had betrayed the city. At the same time, the gravity of the sins engraved in the blood that flows into this body.

In response to the words of Ziyang Hua, the bamboos repeated the words in their brains again while opening their eyes.

You were born in this city.

Outside roads that are not worth living

I could understand what Ziyang Flower was going to say to the good girls.

"Ziyang Flower. Are you from outside...?"

When Plum asked so frightenedly, the hatred rising from Ziyang Hua only increased for a moment, and the eyes full of murderous intent captured the figure of Plum frightened by fear.

"... yeah, that's right. More than ten years ago, when I was still five years old, just before winter, our sisters were sold off to the town where you lived.... yeah, yeah. I remember that very well. I was tied up with a rope. He was kicked. He was beaten again and again. Hungry to death or beaten to death. When I thought it was one of two, we were sold in two bundles. To my real parents.... and the mayors of the city bought us."


Breathe, but not because Sorre was shocked by the story told by Ziyanghua. In this troubled world, human trafficking and the like are commonplace. There are a wide variety of things, from religiously organized things to surprising things done by bandits.

Battles that have lasted over a hundred years. I was taken out of battle, and in the worst case, I never came back. A rough field. Of course, productivity is not stable because we have not improved the variety. Anomalous weather can cause famine and take a lot of lives.

For the poor, thinning and killing children was one of the natural choices to take to live the present.

Therefore, although it is cruel, the life traced by the Purple Sunflower Sisters can be said to be a common tragedy. For those of us who have seen so many tragedies, there is no doubt that such a tragedy will upset us. I may feel pity for you.

― ― However, the amount of heat inscribed in each word and sentence dominated the scene.

(...... hm, don't move)

The bamboo was reflectively putting its hand on the scabbard, but its fingertips were shaking slightly. The darkness that nested in Ziyang Flower's heart far exceeded her expectations.

"... why are you so surprised to see Master Bamboo and Master Plum?" Your house is part of the Misaki family, which has been entrusted with the instructor and accounting department of the training school for generations.... oh, I see. You haven't been taught yet, have you? I haven't graduated from the training ground yet, but

"... yeah, that's right. They haven't been informed of anything yet. Of these, only I, the eldest daughter, know the truth about the town. A lot of people, besides you, have become part of the mole in the same way....... He is one of them."


The confused gaze of the bamboo is concentrated on the back of the pine that talks like a squeeze. The pine turned to the bamboos to answer the gaze, and smiled thinly.

"Of course. The population of the city is about two hundred people." Of those, more than 170 were women. Shrine of the Walker. Even if it is a female lineage, there is a limit.... when I confessed to you about this, I told you that I was going to get some blood from the outside. Because if you make children with someone close to your blood, your life will be in danger..... "

"...... lies"

"... it's true. I hear that men have been killed and sold by merchants to barter for money, women and children, except for the good ones." Those who were kept alive were left as stallions. By the way, I told everyone in the city that it was gone during the mission....... this is the full extent of the sin that our city has been hiding outside. "


As the pine closes, everyone closes their mouths with a frown between their brows. What should I say? An unbearable feeling rushes around inside my chest. However, I felt more disgust among them.

With that in mind, only Tsubaki thought calmly of his brother who had died of an infarction.

(Certainly, the opportunity to encounter the opposite sex in that town was rare. Even if there was, it was just a toddler like the younger brother of the infarct......)

The words of the pine are being corroborated by real experiences. No, there's no reason to lie in this scene, but if you look at it, it made me understand it more concretely.

She belonged to a heterogeneous classification like Ziyang Flower, so she must have noticed the discomfort in her memory before the bamboos.

And she moves again.

"In that village, fifteen young children are deposited with a family annually, and only two prospective children can be admitted to join the village." It doesn't matter how old you are. Less than three babies are strangled and killed to show us. No food, no water, every day you train in the extreme state of starvation. "

Ziyang Flower was approaching the pine one step at a time while holding down her painful flank.

(I swore that day...)

A sharp gaze, it's a childhood sight that has survived a hellish routine. At that time, Ziyang Hwa, who was five years old, exercised with the intention of vomiting blood to protect her younger sister.


For Ziyang Hua, there is only one family in the world. This child alone must be protected. Even so, I didn't mind getting my hands dirty in the process.

This hand is already broken.

That day, from the moment you killed a single friend in the last slot with this hand...

"... that's been happening for decades." Didn't you wonder? To the fact that the number of people who can graduate from the training center, the number of people of the same generation, and the number of people who regularly change their faces, the population of the country has not changed for decades. "

Spirit of words. With every word the purple sunflower spins, anger and hatred increase. Her usual guts don't even let her face it.

"We're worms below the tools." You can either die from daily hardships or be treated as a single-use pawn. It's stuffy. From the moment I was born in this land of Hinomoto!... we can't let that girl go to hell like that. If we stay here, we will surely die in the near future. I'll never admit such an end!! "

Therefore, Plum replied reflexively. I didn't even know it touched her backsliding.

"Shu, it's only natural to obey the master's orders, isn't it?" That's why we're here. It is only natural for a person of low standing to follow the instructions of a noble God.... and even if you lose your life on a mission, it 's-- "

Words clogged, and the air remaining in my lungs overflowed through the slight gap between my closed lips. A dagger with a black blade is attached to the neck of the plum. No, it's not. It's a phantom. The intent to kill was too strong, and the plum was hallucinating.

Nobody moves.

"Yeah, yeah. I guess so. I guess so. For you, it must be common sense without question.... but I'm not. Strangely enough, you're screaming that you're wrong. I'm not wrong. It's you who are crazy!"

Whatever the reason, we can't allow a distorted common sense to control the length of the temporary parents who strangle their infants without meaning just to get their own pleasure by knocking them to hell.

"If you stay like this, even your beloved sister will be irrationally deprived of her life. Even so, you can't escape the city. One day, they will be caught and killed by their pursuers, and no matter how they fall, there is no happy future ahead. Then, the most important thing--"

- Just burn it all out.

Laughing, grumbling, moaning, Ziyang Hua said so.

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