Reject Humanity, Return To Monke

Chapter 2 - Introductions

I stood there staring at the screen of blue text hovering in front of me with a blank expression. What do you mean being a human will get me killed in under a few hours? Is this world really that dangerous? At least lemme have that childish delusion of, 'Get isekai'd, become too OP' thing. Actually, I'd rather have that, thank you very much.

[Stop being whiny, and for your question about the world being dangerous, yes, this world is incredibly dangerous, but I won't spoil that for you, no. I'm just a guide to help you get started, and once I'm done, you'll never see me again, well, that is unless you climb to the top of the food chain in this world which I'm sure your chances are under 1%.]

Gee… Thanks for the encouraging words, oh mysterious system entity in which I have no fucking clue who it is. I scratched my head with my big, meaty hands, and immediately got off balance and tumbled down to the floor.

"Note to self, being a gorilla requires use of arms as front legs to maintain balance properly…" I muttered while I got back up using my logs (read arms) to push me back upright. I tested shifting my center of gravity left and right by tilting my whole body, and once I'm done with that brief exercise, I was getting used to standing using my four limbs.

[Anyway, time is of the essence, so please, enough dawdling and touch the gem in the middle to get started on your dungeon. I would advise you to hurry since unlike those in the stories that you read, there is no safety buffer when you were transferred. The moment you landed here you were already in great danger.]

Well shit… Dark Souls style it is… I walked (read crawled) my way towards the shiny, blue gem floating in the middle of the cave room. Lemme tell you, walking on all fours with arms twice as long as your legs is very… uncomfortable… That's probably my human mind telling me that everything with my body is wrong. I'll just get used to it in a few days… Probably…

I reached the gem and held out my giant arm towards it. Touching the blue gem, it immediately glowed and began rotating, blue wisps of mist emerging from my hairy body and into the gem. I felt myself getting weaker and this prompted my fight or flight responses.

[Calm down. That's just your mana getting sucked into the gem for the ritual to transfer the dungeon rights to you.]

Wait a second… Dungeon rights, there's laws about dungeons here?

[I'll supply you with this information since this is something no other person asked from me. Not in the legal sense, no. Dungeon rights is something like a symbol of you owning a dungeon, so other Dungeon Masters will know that you are one of them. You too will have a sense for something like sensing other Dungeon Masters once you get your Dungeon rights.]

Ah, alright, understood. I nodded my head in understanding, and while I was nodding off, the ritual was finished and I felt myself no longer getting weaker.

Initialization complete… Welcome, Dungeon Master Jionni…

I stared at the gem emitting another floating window with text different from the system I was with.




[Alright, I'll give you the gist and nothing more. For you to survive, you'll need to learn. Anyway, in that window lies the three tabs to help you maintain your dungeon. All of those tabs are self-explanatory. Summon for monsters, Market for items, and Customize for building your dungeon. Now before I leave, I have one last thing to give you. Remember something about a prize? It's in your inventory. Well then, good luck, and have fun suffering!]

The system window then disappeared entirely once I finished reading them. I facepalmed.

"That system sure does have its sense of humor…"

Now, how to open inventory. If it's like anything in the novels, then just yelling or thinking of it will make it appear, and it really did appear after just thinking about it really hard. Good, I don't like it to have a verbal command, too conspicuous.

Inside my inventory, I saw a red gift icon. I tried pressing it, but instead, my hand went through the window and into a black abyss. I tried feeling around without getting too uneasy about having my hand is someplace I can't see, and I finally felt something. I pulled on it, and from the black abyss comes a red gift box that wouldn't look too out of place during Christmas.

Not wasting anytime, I opened the box and inside, found three things. One was a scroll, another a book, and the last, a giant club. Okay, as rules of the gamer and isekai dictates, scroll is like a skillbook, the book is a literal skillbook, and giant club equals giant club.

I grabbed the book first and yes, the book really is a skill book.

Would you like to learn [Earth Manipulation]? Y/N

Oh, hell yes. Manipulating earth while living in a cave, of course I would use it. I pressed yes and the skillbook turned into motes of light before my body absorbed it all. I then focused my attention on the scroll.

"Please be something good…" I grabbed it and another holographic window of text greeted me from the front.

Would you like to learn [Gorilla Fighting Techniques]? Y/N

… Jokes aside, this scroll is incredibly practical for my current situation. I'm a gorilla, and I need to learn how to fight like one, so yes, I do like to learn this please. I pressed yes and the scroll unrolled itself, the text written on it glowing a bright gold before turning into wisps of light and flowing inside me.

When the light subsided, I felt a little more used to my big hairy body. I could move better, shift my center of gravity easier, and I can now walk on my two legs without falling to the ground and making myself look like a fool.

Next, I inspected the club. I narrowed my eyes on it, looking for anything out of the ordinary, but nothing. All I saw was an ordinary, giant club that I could use to whack trespassers.

"Better this than nothing, I guess…" I scratched my chin, then checked the Skills tab if ever had one. It appeared, and on it, 5 were listed on it… Wait, 5?


[Gorilla Body] lv 1

[Inhumane Endurance] lv 1

[Gorilla Go Smash!] lv 1

[Gorilla Fighting Tech] lv 1

[Earth Manipulation] lv 1

Gorilla Body – You have a body of a gorilla. Increase STR, END, VIT by 5%. Bonus increases per skill level.

Inhumane Endurance – You have endurance in the not human standard. Increase VIT, END by 10%. Bonus increases per skill level.

Gorilla Go Smash! – You are a gorilla. Go smash things with your logs you call arms. Increase STR by 30%. Bonus increases per skill level. Consume mana to imbue next attack with double your STR. Cost 10 MP per cast.

Gorilla Fighting Technique – Who said flinging poop was just a joke. No, it's just a deadly a weapon like any other. Increase STR by 25%, and all other stats except LUC by 15%. Bonus increases per skill level.

Earth Manipulation – Earth is around you, go use it. Consume mana to move the earth around you to do your bidding. The options are limitless, provided you are good enough and have enough mana. Increases STR, VIT, END, INT, WIS by 25%. Cost varies per cast.

Hm… I'll need to level this up when I have the time. The bonuses to the stats are just too good to pass up.. Anyway, enough of that, time to ready my dungeon.

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