Reject Humanity, Return To Monke

Chapter 203 - Monke And Negotiations With Advanced Hoomans

"So, how was the outside?"

"Just as we expected it would be." I replied to Nicholas, who looked at the two of us with worry. Beside him, Luke was staring at the entrance of my Dungeon with narrowed eyes, his hands grasping the handle of his sword.

"Sir Jionni, we heard some gunshots from here. Did something happen?" I looked at Luke and shook my head.

"Yep. Something did happen, although nothing to worry about." Drake snorted from beside me as he heard my words.

"'Nothing to worry about,' he says, but weren't you pelted with gunfire?" The two humans stared at me with shock in their eyes, mouths hanging slightly agape.

"And? Do I look injured to you?" I spread my arms and showed off my entire figure to the three humans surrounding me.

"Show off." Drake pouted, and I laughed.

"Shut up, OP protagonist bastard." As Nicholas and Luke watched our exchange, imaginary question marks floated above their heads. "Anyway, it's still too dangerous for any of you to go outside. Lockdown the entirety of my Dungeon, and if any human enters, force them out, but do not kill."

Accessing the Dungeon Menu, I called out towards Gong, who had respawned a few hours after his death against Linuel.

"Boss? You called?" Gong was looking fine after all the shit that happened to him, a good mentality to have, regarding constant deaths among the primate populace.

"Yes, I want you and Nicholas to perform a joint operation together. Call all available primates to lockdown the entrance; no one goes out, and no one goes in, unless it's me or Drake, understood?" Gong nodded on the screen and I cut the feed. "Sorry to heap this kind of workload on you, Nicholas, but we are in a very bad spot right now."

"I understand, Jionni." Nicholas trembled slightly at the memory of tall buildings and fast-moving vehicles. "If the residents of this world are capable of those kinds of powerful, magical enchantments, then I believe the residents living in your Dungeon stand no chance."

"Heh, I know." I chuckled slightly. "Until I am able to supply my forces with gear on par with those of the residents of this world, we won't be able to repel an army barreling into my Dungeon."

"Also, what you saw outside weren't magical enchantments. Those were the products of science and technology." My words threw Luke and Nicholas for a loop, while Drake laughed at their amusing expressions. "At least from what I experienced, this world doesn't have a single iota of magic. All of the things you have seen today were the results of years upon years of research. To understand this better, just think what would happen if you combined water and fire."

"I get steam?" I nodded at Nicholas' reply.

"Correct, now what would happen if I applied that steam to an intricate part of machinery built with just metal without any sort of magic with a single purpose in mind?" Nicholas was already lost in my flurry of words, the same with Luke, and to some extent, Drake. "It's like that. Only those knowledgeable in the craft would know, and because of them, they pushed this world into an era of technological wonders."

"… How is that possible?" Nicholas asked one more question, and my response was a shrug.

"Hell if I know. I'm not a scientist that knows how chemical reactions work, nor am I a mechanic that knows how to operate machines like an extension of myself." Taking a deep breath, I shook my head to get the knowledge stuffed in my head since high school out. "Anyway, before my long-winded rant, me and Drake here were just about to get some food. Would you like to come?"

"No, but thank you for the offer." Nicholas replied, and Luke bowed. "I still have that operation you gave me and Gong to do."

"And I'm here to support Sir Nicholas." I smiled at the two, before grabbing Drake by the arm who was now reading the ero-manga he was holding earlier back in the school.

"Thank you for your loyalty. I'll be sure to reward you sometime in the future, but for now, Drake and I need to eat."

Leaving the two to their devices, Drake and I walked through the forest path leading to the Monster Town.

=By the way, you should get a new name for that Monster Town of yours.=

'Drakhan? How can you speak with me? I thought I wouldn't get to hear from you while in this world?'

=That was my original body. I'm just a soul piece stuck in the equipment you're wearing. Of course, I can communicate with you, although I cannot contact my others back in Praeccathae, as well as our original body.=

"I see…" Humming, I noticed Drake looking at me with a curious stare.

"You talking with Drakhan?"

"Yep." We both went silent after that brief exchange, our stomachs rumbling due to our hunger.




"Well, this is interesting."

"You could say that again."

In front of the school was a motherfucking limo bringing along the most important person in the country.

"Of all the things I could've met with, it was the goddamn president." I sighed and I heard Drake snicker from beside me.

"Well, it could've been worse." Drake raised his hand and he counted. "Like a tank blowing up the school, an aircraft blowing up the school, or a nuke blowing up the school and the city."

"Drake, you've watched too many movies."

"Isn't this situation just like in the movies?" I opened my mouth, only to close it back when I had no response to give.

"Fair point." I saw the limo door open and the president, Mason Downs, exited the vehicle with a group of bodyguards following his every step.

Cameras flashed brightly from the sidelines, a huge number of vultures… Sorry, I mean reporters, recording the scene with incredible attention. No doubt, this was about to be the top story of the year, or probably the century.

A talking gorilla/human hybrid that could bend the earth to his will? Yep, magic confirmed. Otakus would be crying with joy right now.

I wonder what would happen if I show them the demi-humans back inside my Dungeon, along with the fantastical race of monsters?

Total chaos, no doubt. In the forums, at least.

Waiting at the entrance, both Drake and I observed the approaching figure of the president accompanied by his bodyguards numbering eight, all of them armed to the teeth.

As he got closer, I noticed his muscles tense at my figure. The bodyguards following him cautiously watched my every move, down to the twitch of my fingers.

I gotta say, those are some fine quality fighters right there.

They stopped in front of me, their eyes scrutinizing for anything on my person, save for the brand-new shorts and shirt I was wearing. Drake beside me couldn't care less about the meeting instead, opting to read his hentai manga in peace while the reporters recorded his every move.

Let the censorship commence!

Jokes aside, since the president didn't speak first, I opted to do so.

"Greetings, I assume you are the leader of this kingdom?" Beside me, I noticed Drake subtly eyeing me with a raised eyebrow.

"Why, yes, I am indeed the leader of the United States of America." The president replied in a smooth voice. "And you must be the person who some people had said, came out of a portal-like substance from the air."

"Right you are on that." I chuckled good naturedly as cameras flashed from the sidelines, the blinding light prickling my eyes somewhat. "This might come as a surprise, but I bring a warning to you, and all leaders of this entire world."

"And what is that?" The president stared at me impassively, not giving any kind of hints of his emotions.

"Well, come with me and you'll see. Bring along your guards if you must, and some of those messengers just outside the perimeter." I pointed at the people outside, some of the officers tense at my gesture.

"… Very well." After pondering for a few moments, Mason nodded and ordered a few police officers to get some reporters, presumably those in his pocket, at least, to follow them inside the school.

We waited in silence, his guards glaring at me, threatening me with their actions that if I so much as stepped out of line, they wouldn't hesitate to kill me with force.

Not that they could harm me, nor could they harm the OP protagonist, who is Drake, right beside me.

'Well, so far so good. At least they didn't resort to full-on force, but seeing that there were a lot of people, I can see why. Plus, we haven't done anything to warrant our deaths, either. Sure, I knocked out some police officers, but I can reason that they shot me first.

But since this world is a fucked up one, where even people would fight for the rights of an animal, even if said animal was running at them with the intent to make them a meal, who knows how that scenario could go down?

I'm just glad they decided to use diplomatic means first, before needless violence.

"I assume everybody is ready?" I looked at the president and his group. Surrounded by bodyguards in smart suits, with about three journalists and their cameramen recording the scene, the president nodded.

"Yes, we are."

"Follow me then." Turning heel, me and Drake entered the school, with the group of humans following slightly behind.

"You're taking a huge risk here, Jionni." Drake whispered to me with a frown.

"I know, but we've already been compromised the moment those students saw us. We need to gain their trust quickly if we don't want to get invaded with military might."

It might be a far-off scenario, but humans are capable of doing so if they feel threatened.. Just give them an excuse, and you can say goodbye to any kind of diplomatic resolution.

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