Reject Humanity, Return To Monke

Chapter 218 - Monke And A Gift Horse

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"Morning." Waking up to the face of my soon-to-be wife smiling at me was something I did not expect yesterday.

"… Morning." Yawning, I got up from the bed and stared into the eyes of the catwoman, who was looking at me with a Cheshire grin. "I know that face… And something tells me… What the hell are you wearing?"

I puckered my lips as my eyes adjusted to the light, now fully viewing the figure that was Catalina. As of now, she wore what seemed to be an apron…

And nothing more…

"Okay, I have to admit, waking up to see you like this excites me, but aren't you pregnant?" Catalina only stuck her tongue out as a response before she pouted.

"Aww… You're no fun. At least give me the scene where you blush at my figure."

"When have I ever blushed? Also, I don't think I can blush." My words put a damper on her mood. "That doesn't mean I can't feel embarrassed."

"… Are you embarrassed?"

"No." After I gave my response, I rose from the bed with my body in full view, a T-shirt comfortably hugging my upper body and shorts on my legs. "Anyway, where's Domino?"

"She's in the gaming room playing some… Online games, she said."

Humming in realization, I remembered that after being transferred back to Earth, one of the first things I did was connect to the internet with the applications I had downloaded here. It only cost a few DP, and who was I to deny the glorious thing that was the internet?

Not only was it a treasure trove of information, ranging from the mundane to the necessary, but it also housed one of the best things mankind had ever created.

Online entertainment, whether it be movies, anime, or in Domino's case, gaming.

I checked her gameplay before we slept, since Catalina wasn't all that big on games, and I can say this with pride. She's a goddamn beast.

She can make a seasoned pro competing on an international stage look like a goddamn scrub in her presence. Whether it's incredible mechanical skills like dodging skillshots in MOBAs with precise inputs or inhuman luck like no-scopes in FPS games.

One thing was for sure: I wouldn't want to get on Domino's bad side if we ever fought against one another in a game. Not that I would get on her bad side, though.

That said, she'd already handed my ass to me over and over again when we played some games together.

"Better not disturb her then." I chuckled when I remembered the meme of a mother telling her son to pause the game when there was no built-in pause button. "Anyway, judging from your lewd outfit, I assume she's already had breakfast."

"Yup. Only the two of us are left." Catalina chirped as she hugged my arm with her two breasts, her tail once again snaking around my waist as her cat ears wiggled.

Sighing, I petted the catwoman, and fondled her ears.

"Do you know how cute you look right now?" Giggling slightly, Catalina all but purred at my hand rubbing. "By the way, is it alright for you to be leaving your Dungeon this much?"

"I've already handled everything there, and unless something urgent happens, which it won't since my Dungeon is located in the middle of a forest, I can stay here for a month." Catalina beamed as the words came out of her mouth like a river. "Isn't that great! A month with you!"

Smiling, I patted her head once again as we continued our trek to the dining room, where we had our wholesome breakfast together.

Nothing lewd happened during that time frame.




Dungeon Resident Income:

DP Earned: 25,901

EXP Earned: 12,447

DP: 1,516 => 25,901

Seeing the numbers really hit home how much I'd lost during that raid. Closing the tab, all I could do was look to the future and learn from my mistakes so that they could not happen again.

I'm glad that those living in my Dungeon took it well, what with all of them already having accepted the fact that some of them might die during invasions. But that was par for the course in a world where monsters roamed the lands, seas, and skies.

But at least the people here are taking the threat of Dungeons seriously now that one of the cities has been attacked and has been put on lockdown for the foreseeable future.

"Hey, Jion." Looking over my shoulder, I saw Catalina, now dressed in her normal clothes, twirling a pair of knives in her hands. "I did some scouting of the area outside your Dungeon with my one my skills. Don't give me that look, I was safe inside your Dungeon the whole time. My skill involves my mind being thrown into… what you could say as an astral projection where I can go wherever the hell I want, as long as it is within a few kilometers."

"Hmm… Useful for scouting." My previously narrowed eyes softened into understanding as her words entered my ears. "Though, I would've liked a heads up about that."

"Yes, yes. Anyway, I've learned a lot during my espionage. I know for a fact that you're in the dark about the area around your Dungeon because you're scared of ordering your primates to go and scout it, what with all the technological advancements these humans have. So, I might as well make myself useful while I freeload in your Dungeon."

"… Go on." My curiosity piqued, I continued to listen to Catalina's report.

"First of all, the school you're Dungeon's in has been placed on lockdown, with a rotating squad of sentries placed just outside of the portal. None of them are keen on entering, though."

"I already knew that, but thanks for reminding me. I know the general gist of things, but not the specific kinds, because the news on TV tends to focus more on the overview than on the specifics."

Catalina nodded and continued.

"Next, the city has been continuing as normal, but there are a few… Scratch that, a lot of notable things are happening all around." Catalina frowned slightly, causing my lips to quiver. Was it something bad? Something threatening?

"There have been these humans wearing signs and proclaiming about the end of the world as they parade about on the streets." My tense figure vanished into thin air at her words.

"Okay… Aside from those, what else can you tell me?"

"Yes, this one is more pressing. I have seen an exchange between two humans about your Dungeon. There is also something you should know. Magic exists here." The moment the word "magic" left her mouth, that was the moment I knew a storm was brewing.

"… Well, this is bad." I frowned as my brain racked up countless possibilities about the magic on Earth. "When I lived here, magic was known as a fairytale. As far as the majority of people living on Earth know, magic does not exist. But what you're telling me indicates to me that magic is indeed real on Earth, and we have no idea what kind of magic."

"Yes." Catalina nodded, and I sighed.

"This is going to be a pain in the ass." Leaning back on the seat, I glanced up at the ceiling for an untold amount of time. While I was wandering through my thoughts, a weight placed itself on top of my lap, catching my attention.

Looking at the perpetrator, I saw Catalina with her eyes filled with worry. She then leaned her head on my chest as her tail wrapped around my waist… again…

"You really like wrapping your tail around me."

"It's like wrapping you around my finger, but better." Catalina purred as she rubbed her head on me. Glancing above, I breathed out heavily, before patting the catwoman sitting on my lap.

We stayed like that for a couple of moments, the two of us basking in each other's presence. Deciding to turn on the TV to shift through the news, I caught something that might work in my favor.

"A hurricane has been predicted to pass through Massaware City… It is categorized as a super typhoon, with wind speeds reaching up to 190 miles an hour…"

As I continued to listen, a plan began to form in my head. Massaware was close to the shore. Storm surges could be a thing, and from what the newscasters are saying, there is still a high probability for the typhoon to grow in strength.

Yikes, that's one nasty typhoon.

As it stands, there will be countless amounts of property damage and various casualties, even with the evacuation. The typhoon will land tomorrow, since it's already been broadcast a week ago, and the people had already panic bought even before my Dungeon had arrived.

That begs the question, though, the people parading with signs that the end is coming… Are they idiots?

A storm is brewing, and they're out there saying some doomsday bullshit instead of preparing? What the hell has humanity come to?

I can understand if they're homeless or a street urchin, access to a TV or a radio would be hard for them, but for working adults? Yeah, that's some next level idiocy if I have to think of one.

Anyway, disregarding those thoughts, a grin appeared on my face as a plan continued to grow in my mind.

"Lina, can you hold the fort for a while? I have something to do." Getting off of my lap, the catwoman gave me a smile and I left the house with the TV still on.. 'Time to get Drake.'

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