Reject Humanity, Return To Monke

Chapter 22 - Monke Gets Curbstomped

A/N: Not really a chapter. It's more like a rework of the game system, but with interactions and foreshadowing, cuz I realized that a few more levels, Gorilla MC would be too OP. I don't want OP MC, I want strong MC that can curbstomp weaklings, but get curbstomped by OP villains without proper planning.


While running, I take my time looking at the list of possible Class changes.




So, I only have three options, Tank, I assume is an upgrade to Juggernaut, Maginaut is probably a mix between Mage and Juggernaut, while Elementalist is very obvious.

Warning! You cannot gain EXP without changing Classes!

And there lies my problem. I don't want to waste EXP, so I have to change my Class quickly before we reach any more Goblins or the Goblin Leader. Elementalist is out since my main weapon is my strength and body, Maginaut is probable, but Tank is where it's at.

Since the system won't give me any fucking hints about the description of said classes, I can only assume and guess the effects, and instinct is telling me that Tank is the best option.

I'm a Gorilla, why not make the most of it?

I selected the Tank option with my mind and the changes began taking place, within my status, of course, no shining light or anything emanating from my body.

First, the perks I gained from the Class.

Tank Body – changes VIT multiplier to HP from 10 to 30, passively adds flat 30 base VIT, and allows regeneration while in combat. Regeneration is equal to 0.02% of HP/sec while in combat, and 1%/sec of HP while out of combat.

Immovable Wall – negates incoming damage based on your VIT. Decreases damage received by your total VIT.

Next are the Skills.

Cannon Blow - imbue your attacks with your Health Points. Deal damage equal to 100% of consumed HP.

Rolling Thunder – charges forward, ignoring any attack that would cause immobility and decreases damage received by 75% at the cost of 1% HP per second.

It was at that moment, the world froze. Not as in the ice freezing type, I meant the time stop type. I nervously glanced around, until a familiar ping reached my ears.

[We meet again, player.]

'System?' I asked with my mind without being able to move, since time is stopped and all.

[You can call me whatever you like, however, I'm here to give you some news, which, in my opinion, is very bad for you.]

'What do you mean very bad? Is it an enemy I'm not able to defeat?'

[No, it pertains to the Skills you have. It appears the higher-ups made a mistake with calibrating the skills given to you, thus giving you an incredible increase in status. It would be correct to assume that you are one of the strongest in the world, physically that is.]

Getting a vague idea about what this was all about I try to protest.

'No! Don't you dare nerf me!' I screamed mentally. If I was able to snarl, growl, or move my body, I would've tried to punch the damn text in front of me to the ground.

[Sorry, but the decisions aren't made by me. I'm just the messenger, and you're the recipient who has no other choice but to accept.]

I can imagine the system laughing where it was right now by fucking with me about this incoming nerf.

[Don't worry, it isn't that much of a decrease. We will just overhaul your skills.]

'GODDAMNIT!' I screamed aloud within my head again. This was not a day I was expecting to come. I thought only games geared to a whole community could get patches… Wait…

[Yep, there are others like you, and there is a chance you will meet with them. This is just an action to make sure that when they do meet, it will be on fairgrounds if they put in the effort equally that is. Now then, let's start the nerfing, =)]

'You made a fuckin' emoji! You're enjoying this, aren't you!?'

[Very much, yes.]


I mentally opened my status and my skills and saw it change momentarily. This is how my status looked before the nerf.

Name: Jionni

Age: 0

Gender: Male

Race: Gorilla

Class: Tank

Level: 10

Exp: 145/ 10000

HP: 9460/ 9460

MP: 1092/ 1092

Str: 48 = 197

Vit: 82 = 312

End: 47 = 179

Agi: 35 = 51

Dex: 36 = 67

Int: 27 = 74

Wis: 26 = 72

Cha: 23 = 33

Luc: 1 = 1

This is how it looks like post-patch…

Name: Jionni

Age: 0

Gender: Male

Race: Gorilla

Class: Tank

Level: 10

Exp: 145/ 10000

HP: 5800/ 5800

MP: 1607/ 1607

Str: 48 = 159

Vit: 82 = 182

End: 47 = 147

Agi: 35 = 42

Dex: 36 = 58

Int: 27 = 109

Wis: 26 = 108

Cha: 23 = 30

Luc: 1 = 1

[Instead of your skills granting you bonus percentage stats, it has been changed to bonus flat stats instead. Also, your perks {Tank Body} and {Immovable Wall} will gain an additional effect in accordance with this change.]

'… You just destroyed the reason why I chose Tank in the first place…' I mentally said with growing anger. I chose Tank because it would synergize well with the skills that gave me bonus percentage stats, but now it changed to flat bonuses… 'FUCK! I SHOULD'VE JUST CHOSEN MAGINAUT!'

[Aw, don't be like that, look at the bright side, I got another present for ya! Open it later when alone, you don't want any spectators looking. Anyway, See ya next time!]

You have been gifted [System's Gift] x1. It has been placed in your inventory.

After receiving the gift was the moment time began to move. The shuffling of footsteps, the cries and yells from the Goblins, and the sounds of battle entering my ears once again.

But there was one thing in my mind that was dominating my entire being right now.


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