Reject Humanity, Return To Monke

Chapter 54 - Monke Retaliates

Alright… That's one problem taken care of, but the enemy soldiers are still camping outside my Dungeon. There's no telling when is the next time they'll attack, and how strong they are, so I guess a preemptive attack would do.

But then, that would take away all of the DP I could get if I killed, or imprisoned them inside my Dungeon…

No, too much of a risk. Who cares about DP if I die because I was too greedy…? No, I'll need to strike them now while they're still confused about the happenings within the Dungeon.

"Domino, have a group of gorillas and chimpanzee riders ready for dispatch." I relayed my orders to Domino, who was lying in her hammock with an expressionless smile. "Also, have Gong relay to Merethyl, the awakened elf girl, to try and comfort the **** victims."

For a brief moment, Domino scowled when she heard the name of the elf, but quickly schooled her expression back into its expressionless self.

"Understood…" With that, I cut off the connection and headed towards the wooden fort.


"Alright, everyone gathered?" The group of primates nodded at me, their weapons and shields at the ready.

I counted about twenty heads, ten gorillas, and ten chimpanzees. The gorillas had no armor on, but wielded iron great shields and iron clubs, while the chimps had the armor of the soldiers on with iron spears they looted from the soldiers' corpses.

It's not like they needed them anymore, and hey, they did try to kill me, so I have rights to their lives, as well as their equipment.

"Good," I clapped my hands and nodded, "I'll lead the charge. All of you, follow me, and kill all soldiers wearing the same type of armor the chimps are using."

Oh right, I need to tell Domino I'm going out there myself to see the success of my forces. I don't want her to worry too much.

"Domino, I'm heading out with the group." Once I said that to her over the comms, she quickly frowned and gave me the good 'ol puppy eyes.

"No… Papa stay… Dangerous outside…" She pleaded with me to stay again. She really does care about my well-being.

"It's okay, Domino." I reassured her through the screen, giving her one of my biggest smiles. "As the Dungeon Master, I need to make sure that my Dungeon is secure, and that no threat is able to penetrate its defenses."

"…" Domino stayed silent while I was talking, and suddenly cut off the comms.

'Et tu… Domino…? Nani the fuck…?'

I tried reconnecting the signal, but it wasn't picked up, nor answered by Domino herself. I was nervous. Did she get tired of constantly warning me to stay? To not endanger myself so that the Dungeon stays alive…?

"I'm coming…" Her voice cut me off from those depressing thoughts. I quickly turned my head around so fast, it could give me whiplash, and saw her trying to climb my body with her tiny body. "Papa needs Domino…"

I smiled at that, my previous misgivings sinking into lava.

"On that, Domino, you are totally right." I patted her head then carried her to my back, effectively making her ride me once again.

I swear, if those soldiers decide to target Domino with no hesitation, who was clearly a child, then they will get no mercy.


We were now at the entrance after having traversed the Poison Swamp area. Thankfully, from observing the primates traversing this place, I concluded that those that are connected – like REALLY connected, residents are exempted from this advantage – with the Dungeon will never get poisoned, even with prolonged exposure to said poison.

I wonder if it would work with lava and the cold as well…?

Some things to experiment with later down the line, but right now, my main focus is killing off these soldiers residing in front of my Dungeon.

"All of you, remember, no prisoners." Before we got out and started causing havoc, I reminded the gorillas to ensure that no soldier leave alive from this attack. Domino, who was currently riding on my back with a carefree and expressionless expression on her face, suggested that we take them prisoners for easy DP, but DP right now is secondary. What I need to do is kill them all to ensure that their numbers won't add to the possible subjugation force coming for my head once they get word about their forward unit getting dispatched.

The primates nodded, gripping their weapons and shields tight.

"Papa… Approaching exit…" Domino's voice quieted the group of primates, who were making noise when we were traveling through the Poison Swamp area.

I guess, even with the feature of us not getting poisoned, it still scared them to be near an obviously dangerous area.

I picked up Domino from my back and put her on the ground, garnering a confused look on her face. I smiled and patted her head, before retracting it and going through my inventory to equip the Armor of the Primates.

Once worn, I stood up on my hind legs – I've been practicing, and now I can move like a human again! – and hefted Domino to sit on my shoulders.

She quickly glomped my head with her tiny body, taking a chuckle right out of me.

"Papa… Cool…" She said with stars in her eyes on her otherwise expressionless face.

"I know, I know…"

I then grabbed the iron club I made for myself – which weighed about 50 kilograms – then grabbed a great shield I made during my other off-times – heavier than the club – and smacked them both on the ground, kicking up dust around us due to their weight.

I'll be thanking the system for now, because without that STR stat, I wouldn't have been able to lift the club with ease, much more with the shield.

I did a brief test to coat the club in flames, and succeeded with it, resulting in a flaming club that would put an ordinary man six feet under the ground with half of his face caved in and burned off with just a love tap.

I smirked menacingly, making Domino glomp me harder due to how 'cool' I seemed to be in her eyes.

"Time for a massacre."

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