Reject Humanity, Return To Monke

Chapter 7 - Monke Used Praise, Its Super Effective!

Defense Successful!

Trespassers repelled: 6 = 250 DP each, 150 exp each

Trespassers average level higher than dungeon bonus: 1000 DP, 750 exp

Milestone reached: Defend against higher leveled average trespasser = Additional Room (5 summons)

Free Dungeon Spin Granted!

I looked at the various messages that greeted my sight after the fight. The summons that died, namely Gong and Manny, revived after a light show. Both of them looked disappointed and ashamed of themselves for failing defending the dungeon.

"Gong, Manny, good job on defending our home," I said while the two of them looked at me in confusion. I sighed and opened my mouth, "If it weren't for you two exhausting the trespassers, then I wouldn't have been able to repel them."

The both of them lit up in understanding and raised their heads high. I also congratulated the chimps, which prompted them to celebrate.

I'll have to ramp up security since the difficult defending spiked considerably. If they weren't intimidated and tired from fighting the monkeys, then 100%, I would've died today. I'm not letting that happen. I just got a taste of true freedom ever since my stressful and pathetic past life. I won't give this up.

Just remembering plastering fake smiles on my face all day makes me shiver in dread. Never again…

Since I could open the Dungeon Menu anywhere inside my dungeon, as opposed to just using the Dungeon Core as the catalyst, which I have been doing for the past days since I was stupid, I quickly made a decision to roll then and there.

Spinning… Spinning… Spinning… Silver Prize Awarded!

A silver colored gift box appeared from thin air, surprising the monkeys and grabbing their curiosity afterwards. I opened it and inside, a huge battle-axe the perfect size for Manny to wield laid. I picked it up, then gifted it to Manny. He looked at me with stars and gratitude in his eyes, before accepting it respectfully. He then bared his teeth at me and grunted.

"Boss, this weapon perfect," he said while swinging the axe left and right to get used to its weight and balance. I nodded then opened up the Market tab to buy everyone here armor. Heavy Iron Plate Armor for Gong that covered his entire body costing 750 DP, chainmail for Manny to give him some armor while still making him flexible costing 250 DP, and leather armor for the chimps, costing 25 DP each. I also bought another short sword for the other chimp, Chin, costing an additional 20 DP, bringing my total DP to 2055.

Next, I need to get a new weapon for myself, but DP is valuable, so I should probably make it myself, so I browsed through the Market with the keyword Blacksmith, and tried finding one that suited my tastes. A few catalogs later, and I found it.

Blacksmithing Skillbook – 1500 DP

DP may be valuable, but right now, what I need is to make a weapon that can withstand my current strength, since the giant club I had broke in half after my last attack against the ground when all of the trespassers escaped with the get-out-of-jail free card.

I bought the skillbook and promptly consumed it, another lightshow generating out of my body.

Blacksmithing Skill learned!

Blacksmith – a user with this skill will find it easier, and efficient to craft weapons, armor, and all sorts of things through blacksmithing. They will also create better grade items than those without the blacksmith skill. However, even if a user has this skill, experience is still needed to better utilize the materials needed to craft weapons. Passively increases STR, VIT, and END by 50%, DEX by 40%, and INT and WIS by 25%. Bonuses increases with skill level.

Suddenly, I now know how to use the forge, how to tan leather, even how to hammer weapons into shape, although only theories are stuck in my head. Looks like I'll have to experience blacksmithing so I can improve.

Now all I need is a mine…

I checked the Customization tab and saw that I can add one more room with 5 summons adjacent to this room. Apparently, the Dungeon Core room is a room that will always be 100% the last room of the entire dungeon, so I can't mix up the layouts of the rooms so I can confuse the enemies.

Meh, whatever, now I need a mine.

It costs 250 DP to change room theme from Forest to Mines. Are you sure about your decision?

A prompt greeted me when I wanted create a room and make it into a mine. Weird, maybe it has something to do with what biome I chose first?

Anyway, I agreed and the adjacent room was turned into a cave with various ores located between the walls, and since this is a mine, I summoned 5 gorillas, and bought them pickaxes and headlights, which cost 100 DP in total, bringing my DP to a measly 205. I then instructed them to mine the ores, in which they all saluted and began mining. I also told them to drop it in the Dungeon Core Room so I can began using the materials to craft weapons… But first, I need a forge, and I have no idea how to make one…

I checked the Market and saw a Blacksmithing set for 1000 DP, and with my meager DP, I won't be able to buy one… So how do I go about this…?

From what I found, I get DP when I repel trespassers… Let's test some things shall we…?

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