"Don't worry, we will be safe. From now on, you can be my wife with peace of mind, and I will treat you well."

The man continued to talk, the obsession in his eyes became more and more intense.

At this time, Wang Yue has tiptoed to the roof.

The moment he poked his head out of the door, the steel pipe in his hand swung out, and then hit the air, but nothing happened.

Wang Yue breathed a sigh of relief, and then carefully moved towards the base of the wall. There was a dead corner here, and he was worried that the wanted criminal would ambush him at the corner.

Wang Yue felt his scalp tingle a little, and his heart was about to jump out. Thinking that he was going to face a murderous monster, this made Wang Yue, who had never killed a chicken in his previous life, want to retreat a bit.


Wang Yue looked at the blind spot, and there was no one.

Then he thought about it, and turned directly to a commanding height on the roof, where he could overlook the entire roof.

After looking around, Wang Yue found that there was no one there.

"Could the system information be wrong?"

Wang Yue quickly denied himself this idea.

There should be some details that I haven't noticed.

Thinking of this, Wang Yue looked at the roof carefully again.

"Wait, why is the stone in the reservoir covered?"

Wang Yue was startled and had a guess.

The big rock in the reservoir was usually placed aside, and no one would move it at all, but now it moved so much that it almost covered the exit, leaving only a small gap.

"Most of the wanted criminals are hiding here."

Wang Yue thought for a while, and came up with a brilliant plan. He only needed to go forward and completely cover the exit with the stone, and then call the police. As long as he stood on the stone, the wanted criminal would not be able to get out at all.

"It seems that the system still has a conscience. This situation is simply God helping me."

Wang Yue grimaced.

But at this moment, the sound of the system came.

"Attention the host, the wanted criminal is also holding a hostage. If the dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, the hostage will lose his life."


Wang Yue was quite happy at first, but after hearing what the system said, his mood suddenly changed.

Dare he not only deal with the wanted criminal, but also rescue the hostages?

Wang Yue is not the Holy Mother, but if he causes the hostages to die because of himself, he will feel guilty for the rest of his life.

"The best thing I can do now is to sit on the sidelines and wait for the rabbit. The wanted criminal will always come out from hiding inside. When the time comes, I will directly give him a sap."

Wang Yue has a plan in mind.

So he turned down from this commanding height, and walked towards the reservoir on tiptoe.

Wang Yue planned to hide next to the exit of the cistern, and when the wanted criminal showed his face, he would call him up with a stick.

Everything is going according to plan.

But something went wrong when Wang Yue walked to the reservoir.

That floor tile was cracked due to disrepair!


Wang Yue's feet almost sank, the sound was very loud, the wanted criminal in the reservoir must have heard it.

"What should we do now?"

Wang Yue froze, quickly thinking about countermeasures in his mind.

At this time in the reservoir.

The man's pupils contracted, and he picked up the machete that was put aside, listening intently to the movement outside.

"Woo woo woo..."

The woman who heard the movement began to squirm crazily, but unfortunately her mouth was sealed, and the sound she made was not loud.

"If you move again, I will kill you."

The man looked at the woman with a look of indifference, completely gone from the infatuated look just now.

The woman froze in fright.

"Mom, have you collected the quilt yet? I didn't see my quilt?"

"You didn't tell me earlier, it cost me a waste of time, and this broken floor tile is cracked."

"Okay, okay, don't rush, I'll be back for dinner."

Hearing the voice outside, the man relaxed a little.

The voice sounded like the voice of a young man, probably on the phone.

However, the man still didn't relax his vigilance completely, and he didn't put down the machete in his hand until the sound outside went away.

"I can't stay in this broken place, so I'll move it tonight."

The man muttered to himself.

The glimmer of hope that the woman had just raised was also shattered, and her eyes were ashen.

She didn't dare to imagine what would happen to her next, and every minute she passed now was a torment.

Wang Yue walked back to the stairwell, his back already covered with cold sweat.

"I don't know if I have deceived this wanted criminal."

Wang Yue knew that he could no longer go to the reservoir, otherwise, if there was any disturbance, it might be a failure.

He looked around and changed his mind.

There are a lot of sundries piled up here, if you hide in it, and there are no lights at night, it is easy to sneak attack.

I checked the time, it was already seven o'clock in the evening, but the sky outside was still very bright.

In summer, it usually gets dark late. Generally speaking, it doesn’t get completely dark until eight or nine o’clock.

"If I were a wanted criminal, I would definitely wait until the dead of night before going out for food or escaping."

Wang Yue thought about it, and decided to go back to have a meal first, not to worry her parents.

He hid the steel pipe in the debris pile so that no one would come up and see it and take it away.

When I got home, my parents had already returned.

Pan Huiying was cooking, while Wang Jianguo turned on the TV and was watching "Journey to the West".

"Yaoer is back."

Seeing Wang Yue coming back, Wang Jianguo smiled and said, "Come and watch Journey to the West with your daddy."

"Yo, this is three dozen bone spirits?"

After sitting down, Wang Yue took a look and said.

"Yes, yes, it's exciting."


After watching TV series with his father, Wang Jianguo, and having dinner, Wang Yue said to the two of them, "Mom and Dad, I will go to a classmate's home to make up lessons later, and I may come back later."

"Male classmate or female classmate? Let me tell you Wang Yue, you are now in the third year of high school, don't fall in love early, and get into college well."

Pan Huiying said with a straight face.

"Of course it's a male classmate, don't worry Mom, I'm focused on studying now, not in love."

Wang Yue quickly responded.

But I thought in my heart: "I don't know who waited for me to go to college, and told me to bring my girlfriend back every day, otherwise they would not be allowed to enter the house."

At 8:30 in the evening, it was completely dark, and Wang Yue hurried out.

Then quietly came to the top floor again, and after checking that the cistern was still the same, he returned to the stairwell with peace of mind.

The stairwell was very dark, there was no lighting on the roof, and Wang Yue didn't even play on her mobile phone in order not to expose herself.

After thinking about it, Wang Yue turned off the phone again, so as not to make any trouble at the critical moment.

In the darkness, Wang Yue could only hear the breathing of own and the occasional noise from downstairs.

After waiting like this for two hours, Wang Yue felt like he had almost fed the mosquitoes on the roof.

"Chi Chi..."

At this time, Wang Yue heard the sound of stones rubbing against each other.

"is coming!"

Wang Yue's heart beat wildly again, he grasped the steel pipe tightly, his gaze was like a torch.

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