
Chapter 1502: Bow showdown

Amidst the discussion, Chen Fei and Ma Wuyi standing on the bow of the ship, under the blowing of the night breeze from the Canglang River, their clothes were hunting and hunting, exaggerating a fierce fighting spirit before the war. horse

Wu Yi looked at Chen Fei with a wicked smile on his mouth, and said, "I don't know, you can let me show some strength. I hope I can be stronger and give me some pressure. Otherwise, it would be too boring. Now." Chen

Fei did not answer, but Ma Wuyi responded with a thunderous straight fist.

The straight fist banged out, simple and straightforward, without any fancy moves. But the fist wind driven by the fist, like a cannonball, rushed towards Ma Wu who was more than ten meters away.

Feeling Chen Fei's offensive, Ma Wuyi stood up a bit solemnly, staring at Chen Fei's bombardment of the fist, condensing the vitality of his palm, and snapped it out. Follow

That is, with a "pop", the two Qi Jin collided together. Immediately burst, there was a loud and clear noise, and the aftermath of the vigorous explosion hit the surface of the Canglang River, exploding several meters high waves, amazed the guests on the side of the road.

"Wow, what is this? That's amazing!"

"What happened to the explosion just now?"

They are the first move, so powerful? Ma Wuyi deserves to be Ma Wuyi! "

"In that case, Chen Fei's strength is not bad too! He didn't lose the wind in a confrontation with Ma Wu."

what do you know? Ma Wuyi just moved afterwards, hasn't it moved yet? "


At this moment, on the deck of the Cai family's light boat, Ma Wu looked at Chen Fei with a smile on his mouth, and said, "That trick just now was not bad. It seems that you still have some strength and can let me move a little bit. I am in shape. Not bad, very good!"

"Do you always fight so much nonsense?" Chen Fei snorted, unceremoniously, this time it was another punch.

The fist wind blasted towards Ma Wu again.

As soon as Ma Wu saw this, his eyes were cold, "Just now the trick didn't work, and it was a waste of time to use the same trick."

After that, Ma Wu waved his hand in disdain, slapped a palm casually, preparing to dissolve Chen Fei's offensive as before. but

When the palm wind he photographed collided with Chen Fei's fist wind, Ma Wu was surprised for an instant. Chen Fei's fist wind did not burst like just now, but directly smashed Ma Wuyi's palm wind, and rushed towards Ma Wuyi.

"Played with the means!" Ma Wuyi was stunned, and then reacted, condensing the true essence aura in his lower abdomen, forming a true essence protective shield, preparing to resist Chen Fei's style of fist.

However, when Ma Wuyi felt the strength of this fist wind, his face instantly changed.

The power of this punch completely exceeded his expectations. In the fist wind, mixed with the majestic strength, it instantly smashed Ma Wuyi's true element shield, and then the huge force directly impacted Ma Wuyi's lower abdomen.

Ma Wuyi was knocked out in an instant, and his feet rubbed on the deck, pulling out two deep marks. When he finally approached the railing, his body finally stopped. But at the corner of Ma Wu's mouth, there was already a touch of red blood.

Such a scene really surprised everyone at the scene, including the Cai family.

"Well, how could this happen? Ma Wu suffered a loss."

"Then Chen Fei, is he really that powerful?"

"Why can't I see where that punch is so powerful? Why did Ma Wu be injured in one blow."

"Could it be that things are still going to be reversed. If Chen Fei can win, the Mu Family still has a chance?"


Just when Cai Xiyuan looked at the light boat with a worried look, Ma Wu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stared at Chen Fei with scarlet eyes, and said: "Very good, very good. You succeeded in anger. I am, now, I’m going to be real."

Along with the words, Ma Wuyi's momentum continued to skyrocket. Layers of true vitality aura continuously piled up on Ma Wuyi's body, forming a huge and incomparable true vitality region.

The warrior felt the majesty of this breath, one by one was excited and horrified, full of envy and excitement.

"This, is this the strength of the mid-level prefecture? The momentum is too strong."

Ma Wuyi is not an ordinary mid-level predecessor, but an apprentice of the half-step master, so his strength is too strong. ""

As soon as Ma Wu was about to act real, then Chen Fei was in danger. ""

Now, there is a good show to watch. "...


Ordinary people who don’t know martial arts can’t judge the majesty of Ma Wuyi’s true vitality, but when they see the Cai’s light boat sinking below the waterline at Ma Wu’s foot, and the light boat under the increasingly fierce waters. At that time, I could still feel Ma Wuyi's powerful strength.

At this time, Chen Fei, who was on the opposite side, stood on the Mujia light boat, his expression indifferent, as if he didn't notice Ma Wuyi's power at all.

When the Cai family saw this, a smile appeared at the corner of their mouths, and they looked over towards the Mu family triumphantly. "

Mr. Ma is going to be real, I hope Mr. Chen is strong enough! Otherwise, it would be a pity if he died, after all, he was a good warrior. Haha! ""

Does Mu Family have any hole cards? Take it out as soon as possible, this one must be scrapped. "...


Among the triumphant voices, Zheng Kun was also full of resentment and revenge at this moment. He looked at Mu Qianying and said: "Qianying, didn't you say that your brother Chen is strong and no one is afraid of it? Right now. , What do you think?"

Mu Qianying glared at Zheng Kun. Although there was a worried look in his eyes, he still had a firm gaze and said, "I believe Brother Chen, he will definitely win."

"Victory? Hehe, he can save his life now, which is the greatest victory." Zheng Kun said.

"No matter what you say, I believe in Brother Chen!" Mu Qianying said firmly. see

Zheng Kun's eyes couldn't help but cold, and a look of jealousy flashed in his eyes, then he gritted his teeth and muttered to himself in a low voice: "Mu Qianying, I will make you stubborn for a while. After the defeat of the Chen, You know how stupid your choice is.""

Before, you rejected me. Now, when our Zheng family and Cai family jointly destroy your Mu family, you will still be mine. At that time, I will play with you recklessly and let you see how you pretend to be innocent, a **** in front of me. "

Cai Hai, who was next to Zheng Kun, heard Zheng Kun’s words and smiled and said, "Don’t worry, Shao Zheng, wait until Mu Family is destroyed. At that time, I will strip Mu Qianying naked and send it to Shao Zheng’s bed. You enjoy it.""

Then I would like to thank Hai Shao in advance. "Zheng Kun smiled. Cai

Hai hurriedly said: "Zheng Shao is polite, it is my honor to be able to do things for Zheng Shao."

People looked at each other, then laughed, and then their eyes fell on the Canglang River, waiting for the moment when Ma Wuyi defeated Chen Fei.

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