
Chapter 1613: Admit defeat

Amidst the discussion, the Xing family and the Jiang family looked over here, and they were obviously gloating, and they wished Chen Fei's expressions to languish right away. Correct

Therefore, Chen Fei didn't care. He just looked at Pei Yong on the opposite side and said lightly: "Are you sure you want to compare with me?"

When Pei Yong learned that his opponent was Chen Fei, his immediate reaction was to give up. But under the persuasion and encouragement of family members, he plucked up the courage and stepped onto the ring, ready to face the battle with Chen Fei. this

Come, he thought he still had a certain chance, the defeat of the Dragon Tomb at that time was a special situation.

But at this moment, when Chen Fei spoke, the majestic aura extended and pressed towards Pei Yong. Pei Yong finally swelled up and disappeared in an instant, and there was no willingness to fight at all, "I, I--"

"Don't answer? Well, I'll do it myself, although it's a little troublesome." Chen Fei shook his head, and then stepped out, to do something to Pei Yong.

Pei Yong, who was already trembling, saw the majestic breath and tremendous psychological pressure on Chen Fei after seeing Chen Fei's steps, so that he could no longer bear it, he collapsed immediately, turned and ran out of the ring. I give up, I give up." Such as

This scene really shocked everyone, looking at the center of the ring in surprise, as if they didn't understand what was going on. only

Chen Fei took a sigh of relief and reminded the referee: "The test is over, you can announce the result."

The judge was stunned for a while before he came back to his senses, and quickly said: "The test is over, the winner is No. 33, Zhu's Chen Fei, get one point." Chen

Hearing this, Fei turned and walked back. and

At this time, everyone who was astonished had come back to their senses and started talking.

"What the **** is going on? Pei Yong didn't fight, so he gave up."

"Is there any inside story? Or, the Pei family and the Zhu family have made an appointment to fight a match match together."

Are you joking? You didn't see the attitude of the Pei family to the Zhu family just now, how could it be a fake match. ""

How do you explain this? Pei Yong is also a master in the late stage of the prefecture level anyway. It is too unusual to give up without a fight. "


At that time, Pei Yong, who returned to the family, looked at the surprised and angry Pei family members, and couldn't say anything. Pei

Wei gave Pei Yong a fierce look, and said with disdain: "What did you do, you gave up without a fight. You really lost my Pei family."

Okay, don't talk about it. Yong'er, take a good rest, and you will have another chance to compete next time. Strive for good performance. "Pei Handong said.

On the other side, Zhu Yunkong was still a little unbelievable until Chen Fei returned to his position. He didn't expect the Zhu family to score a point so smoothly. Follow

Later, the ring battle continued, and it was about to be Zhu Ling's turn to play against Pei Wei. The opposite Pei Wei was eager to try, with a look of revenge on his face. Zhu

Ling lowered her head, her face clearly tense.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei walked to Zhu Ling and said to her: "Don't be nervous, wait for Pei Wei, don't do anything, just surrender."

"Ah, surrender directly. But—" Zhu Ling looked at Chen Fei, her expression a little puzzled. Chen

Fei Dao: "Pei Wei's strength has reached the late prefecture level, and his strength is even better than Pei Yong, even in the third-rate hidden gate. You are now against her, there is almost no chance of winning."

"So, the best option at the moment. That is, you directly admit defeat, keep your body in shape, and prepare for the defeat in the loser group."

After hearing the words, Zhu Ling thought for a while, then looked at her father Zhu Yunkong, with a questioning look on her face.

Zhu Yunkong nodded and said, "Ling'er, you can listen to Mr. Chen's instructions!" Zhu

Upon hearing this, Ling looked at Chen Fei, nodded and said, "Brother Chen Fei, then I will surrender directly."

Chen Fei nodded, then took out a pill and handed it to Zhu Ling, saying: "Wait for the loser group to start. If you feel unsure of defeating your opponent, you will eat this pill."

This is—"Zhu Ling looked at the pill in Chen Fei's hand with a questioning expression on her face.

The hidden families are all martial arts families, and they are naturally involved in medicine and alchemy. In the various competitions, the use of stimulating drugs to forcibly stimulate and enhance the strength has not happened.

However, drugs that can significantly enhance strength basically have strong side effects, which can damage the body and cultivation of the martial artist, and may even destroy the foundation of cultivation. Coupled with the severe blow by the Presbyterian Church, it is very rare to take medicine in the competition.

Therefore, Zhu Ling is so surprised at this moment.

Chen Fei understood her thoughts, smiled, and explained: "Don't worry, this is not a banned drug. It is just a kind of medicine that I refined to warm the blood and stimulate the true essence. There will be no side effects."

The pill was originally refined by Chen Fei to assist the martial artist in healing and training. Now, for Zhu Ling to use in the arena competition, it also has a certain stimulating effect. Of course, the effect of stimulating and strengthening can't be compared with those banned pills that damage the foundation, but it's not bad. although

Although I don't know how Chen Fei made this pill, Zhu Ling trusted Chen Fei very much, nodded, and then collected the pill. very

Hurry, it's Zhu Ling and Pei Wei's turn. two

People stood on the ring, Pei Wei looked at Zhu Ling with strange eyes, and said: "Zhu Ling, originally, you are my woman, I don't want to hurt you. But your father doesn't know what is good or bad, then don't blame me for being polite Up." Smell

That said, Zhu Ling couldn't help but darken her face, her expression a little nervous. Pei

Wei became more proud and stared at Zhu Ling: "Little beauty, don't be nervous. You are the woman I like. I will only defeat you, not kill you. After all, I am still waiting to marry you when I am a child. Concubine!"

"You--" Zhu Ling bit her lip and glared at Pei Wei angrily.

"I like the look in your eyes, and I will conquer you well when the time comes. I like that kind of taste the most." Pei Wei licked his tongue with a greedy expression on his face.

Immediately, the referee announced the start of the competition.

"Beauty, I'm here." Pei Wei smiled, and rushed towards Zhu Ling with a move. he

At this moment, he deliberately aroused a good sense of vitality, and put on a chic posture. On the one hand, I wanted to show off my powerful strength, and on the other hand, I wanted to save the face that the Pei family had just lost. Do not

Before, I didn't wait for Pei Wei to attack. Almost as soon as Zhu Ling announced the start, she immediately retreated and left the ring, and directly declared her defeat.

As a result, Pei Wei couldn't help but feel like he had eaten a dead mouse. Although he won, he was very uncomfortable, his face was gloomy, and he gave a cold snort, then turned around and went back.

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