
Chapter 1655: Custom shop

Five hundred thousand yen is almost equivalent to 30,000 yuan. Obviously, the girl named Xiaowan couldn't come up with so much money, she looked anxious, looked at the long-haired photographer Guo Hang for help, and said, "Guo Hang, help me, I—"

Hearing this, Guo Hang spread his hands and said, "Xiaowan, I have no money. This—" Wen

Yan, the girl named Xiaowan almost cried and looked at Guo Hangdao, "But you ordered the sake. You also drank it. You have to pay with me."

Guo Hang's expression suddenly became cold when he heard this, "Xiaowan, you can't say that really well. When you entered the store just now, but you said, today is a treat. Why do you want me to pay again now!"

"That's because I didn't expect it to be so expensive, I didn't—" Xiao Wan really cried out.

The cross-flesh man immediately yelled again, "Why cry? You don't have to pay back when you cry! Hurry up and get the money."

Next, Xiao Wan was so frightened that she burst into tears.

At this time, Guo Hang and the cross-cutting man exchanged glances, and Guo Hang immediately leaned in, and said softly to Xiaowan, "Xiaowan, in fact, it's not impossible." Xiaowan.

Hearing this, it seemed that he had grasped the last straw, and asked quickly: "Guo Hang, what can I do?" Guo

Channel: "My friend started a film and television company. He usually shoots some photo films and the like, but now he lacks an actor. If you agree, not only the wine money is easy to handle, but there is also a pay for the film."

"This, making a movie, this--" In the faint, Xiao Wan had already noticed something. Guo

Hang continued: "Xiaowan, don't worry, the company is formally registered, very regular, you have nothing to worry about. Besides, I will accompany you."

"But—" Xiaowan still didn't want to let go.

At this time, the cross-cutting man screamed and said angrily: "Guo Hang, I have given you face and gave her a chance. If you don't seize the opportunity, then forget it, take the money to pay the bill!"

This, I have no money, I—" Xiao Wan's face suddenly darkened upon hearing the payment.

Guo Hang hurriedly said: "Xiaowan, in this way, you can first look at the contract. The treatment is very good, and then you can decide if it is good."

"That's it, let me take a look!" Xiao Wan had no idea at the moment, and was followed by Guo Hang. Follow

That is, someone brought the contract and put it in front of Xiaowan. Guo

Hang Shua Lala turned to the page of benefits, pointed to the amount on it, and said to Xiaowan: "Look, it's one million yen for a movie. For you, a newcomer, the price is pretty good. You Spend a day or two to make a film. Not only will you have the money to pay the bill, you can also make a fortune. Of course, if you want to continue filming, you have a chance."

Seeing the number of one million, Xiao Wan was a little confused by the impact. Before he knew it, Guo Hang stuffed the signature pen into her hand and urged: "Xiaowan, sign it. If you miss this opportunity, there will be no chance in the future. Hurry up—"

In a daze, Xiao Wan was almost about to sign. But at this moment, she saw the lines on the first few pages of the contract, among which the words "adult film" were particularly conspicuous. instant

Suddenly, the confused Xiaowan woke up. Even if she is stupid, she understands now. This so-called film and television company, the so-called movie, should be the famous small movie of the island country.

If it weren't for that kind of movie, how could Xiaowan, a foreigner and a newcomer, be accepted by a local company in the island country to make a movie. small

Even if Wan Wan is a bit vain, she also knows that this kind of movie can't be made, otherwise, it will be ruined in her life.

As if being burned to the point, Xiao Wan dropped the signature pen in her hand, "I won't sign, I won't make this movie, I won't make it."

Upon seeing this, Guo Hang quickly persuaded: "Xiaowan, are you real? A great opportunity, if you miss it, there will be no next time. You—"

"Guo Hang, you're still lying to me. This is that kind of movie, do you think I don't know? You liar, you are a group, you let me go." Xiaowan got up and wanted to leave.

Guo Hang originally wanted to take advantage of Xiaowan's daze and fear, and even coaxed her to sign the contract, but he didn't expect that she would see through it at a critical moment. pause

At that time, Guo Hang didn't hide it, his eyes sank, and he said coldly: "Qin Xiaowan, you have to understand your current situation. If you don't make a movie, then work as a waiter in the cowboy shop and serve the customers and pay the bill."

When Xiao Wan heard this, her face suddenly panicked. When she came in, she knew what this custom shop was for, and the waiters here naturally did that kind of thing. This is almost the same as making adult movies, and she naturally doesn't want to.

"Let me go, let me go. Otherwise, I'll call the police." Xiaowan struggled.

Upon seeing this, Guo Hang shook his head, and then glanced at the cross-cutting man. The Hengrou man immediately stood up, looked at Xiaowan, and said solemnly: "If you don't pay the money, then stay in the shop to work and pay the debt."

Come, take her down and put on work clothes. Then it will be delivered to private room No. 3 to serve the guests there. "

"Yes!" Soon, two burly black bodyguards walked out and were about to take Xiao Wan away. "

No, no, let me go, let me go quickly. "Xiao Wan yelled in fright, but facing the two brawny men, her struggle was obviously useless.


At this moment, a stern shout suddenly sounded, and the thunderous shout sounded like thunder, shaking everyone in the room, their heads were a little confused, and they were stunned for a while.

The meaty man who was the first to recover, turned his head and looked at the source of the sound. Then he found two young men, a man and a woman, walking towards this side, and suddenly asked, "Who are you?"

Just when the meaty man asked, Guo Hang, who turned his head at this time, also saw the two of them, his expressions were startled, and he said, "It's you!"

"Guo Hang, do you know them?" The cross-cutting man asked.

"I came on the same plane as me, from the same tour group." Guo Hang said.

Hearing this, the wild meat man was relieved. He didn't think there was any threat from the two of them, and said: "This is not a place for you to be nosy, leave immediately, I can treat it as if it hasn't happened."

However, the wild meat man just finished speaking. Guo Hang hurriedly pulled his clothes, pointed at Huang Qian next to Chen Fei, blinked and said, "Look at that girl. If it can be brought to our company to make a movie, it will definitely be hot."

When the meaty man saw Huang Qian, his eyes suddenly brightened, his face was full of excitement, and he rubbed his hands and said, "Yes, superb, superb! This kind of round-faced kawaii cutie is similar, but it is very popular in island countries. Let her shoot a cosplay adult version of a famous anime, which is definitely a big hit."

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