
Chapter 1667: News from the investigation team

Yokoyama Shimura nodded and said, "Since Takeuchi, the old president, announced Lisa’s granddaughter a few years ago, Master Uchida fell in love with Miss Lisa at first sight. Over the past few years, Lisa has been expressing his affection both overtly and secretly. The lady hasn't responded much."

"And Mr. Chen, you and Miss Lisa are so close, and you went directly into Miss Lisa's room just now. Master Uchida was irritated, so he did that kind of thing. I apologize to him."

When Chen Fei heard the words, he somewhat understood Uchida's dissatisfaction with him. However, understanding belongs to understanding, but Uchida's insults and disdain towards him seem to be unexplainable by being jealous. Do not

However, anyway, Shimura Yokoyama came to apologize, and Chen Fei nodded his head to express understanding, "I have listened to your explanation." Li

After opening, Chen Fei spent the next day busy preparing the antidote for poison. Although the materials needed for the antidote are precious and difficult to obtain, with the strength of the Baqi Society, it is not too difficult. do

After learning about the medicine, Chen Fei directly prepared a batch of antidote, gave it to Lisa, and distributed it to the important backbone of the Baqi Society, so that they could carry it with them. If they encounter accidental poisoning, they will immediately take the medicine to detoxify.

After preparing the medicine, Chen Fei is considering whether to contact Huang Qian and others to ask about the progress of the investigation. Lisa brought good news to Chen Fei. Of

Earlier, Chen Fei asked Lisa to help with the investigation, but now he has clues.

This Ota Kametomo is the head of the Sakamoto branch of the Yakikai. He is a little younger than Narumi Uchida and Taketo Akao, and his strength is slightly weaker than them. However, he also has a prefecture-level pinnacle realm. He is considered the backbone of the Yakikai. One out. Of

When the former Lisa and the others fought against Akao Kento, they had thought of drawing this Ota Kame friend to join their side. but

This guy is also slick and hasn't made a clear statement. Instead, he took the opportunity to walk between the two sides, taking advantage of both sides, and he has strengthened his Hancheng Hachikikai branch a lot.

However, after Lisa sent someone to investigate secretly, she was surprised to find out. This Ota Kameyou left Hancheng yesterday, arrived at Shimakyo today, and went directly to Akao Kento's house.

This behavior is almost equivalent to Ota Kameyou showing that he has taken refuge in Akao. listen

Chen Fei was also a little surprised at this news. Ota Kameyou took refuge in Akao Kento, and he is still at Akao's home. It would be a little troublesome if he went to look for him now.

Just as Chen Fei was considering how to deal with Datian Guiyou's affairs, suddenly his mobile phone rang and an encrypted text message was sent.

When Chen Fei saw the message, Huang Qian had sent it, and the content of the text message surprised Chen Fei. Huang Qian and his party also came to the island.

Thinking of this, Chen Fei immediately called Huang Qian and contacted her, "Huang Qian, why are you here in Daojing?" Huang

Akane said: "Mr. Chen, we came to Shimakyo after following the clues of Ota Kameyou."

"You are tracking the Daejeon Tortoise friend. He is now in the Akao family. You can't continue to track it!" Chen Fei said in surprise.

On the other end of the phone, Huang Qian was even more surprised, "Mr. Chen, how did you know that Friends Datian has arrived at the Akao family?"

Didn’t you know that before, I’m friends with Lisa from the Baqi Club, so I just— okay, don’t talk about me. The Akao family is not easy to deal with, so don't act rashly. "Chen Fei hurriedly said.

Huang Qian's tone was low when he heard the words, "We have learned the strength of the Akao family."

What's the matter, you guys are up against them? "Chen Fei was a little worried.

Huang Qian said: "We followed Datian Guiyou all the way to see him entering a manor. We wanted to sneak in and see if we could find any useful clues. As a result, we were discovered before we got close to the manor. There are many masters, chasing us down. We finally escaped."

"Escaped, are you okay?" Chen Fei asked. yellow

Qian said: "I'm fine, but Boss Hu and Captain Zhao are injured, and they are a little serious."

What, hurt. "Chen Fei paused, then said, "Then, you tell me your current address, and I will check it out." "

"This—" Huang Qian hesitated a little, and then sent Chen Fei an address. Have

After reaching the address, Chen Fei bid farewell to Lisa, left the Baqihui headquarters manor, and went to the place where Huang Qian and them were alone. yellow

Qian and the others took advantage of their previous identities as tourists and found a small private hotel to live in. Chen

When Fei arrived at the hotel, I saw Huang Qian standing at the door welcoming him, with some gauze on her face, and her wounds that were hidden under her clothes but were betrayed by strange actions. All of them were exposed to Chen Fei's eyes. "

How could it hurt like this? What level of attack did you encounter at that time? "Chen Fei couldn't help but be concerned.

Huang Qian squeezed out a smile and waved her hand: "It's okay, it's all small injuries, it looks scary." Although

Although she said so, it was just a simple turning movement that caused Huang Qian's mouth to twitch, revealing a painful color.

Upon seeing this, Chen Fei couldn't help but feel deep in his heart. It seems that Huang Qian and the others suffered more serious injuries than they said on the phone.

Without asking much, he helped Huang Qian into the hotel room. Chen Fei immediately pressed her on the bed and lay down, then directly lifted her clothes and started to check the wound and healed.

At the beginning, Huang Qian was a little embarrassed, and her body twisted uncomfortably. But seeing Chen Fei's serious eyes, he slowly calmed down.

After half an hour, Chen Fei took care of all the injuries on Huang Qian's body. These wounds are not as nothing as she said. The sharp-edged incisions several centimeters deep almost hurt the bones.

Chen Fei's medical skills are good. After some treatment, Huang Qian's wounds have healed a lot, especially her physical feelings, which made her feel a lot easier, and she will never grin in pain because of walking. Place

After healed Huang Qian's injury, Chen Fei went to other people's rooms and treated them separately.

Zhao Zhenfei's attendant had similar injuries to Huang Qian, most of which were skin injuries, not too serious. Half an hour later, the injury was settled. and

The remaining Hu Yu and Zhao Zhenfei were really hurt.

There were more than 20 large and small sharp-edged wounds on the two of them, and the ligaments and bones in some places were broken. Not only was the skin and flesh wounds so severe, but the two of them also suffered a lot of impact in terms of internal injuries.

Zhao Zhenfei took a hit in the abdomen, which directly caused stomach bleeding. Hu Yu was even more miserable. He suffered a heavy blow from the opponent's master. All his internal organs were injured, and he could not move while lying on the bed.

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